What Writers Can Learn from Christopher Nolan

in writing •  7 years ago 

I stumbled across this during my lunch break today. It is NOT my video, but I think the narrator absolutely nails some of the most important parts of writing; not just for the film industry, but for stories in general as well.

Christopher Nolan has done some unbelievably great story-telling over the years (even if you didn't care for his movies). His narratives are heavily layered, complex, and yet still retain some level of humanness to them, which is why I really dig the majority of his stuff.

I'm not one to fanboy over the guy (I certainly haven't liked everything he's done), but when compared to other writer/directors who may have good ideas, but cannot consistently pull them off (I'm looking at you, M. Night Shamalamadingdong), it's an impressive oeuvre worth revisiting by anyone serious about writing purely from a technical standpoint.

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I've really appreciated Batman's saga , both stories construction and characters development!

i thought Nolan did a PHENOMENAL job of removing the campiness of Burton's vision while retaining the seriousness. not only that, the stories for each movie were really nicely interwoven and complicated, which made for great viewing (at least for me).

this new batman, however...just...ugh. it's awful.

I haven't watched it yet!