Comfort eating!

in writing •  7 years ago 

Hello guys... Welcome to my blog. This is not fiction but about me. I have watched myself steadily as I set goals, sometimes I surpass to my delight and at times epic fails to my disappointment.

Weight loss is one of those things that constantly had me worried or happy. I have never been a slim girl but as I got older, I grew conscious. This did not happen cus all my siblings were on d slim or of average weight but cus society made me worry. I went to the university and almost lost my self esteem cus slim girls were in vogue. When I look back now, maturity was the one thing I lacked at that point. Getting into the university at a young age, messed with my mind.
Age they say is not maturity but thankfully with each new age came my maturity.

Long story short, I decided that loving myself was the only option. I embraced my weight, my body, my curves, my everything. The decision to lose weight came at a rather awkward time and was purely medical. I was not obese but I had to be healthy.
I have been on and off the wagon and not where I wanna be but am definitely not where I was before.

Hmmmm...... What prompted this post sef? Oh.... I remember, my long throat took me to Dominos pizza around past 8. I should not be eating past 6pm let alone a carb concentrated meal like pizza. At times like this I feel bad but then I cannot come and 'kee' myself.
Come join me guys..... I saved some for you. Xoxo


What is a pizza without ice cream? Yassss.... I went all out.


Be beautiful your own way

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Thanks.its to appreciate oneself the way we are.nice one

We don't have a choice. Thanks for reading