I Am Feeling Much Relaxed Now And Planning To Listen To Our Church's Private Prayer Meeting Via YouTube

in writing •  5 years ago 

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The sleep fairy finally visited me today this early morning and after a full night of not being able to sleep I had some I would say a satisfactory rest for that matter. Yes the Gabapentin had worked well.

I was taking a third of the 600 mg tablet almost every after dialysis but not immediately after because the remnants of the effects of the caffeine would not allow me to get some shut-eye. So I would wait a bit sometimes a few hours after my post dialysis meal so that I would absorb gabapentin in my gut much better.

Right now I am feeling much relaxed and I might be able to sleep maybe later in the night. I just have to not drink much Coffee which i am taking once in a while in a thinned-out form. I guess that I must buy a decaffeinated coffee because I really much like the flavor and not the effects sometimes especially during my meals as it helps me swallow my food so that I can be able to finish-up my food.

This hot afternoon my plan is to listen to our online Prayer Meeting service, our church is not taking any chances because of the CoViD so they just decided to contact every member via the assigned worker from the church and give each and everyone a private youtube link so that we can at least listen to the word of God within the safety of our homes.

That is the plan today and nothing much except to write down all my thoughts here in this platform because this is just what I do and enjoy doing everyday and also earn a bit as well for my medical and other essential needs. May God bless you all my friends all around the world.

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