Would you rather?

in would •  6 years ago 
  1. get Fridays off or get Mondays off? - I don't work, so I don't have much of an opinion on this one. I have always liked having Fridays off though, when I did work.

  2. find true love or 10 million dollars? - True love. Being lonely is the worst.

  3. lose half your hair or lose half your hearing? - Definitely half my hair. I could make it work.

  4. be poor and work at a job you love or be rich and work at a job you hate? - be poor and work at a job I love, as long as my family is taken care of. If I was so poor that I couldn't support my family, I would sacrifice having a job I love for a better paying job.

  5. go without the internet or a car for a month? - Car. I have gone without a car a majority of my life so its not that huge of a deal to go without for a month. I'd be pretty lost without internet.

  6. have to sit all day or stand all day? - Sit. Standing is already hard enough for me.

  7. dump someone else or be the person getting dumped? - Be dumped. I hate hurting others. I would be able to live with me being hurt a lot more than someone else being hurt.

  8. drink a cup of spoiled milk or pee your pants in public? - Oh man. Those are both terrible. I would have to go with the pants peeing in public. I don't care as much about what strangers think.

  9. have your flight delayed by 8 hours or lose your luggage? - Flight delayed for sure. I can be patient when I need to be. Losing my luggage would suck.

  10. be in your pajamas all day or in a suit all day? - Pajamas for sure. What a silly question.

  11. have a missing finger or have an extra toe? - Extra toe. Easier to hide and wouldn't make things too much harder as a finger missing would.

  12. never use the internet again or never watch TV again? - Never watch TV again. I could always watch internet videos. I would miss it, though.

  13. be invisible or have super speed? - Those both sound pretty awesome. I think I'd go with super speed. I think I could help a lot of people and get things done faster that I don't like doing.

14.have an extra hour every day or have $40 given to you free and clear every day? - I think this depends on where I'm at in life. Right now, I would take the $40. However, if I was in a good financial situation I'd probably take the hour. And use it to sleep. xP

  1. have a photographic memory or be able to forget anything you wanted? - As much as I have memories that I don't like to think about, my experiences have made me who I am today. I would choose photographic memory.

  2. able to lie without being caught or always be able to tell when someone is lying? - Always be able to tell when someone is lying. I am already pretty decent at telling when someone is lying and believe its a good skill to have. I don't like liars, I don't like lying. I don't want to lie, getting caught or not.

  3. be a clown that distracts the bull or the bull rider on the bull? - Being the bull rider sounds way more fun.

  4. be known as a drug dealer or be known as a liar? - This one is difficult. I wouldn't really want to be either but I suppose I'd rather deal drugs than have no one be able to trust me.

  5. eat only KFC for a month or eat only Taco Bell for a year? - KFC for a month. I love KFC and though I might get tired of it after a week or so, I'd get horribly tired of Taco Bell after a year. Not to mention the destruction it would do on my stomach.

  6. be your favorite video game character or be your favorite movie character? - I don't really have a favorite of either one, but I am a big fan of Animal Crossing. I think it would be fun to be an Animal Crossing character.

  7. run 26 miles or swim 5 miles? - I physically cannot do either one, but swimming 5 miles sounds more enjoyable.

  8. hold your pee all day or go pee every 5 minutes? - I drink a lot. I'm always thirsty. So holding it in all day wouldn't work out well. I could do every 5 minutes but I would have to stay home all day.

  9. be a famous rapper or be a notorious mobster? - Famous rapper for sure. I'm not one for criminal activity, especially when it comes to hurting other people.

  10. be eaten by a zombie or be burnt at the stake? - Whichever would kill me faster :P

  11. never drink soda again or never eat pizza again? I'd have to go with never eating pizza again. As much as I love pizza, I love pop more.

  12. see everything blurry or see everything in black and white? - I'd have to choose black and white. If I couldn't see the faces of those I loved, I think it would be really sad.

  13. be stuck in a room with dead bodies or eat 5 spiders - Are they dead spiders? :P I think I'd eat the spiders.

  14. be deaf and have no legs or be blind with no arms - I'll go with blind with no arms. Both sound horrible but I think it would be way harder to communicate, and be safe without hearing. I would be sad if I couldn't talk to my son ever again. I would be sad if I couldn't see him again too but I think it wouldn't be as bad as not being able to tell him I love him and hear it back.


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