Goodbye to WPA2 Hello WPA3 Wifi Standard

in wpa2 •  7 years ago 

Coming soon!

As the world recovers from the WPA2 hack and taken a huge step taken backwards in security wifi from the Kraken last year. We can ring in 2018 with the new WPA3!

Today the WifFi Alliance announced the new wifi standard to come early this years as we all anticipate the WPA3 Wifi protocol. The first draft will soon be published soon. The community is wondering what WPA3 protocal features will be. Here is some insight on what is to come soon:

WPA3 features expected in the new protocol

The alliance announced the following features to expect when the new protocol standard is released. The first feature will be protection from brute-force attacks. There will be a feature set in place to block WiFi authentifications fail after serveral attempts to login. This feature is common to web and software systems but now we will see this integrated in wifi networks.

The second feature I am anticipating is the ability to use nearby WiFi-enabled devices as a config for other devices. I am looking forward toward using this feature to control all my IOT devices in the building.

Feature number 3 and 4 will be related to encryption within the Wifi WPA3. One of these new features will use encryption for each individual device. We will see these new features released and launched later this year in 2018. The 4th feature will be an improved cryptographic standard called a "192-bit security suite" this will be used with organizations that need high end tighter security. I can see government organizations such as NSA and CIA interested in these details.

The alliance is working as quick as possible to get the new protocol out to the general public and for commerical use. It will be at least into the third or 4th quarter before we can start purchasing these new devices that support the new protocol. Look out for the new WPA3 in your local area soon!

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