All great artists need tools to help create their art, and writers are no exception. One of the tools that I started using for 2013 National Novel Writing Month or NaNoWriMo was Scrivener. This is more than just a word processing tool. You can do so much more with it. Since 2013 I have been using it exclusively for all my writing, from this article and all other articles as well as my stories.
Some of the things that I love about it is that you only have to pay for it once, any improvements that happen are then automatically updated. When I was using it for NaNoWriMo it helped in telling me how many words I had written. It also has a split screen feature that comes in handy when you are writing, especially when writing a novel. I tend to find it very helpful to have a character sheet up while I am writing my story. That way I can make sure that I don’t change a character’s eye or hair color mid stories. Then there are the templates that can help you organize yourself. I created my own character sheet that I add to all my projects. In the corkboard feature, I am able to move something or just take a quick glance at a chapter, which is great for outlining your story out too. hen I am using it for writing articles like for Steemit, I have it organized so I can see what I have still to work on and what I have already posted.
There is an app at the Apple app store that you can now get so that you can write wherever you are. The app and the computer program all work with Dropbox so that you can write and not worry about your work syncing up. So you can quickly move from one to the other. I have a PC and an IPad that I use constantly for writing, this is why it’s such a great tool for me.
I couldn’t help but share it with all of you. Now don’t think that I am saying you can’t use something else with your writing because I’m not. It is just what works for me and I find it very helpful. Below I have put links to buy Scrivener and to learn more about it. I hope that it helps you with your writing.
Find out more about Scrivener and can help you at these locations:
(Picture from: novelize.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/articles/1000/scrivener.jpg)