Two Killer Main Writers |

in writing •  8 years ago  (edited)

Two Killer Main Writers |

In fact, the two principal assassins of this author also became the main killers in other professions. Both are lazy and bored. However, in the activity of writing and reading the disease works faster because the situation and conditions are supportive, as if the colony of cockroaches that breed rapidly in a rotten ditch.

In some other professions, this disease can be dealt with together so that the virus does not develop quickly. However, in the world of authorship, an author or still a potential writer, must face alone. The role of others as a motivator does exist, but the percentage is very small. The author works in solitude, contemplating in solitude. Being a human room, as the writer of Seno Gumira Ajidarma—a writer from Indonesia—said.

Although working in the midst of a hubbub, say in a cafe full of people, a writer keeps himself in his heart and mind. He can indeed share stories with others, both orally and in writing. But when the story proceeds, it flows from his heart and mind into a writing, commanded by his brain and moved by his fingers, letter by letter into word, word for word into sentence, sentence by sentence into paragraph, and paragraph by paragraph into whole writing, Are in solitude. If he fails to drown in his writing, if he faces many obstacles, then boredom will easily come.

Lazy and tired of working together killing motivation, killing spirit, killing hearts and minds. They can attack anyone, anytime, and anywhere. This killer can attack a professional writer, a great writer, though then wrap it in terms that seem sweeter, like the exhaustion of creativity. That is also what the writer Ahmad Tohari said after completing the legendary book of Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk.

Really Ahmad Tohari experiencing creativity exhaustion after giving birth to masterpiece? Or indeed he lost the motivation to write because he was satisfied with the great work, or if he did experience the exhaustion of creativity, he wanted to rest from writing activities. But then he finds himself enjoying a long break from writing activity so as not to give birth to a book in the next few years. He was stuck in his rest. Not doing anything in the long term.

If a great writer like Ahmad Tohari experienced it, let alone us a new short write in Steemit which is less than 10 pages. How about if we've got a good photo but then confused to write a story about what with the photos. The text of the photos alone is lazy, bored, let alone writing chunks, hundreds of pages? Is not that a fertile field for seeds lazy and bored?
There is no specific strategy against boredom and lethargy. As I mentioned above, he can attack anyone, any profession, anywhere, and anytime. Formula a writer in building the character kepenulisannya, not necessarily suitable for other writers. Each author has their own tips that they develop after going through the process of trial and error of tens-even hundreds of times in authorship activities. Hence, many suggestions mention, find your own formula!

How to find it?

Authoring manuals, based on my experience, do help a lot. However, it is Steemians' friends who can help themselves in the end. This paper is not much help, just share the experience and describe the choices that can be made friends Steemians. Ultimately, we are the best motivators for ourselves.

Below I have a few things to do with the two principal killers of the author and some tips that I summarize, either based on my own experience or the experience of other co-authors based on what I read or I discussed.

Kaver Judul Sudirman.jpg

1. Humane
Lazy and bored is the human nature that humans have. So do not condemn yourself as lazy and bored. Sometimes, a diligent person becomes discouraged because of the constraints that come from themselves (internal) or others or the environment (external). I prefer to use the term "lackluster" than "lazy" to motivate myself.

If we are lazy, then we are not always in such situations. Similarly, if you are bored, then we are not always in such condition. The situation will change.

Well, professional writers can control and can master the lazy and bored. Meanwhile, prospective writers let bored and lazy to control them. There's a difference. Do not get lost in the sense of laziness and bored prolonged so that one post not completed in one day (but only one page only). As long as friends remain consistent and have the spirit of writing, bored and lazy will pass. If they we parake parasites, "bored" and "lazy" will also be bored dwelling in the diligent people.

2. Know yourself
Every human being has a different character so the tips for one writer in confronting the two killers, not necessarily suitable for other writers. Each person's endurance is different. Lazy and bored attacks also have different effects for short, medium, or long term.

Occasionally, a Steemians are just lazy for an hour or two just so it takes a break. However, another Steemians had a two-day break not yet finished writing. Effective medicine for one person is not necessarily efficacious for others even though the disease is the same. This is not a matter of taste, but a basic trait.

Only we know best of ourselves. If anyone does not know, recognize yourself. What we are like, how our constancy faces challenges, what we like and we hate.

In banishing bored and lazy too. For a person who is bored quickly, perhaps writing long is not a fun job. Just writing a title and a paragraph just getting bored, how to finish a book that is 100 pages long. Have to deal with the condition, for example by writing fast despite a lot of mistakes, or write in a fun place, or write about a topic that we like.

