Ah life, what an interesting trek.
Lately, it is feeling like a big shipwreck.
So much confusion among former friends,
many just moving on because
they know that life is a big clusterfuck,
but maybe believing just a current trend?
I really don't want to know the truth,
so many say, nothing I can do about it anyway.
I don't want to hear your words anymore,
because you just bring me down and
make me snore.
Your angst and your truthiness makes me puke,
so it is really easy to send you my rebuke,
because everything you say is a lie and dismay,
and I'm not interested in anything you say.
Finding that loving and truth seeking
no longer seem cohesive, but since when?
Old enough to remember when, not perfect,
but not with hateful mind control wreaking.
Oh well.