Karnaval perayaan hari kemerdekaan RI ke 73

in writing •  7 years ago 

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Ada banyak cara dapat dilakukan untuk memeriahkan hari ulang tahun kemerdekaan pada setiap negara di dunia yang pernah terjajah oleh negara lain salah satunya yaitu Indonesia. Di Indonesia untuk memperingati hari lepasnya bangsa ini dari cengkraman tangan penjajah dirayakan dengan meriah.

There are many ways you can do to enliven the anniversary of independence in every country in the world that has been colonized by another country, one of which is Indonesia. In Indonesia to commemorate the release of this nation from the hands of the invaders celebrated with great fanfare.


Berbagai jenis perlombaan di diperlombakan oleh pemerintah daerah untuk lebih menyemarakkan hari ulang tahun kemerdekaan ini. Ada lomba gerak jalan, sepeda hias, perlombaan baju daerah dan seragam militer. Dan yang paling miris menurut saya adalah perlombaan pakaian dayak. Disini masyarakat menunjukkan perhatian khusus terlebih orang tua siswa yang melihatnya. Mereka sampai menarik anaknya untuk dibawa pulang karena merasa kasihan.

Various types of competitions were competed by the local government to further enliven this independence anniversary. There are walking competitions, ornamental bicycles, regional clothes competitions and military uniforms. And the most sad thing in my opinion is a dayak clothing race. Here the community shows special attention especially the parents of students who see it. They pulled their children to take home because they felt sorry.



Hampir tiga jam jalan kecamatan dibuat macet total akibat dilalui oleh para siswa dan guru yang mengikuti acara karnaval.

Nearly three hours the subdistrict road was completely jammed due to being passed by students and teachers who attended carnival events.


Acara ini berlangsung sangat meriah dan sangat tertib. Walau ada beberapa insiden yang terjadi namun tidak menyurutkan niat para siswa terus berlomba.

This event took place very lively and very orderly. Although there were several incidents that occurred but did not discourage students from continuing to race.


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