Big and wet stretching to the horizon...

in writing •  8 years ago 

I was watching the latest video on the post made by the @andrarchy feed and it made me think again about those big wet areas. That post has a mystery of where he may have been taken by the kidnappers. Short video. You should check it out if you have a chance.



That video of his shows a lot of water. I don't know that I've ever seen that much water before. I've seen it in videos, and in images. Yet personally the closest to water content I have seen is The Great Salt Lake. This is a body of water in Utah that has nowhere near the level of activity we are seeing in this @andrarchy video.

I do not consider myself an expert on water. I drink it. I do have places I think have the best tasting water I've ever tasted high in the mountains of Colorado. The water has a cleanness and unique quality that I've only experienced as it is sourced from the high mountain streams and rivers.


It certainly does not have the plastic overtones that you might find in a bottle of Evian. Have you ever read the name of that brand of water backwards? Perhaps that is the secret reason they named the water what they did.


I've been to amusement places and places like Water World yet those chlorine laced pools look very different from the water in the @andrarchy video.


I've seen these videos and images of places called Oceans and Seas. Yet I've never stood on the shores of one. I have not confirmed with my own eyes that they are real.

To the people out there that say the world is flat, or that the moon landings were a myth. I could say the same about the oceans as I have never perceived one with my own eyes.

I've stood on the shores of an impressive virtual ocean as seen in games like Dragon Age: Inquisition. Yet I have not seen one in reality.

I've landed lunar modules on the moon in a game.

To me the simple question is this "Is the amount of water around that @andrarchy location real?" It is highly probable and I am not a "The oceans don't exist" conspiracy theorist. Some day I might actually see one.

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  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I can personally vouch for the oceans' existence at the beaches and coasts of Wales, Cornwall, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, northern France, Holland, Germany, Mallorca, Sicily, Yogoslavia (Croatia) and Greece. Description: lots of water making up a huge portion of the horizon, up to 360° if on a boat or far enough away from the coast. Huge waves, salty taste, comes and goes as it pleases in some regions (Germany's north coast especially). Good stuff and extremely beautiful as long as it stays where it belongs.

You could have made up those places. I've only heard of them in stories. Why not say Middle Earth, or Valhalla while you are at it? chuckle

You and your crazy appeals to authority. /s

The Great Salt Lake and the salt flats around it are an interesting place. I've never been swimming in it. I might have to give that a try the next time I visit Utah. I think there are still swimming beaches. ​

Heh... I have if you can call it that. It smells, and is such a high salt content that you mostly just float. Doesn't feel like swimming at all.

Oceans don't exist. You may however experience the presence of on in the present when your universe intersects with that of the ocean. For both are vast minds of great consciousness filled with (amazing) water!

Wow I must truly be Evian. :p thanks for the response.

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