In short, there's always a choice!

There is also a lazy edit after writing. There is always a solution. For example, ask the help of other Steemians for editing. Or just post and the community will correct later (though this is not recommended because when a lot of mistakes then others have been lazy to read it).

3. Do activities outside writing
Writing or reading continuously for a long period of time without stopping, can cause boredom and laziness. All work is also like that. Ronaldo also needs activities beyond football practice. He can not practice 16 hours a day even though his main job is football.

There are the Steemians who remember with Lothar Matthaeus? He was the captain of the German team in the 1990s and once brought the world championship in 1990. When a reporter asked if he did not get tired of continuing football practice, he mentioned the boredom must exist. When it comes, he does something that is not related to football, ie washing dishes. That's the way he banishes boredom. Though washing dishes have nothing to do with football and will not affect his skills dribling of ball.

The Japanese writer Haruki Murakami provides eight hours a day to write. Another sixteen hours are used for other activities that have nothing to do with writing. Time management, that's the key.

I also feel bored in writing, especially when I'm too tired, both physically and mentally. Many other things I do, but most often are exercising or kicking the ball into the wall. At home I have a ball that I often use to just juggling the ball a few minutes. Then I went back to the writing. The other thing I do is read and watch movies, or joke with the kids. After boredom and laziness subsided, I returned to the writing.

Do the interlude in accordance with their respective hobbies. There may be Steemians who like to sing, no trouble singing, karaoke, to kill the killer; Bored and lazy. Or just a stroll in the fresh air. If Murakami, every morning after writing always jogging, then write again. Many things can be done besides writing, as long as not after leaving the writing, then left for good because it is not continued.

4. Paying or sitting once?
Each person also differs in the pattern of completing a single post. There are people who when writing must be done on the spot. Because if writing sheet by sheet, then he can not go back to writing. So, a writing should be completed in one sitting.

For the writing of books, of course can not be like that. However, to post two or three pages in Steemit, still can. In fact, writing a story can still be in one sitting.

Determine whether we want to write long or short? If you want to write a book, of course must get used to writing in installments. Well, there is one tip from the American writer, Ernest Hemingway, suggesting to stop writing when there are still many who want to be written. Do not spend it all on that day. Stop when the "tension" in the writing culminates, so tomorrow we already know where to start. There is no harm in trying these tips. If it fits, apply. If it does not fit, find the tips of your best friend Steemians.

5. Create an outline
I've posted about the importance of writing outlines in a post. In general, outlines or frameworks are needed for long posts so we have a guide, not getting lost in the middle of the road. When confused about what to write, the spirit can decrease. Lazy and boss attack. By making an outline, we've tried to avoid coming lazy and bored.

More about outline reads in link:

6. Change the methodology
We find the authorship methodology of continuous development. Sometimes, the methodology we do not necessarily match our characteristics and the situation at that time. Perhaps there is a friend of Steemians in completing a writing should collect the material first including the photo and finish right then. However, at that time there were other activities that could not be abandoned. So, our habit of writing one post in one sitting can not always be seen. If you only stick with one method, then it is not flexible when the situation changes.

This writing methodology also applies in many ways. That is, we have to open with various variants so as not to get bogged down in boredom. Writing is indeed a monotonous activity, but by changing the methodology will alleviate boredom.

7. Change the atmosphere
Where is comfortable writing? In a quiet room in the middle of the night silent without any sound? Or in a cool room? In a noisy coffee shop, or where and how?

It also concerns each characteristic. Some people can not write in the crowd because it is difficult to concentrate. There is also no problem with the ambiance of the atmosphere around like the author @ masriadi who can resolve the opinion "heavy" in a crowded coffee shop. People who talk and laugh loudly around him do not interfere with the concentration @ masriadi because he is immersed in his own world, the world of thought and imagination.

Monotonous atmosphere at home can also lead to boredom and laziness. If you usually write in the room with a wall facing, try occasionally swapping positions with the window. Or can also write on the outdoor patio filled with flowers. That's what I do. In the evening I write a room facing a wall. But if morning and afternoon, I write on the side porch. If eyes are tired, I often throw a glance at the page to refresh my eyes with the trees and green flowers.

I also often write by listening to songs that I like or setting instrumental music for relaxation to stimulate creativity and passion. But do not get sleepy because the music is too relaxed. In essence, Steemians must create their own comfortable atmosphere for writing.

8. The right time
I have said before that every writer has a different habit. The Turkish writer Orhan Pamuk, more comfortable writing midnight, Murakami and Tony Morisson always sleep fast and get up quickly to write. We find the right time and fit after wrestling the writing world consistently.

