A quick rant.

in writing •  6 years ago 

I guess I'm not genuinely trying to help others, I'm just doing it for attention... I made a post a while back about how many people are posting so much on social media for ego attention and someone flipped it on me.

Thank you for insinuating to me what my motivations and intentions are after reading that post.

I didn't realize I was spending so much of my life looking for attention instead of truly trying to help others! Maybe now I can follow my dreams and go become a cast member of the show Jersey Shore. I wonder if Jerry Springer still has a show? I should go get on that show. I need attention so bad...

To be fair.. I do want attention in ways like I think virtually everyone does. However, the key distinction here is that I'm trying to get attention on serious issues that harm others or all of us in the world with the bulk of my efforts.
Where as the people I was criticizing probably NEVER do that at all or at the least spend the bulk of their efforts on showcasing their own ego.

The difference between wanting to have more attention put on serious issues in the world that are harming others/us all over individual egos is significant in my opinion.

For ONE.. It's this.. "Narcissistic" attitude of self glorification as the almost end all be all absolute of human endeavors that is one of the largest sicknesses on the world that is causing so many of these problems and is one of the main reasons I'm speaking out in the first place.

And let's get this straight.. If I do have to try to get more well known or dare I say "famous" in order for these important messages to reach more ears in the world.. Then so be it.

I'm willing to pay that price in order to get the message out, but don't confuse yourself or me with all the assholes who set out with a goal to basically sell their souls for wealth and fame from the beginning.

I'm doing the opposite of that, those things are all by products or a part of the process to get important messages out, not the other way around.

I've enjoyed remaining in the "shadows" most of my life and not being the center of attention.
I'm the guy who spent most his life alone, when I go to the bar or whatever I usually just find a corner to stand in, I don't run around trying to be the center of attention.
To be straight forward.. I don't like being around most people. I don't want their attention. I prefer to be alone.

I'm not doing this because I want your attention like most people seem to want attention on social media, I'm doing this because victims all around the world desperately need your attention and so many of you are too fucking lost in your own happiness to give a fuck. I reluctantly move out of the shadows into the light, knowing it could even possibly be fatal for my life.

You think I wanted to spend much of my life doing this? Trying to resist corruption and immorality in the world? No. I would rather do what you're doing. Just getting by and having fun. Except.. I can't, when everything is so messed up. My spirit compels me to try to help.. And I don't know why it doesn't compel so many of you. Billions of you just don't even seem to care much at all.

Seems like your TV shows and sports games and video games and movies and concerts and parties and all that was more important than giving back to those less fortunate, those who are surviving on almost nothing every day around the world, those who are being bombed and slaughtered and on and on and on..

If you look around you see so many people smiling wide taking thousands of selfies and laughing and so happy living like royalty basically, but.. They would not be like that if they lived somewhere else less fortunate in the world..

And they don't seem to realize that they are in a position to help others who are less fortunate in the world, or maybe they do.. And just choose not to.

That's great you're fucking happy and having a wonderful life! GOOD FOR YOU. How about you share a little bit of that with so much of the rest of the world which is pain and suffering and dying?

I've been doing a much better job recently of not cursing and using peaceful language and not being terribly bothered by the state of the world, but.. It keeps bubbling up. I lost control today, said fuck numerous times.. Got angry. I'm not perfect. Sorry if you don't like the reflection you see at times. I mean well.

PS.. Just to be clear. I post about my life sometimes and personal things and selfies and what music I listen to and things like that, I'm not saying that's bad or wrong.
What I'm saying is.. I wish I saw more of a balance from so many others I see on social media where they almost only post about themselves.. I wish I saw more people trying to help others..

I've scrolled through so many pages and so many people literally are all about themselves and it just bothers me... I mean.. I know we all have the freedom to do what we want with our lives and that includes not helping others, I'm not trying to force anyone and if people don't wanna help that's fine..

Yet.. It's just so extremely disheartening and absurd sometimes and it's to the point where we might even extinct our own species cause the masses are so lost in their own reflection that we are sort of committing mass suicide by drowning in our own collective egotistical image.

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We live in a social world, so to me it is about interacting as we give attention to others and they give it back. I really find this is normal. But of course ego can get away on us but it is only a matter of being aware and keeping it in check. It is all about learning and growing and not taking on other people's negative comments. What they do is their karma and how we reply is our karma. I like your posts @apolymask.

If everyone who could make even the smallest contribution to helping at least one other person (not even person per se) - that would make a whole world of difference. Just doing the right thing and letting people see that (to set an example and plant a seed of good thought) is already a big deal, especially if you can have a good time along the way

Ah yes, when you can't ignore them it's best to let it out like this. Whoever this person is, I hope they read this.

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