in writing •  7 years ago 


Abuse of person or persons is a physical or verbal maltreatment on someone. Abuse can come in different forms such as;

1.) VERBAL ABUSE: These occurs when one uses words and body language to inappropriately criticize another person, it usually involves calling of names intended to make the victim feel they are not worthy of love or respect and that they do not have the ability or talent.

2.) PSYCHOLOGICAL ABUSE: It can also be called mentally abuse or emotional abuse. It occurs when one person controls information available to another person so as to manipulate the persons sense of reality. What is acceptable and not acceptable. Psychological abuse may occur when one victim is forced to watch another been abused in some fashion (verbally, emotionally, physically or sexually.) It is not recognized as abuse early on and can result in serious psychological after effects later on.

3.) PHYSICAL ABUSE: Can occur when one uses physical pain or threat of physical force to intimidate another person. It involves simple slaps or push, beating, kicking, punching, hair pulling, scratching etc. These normally leads to hospitalization and it can cause death to the abused.

4.) SEXUAL ABUSE: It includes any sort of unwanted sexual contact perpetrated on a victim by an abuser. Molestation, inappropriate touching(with or without intercourse) and partner or date rape are all instances of sexual abuse.

5.) NEGLECT: It occurs when a person fails to provide the basic needs of one or more dependant victims he or she is responsible for. Basic needs include: adequate and appropriate food, shelter, clothing, hygiene and love or care.

My purpose of writing this article or piece is because of the way women are been abused physically and sexually. Though children are been abused too. But they are not my main focus now. Maybe in my next post about abuse i will discuss them. Lets talk about women abuse (physical abuse) for now.

I have heard many stories about how our men physically abuse there wives. It is appauling and it touches my heart as a man because i know how it feels to be abused. Sometimes i wonder if the abusers enjoys these act of abusing. After reading a story of a young woman who just got married last year(2017) on how the husband physically abuse her(beating, punching, etc.), i decided to write this piece to our ladies both married and unmarried, abuse and unabused and to the abusers so that i will tell them more about ABUSE.

This lady said that her husband beats her almost everyday, mostly at night after coming back from drinking with friends. "He will come back at night drunk, for know reason he will start shouting at me, and if i want to defend myself he will just slap me and before i know it he has already bounced on me", she said. She was asked, why she didn't divorce her husband or separate from him, she said, "i really love my husband despite the fact that he beats me almost everyday, the beating has become part of me and i don't want leave him".

When such happens in a family, what do you expect of your children? Believe me, they will follow the footsteps of their father, most especially the boys, am saying this to those who already have children.

Dear abuser, what do you derive from beating up your wife, punching on her face? Does it give you ? Do you feel happy when you see your wife crying because of you? Or do you feel happy when she's crying and pleading for you to stop? How do you feel when you see the bruises on the face of your beautiful wife's skin as a result of your wicked act?


I wonder if you guys do have conscience, why not be a man and take care of your wife, they meant to be specially taken care of and not to be maltreated. If can't take good care of her, why not remain single forever. A man that lays his finger on a lady is tagged as a fool, to me i call them cowards. If you feel that you are man enough why not come out on the street and fight your fellow man.

And to you the abused, what are you still doing with him or is it because if love as the woman i told you guys about said? Do you want him to kill you before you realise that you guys are not made to be together. This abusers are very cunny, one thing with them is that they have sweet mouth and knows how to beg for forgiveness, they will tell you that they will change for good, that they will do this do that, don't listen to them, they say it just to keep you back. A man that claims to love his woman will never lay his finger on her, dear abused, better pack your belongings and run for your dear life before its late. Just make up your mind and don't listen to his pleas and promises because once a beast is already a beast.

And to our beautiful young ladies that are yet to marry, don't rush into marriage because of love, study the kind of man you are with before accepting his proposal.




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