Well, what if there is no time to write because there are other jobs? Do not assume you have no time because all have the same time, ie 24 hours. If a Barack Obama who was president of the United States alone still have time to write, cook us not?

Our way of thinking should be changed. Instead of looking for free time to write, but take the time to write. If you can not get eight hours a day like Murakami, one hour a day can still, which is important to write every day.

9. Do not delay
Do not be the Pullman. Once put off writing, then get stuck in the habit of delaying. I have experienced it twice and I regret until now because of big loss. I regret also because I failed to learn because two similar occasions I did.

Many say, journalists or authors will quickly complete a thesis or thesis. That's wrong. Writing is no big deal for journalists, but it does not guarantee that the script will be finished soon.

I completed my thesis almost two years. It was almost incomplete if the Dean of the Faculty of Economics Malikussaleh University (Indonesia) did not send two warning letters I will drop out not do not immediately complete the thesis. This threat made me work hard to finish my thesis and finally graduated in 2008 from what should be 2004.

Similar incidents recurred when lecturing at the Graduate Program in Management Sciences (PPIM) at the Faculty of Economics and Business University of Malikussaleh. As the first batch of 2010, I should have finished my thesis in 2012.

However, I delayed and delayed the excuse of many other jobs and it was true. But, if you want to be a little disciplined and spend an hour a day completing research and thesis, I can finish the latest in 2013 and still can pass cum laude. However, since it was only completed in January 2015, I can not get the cum laude predicate because it has exceeded the deadline. I ran research and thesis also after getting warning letter. Finally, twice my loss of age and cost loss. And of course many other losses follow-up.

Do not ever postpone writing because we never know later, tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow what happened. The Japanese never postpone the job because completing the job at that time also means avoiding one obstacle.

Do not write later or tomorrow. Write this moment. Tomorrow another job is waiting. As the saying goes; If one deserves to be postponed, then it is delayed doing delay.

10. Sports
Sports activities circulate blood throughout the body, including the supply of oxygen to the brain. Exercise is able to dispel lazy and bored in writing, except in any exercise we are lazy.

Sports here are not limited to long-time activities such as jogging or gowes bikes, but can also dispel boredom with short sports like sit ups, push-ups, and stretching so the muscles bend. Rigid muscles will flex back again so eagerly continue writing.

On the sidelines of long writing, I sometimes do sit ups with various variants of movement. Indeed, the stomach is not up to sixpack, but distended was not even 45-year-old.

11. Love writing jobs
Do not make writing as a burden. Whatever our job, no matter how much we love it can be solved. Steemians must love reading and writing activities in order to enjoy them. We have fun writing, not otherwise getting the burden of writing. All the burden will feel light if you do it with love.

Some say, the most fun job is a paid hobby. Find passion in writing. If passion and love we have found, even though there is no upvote post, or our writing is rejected editorial, we do not break the charcoal and will continue to write and read. Keep reading and writing.

12. Target with the timeline
Let me focus more on writing, create targets and lines of time. The target must be clear and rational. For example, create two posts per day with a minimum length of two pages and two photographs.

Timeline is a timeline that contains activities per day or per week or per specific time. Say, today must be completed a chapter of writing with a particular topic. Make a firm timeline and try to do the best you can not break it. Indeed there is no sanction if it violates, but we are the ones who will bear the loss.

When I finished the novel of 389 KM Traces of Guerrilla Sudirman, I made the target of writing one chapter one day. At first I thought the target was burdensome. But after I do it there are fulfilled, although some are not. But at least, I already have a target time of completion of the novel and finally it is completed according to the target.

With the target and the line of time, then no time is wasted. We already know what we will write today, tomorrow, and the next day.

13. Write on, read on
Nothing is instant in writing. We will not be good at writing just by reading a writing manual. Writing skills also require constant practice. The practice is only two; Ie writing and reading and reading. These two activities can not be separated from each other. Both need each other. We are grateful for Steemit as our media to hone writing while getting adequate rewards. There are other Steemians who can correct each other to hone our writing to become more lustrous and nutritious.

Make writing as a lifestyle and necessity. Just like eating rice that can be three times a day but we never get bored because it has become a staple food. That's how it is written. Make it a major activity even though Steemians have other professions. May the words "lazy" and "bored" disappear from the vocabulary of our authorship activities.[]


Please my apologies if this translation make you confused. However, I'm sure you can understand the substance.

Thanks so much:


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