Now we are recording history
the history of the corona virus malignancy that has affected human life throughout the world
Weaken the joints of life on all fronts
sluggish economy, many factories cut off employee employment, production stopped
if you count how many trillion global economic losses,
who suffered greatly, of course, the small traders, how he did not suffer, the traders who used to hang out at school, various snacks for children, in recent months he suffered greatly because of school holidays.
The teachers did not do much, online learning was ineffective, although some teachers had Wifi, but not all students had Android phones, due to the economic limitations of the students' parents, even though they already had an Android phone, they certainly had to have quota / credit, in difficult circumstances economics, of course, parents prefer students to buy necessities of life, rather than buying credit.
The Indonesian government has sacrificed a lot for its people, various cash assistance has been and is ongoing, from the village government, each villager gets 20 kg of rice and Rp. 150,000, but only once in the month of Ramadan or in May this year, direct cash assistance from the village government for the Poor category, for direct cash assistance from the central government or from the regional government with a total of Rp.600,000, the target is not right, because the able citizens in villages also have a share.
To this day the government has not established a normal life, although there are some regions that have established a normal life.
Then until when will the school be back to normal?
Tranlate Indonesia
Kini kita sedang mencatat sejarah
sejarah keganasan virus corona yang mempengaruhi kehidupan manusia di seluruh dunia
Melemahkan sendi kehidupan pada semua lini
perekonomian lesu, banyak pabrik memutuskan hubungan kerja karyawannya, produksi terhenti
kalau dihitung berapa trilyun kerugian perekonomian global,
yang sangat menderita tentu para pedagang kecil, bagaimana ia tidak menderita, pedagang yang biasa mangkal disekolah, berbagai jajanan anak-anak , beberapa bulan ini ia sangat menderita karena sekolah libur.
Para guru tidak banyak berbuat, pembelajaran online ternyata tidak efektif, walau sebagian guru memiliki Wifi, namun tidak semua murid memiliki Hp android, karena keterbatasan perekonomian orang tua siswa, walau sudah memiliki Hp Android, tentu harus memiliki kuota/pulsa, dalam keadaan sedang sulit ekonomi, tentunya orang tua siswa lebih mengutamakan membeli kebutuhan hidup, dari pada membeli pulsa.
Pemerintah Indonesia telah banyak berkorban untuk rakyatnya, berbagai bantuan tunai telah dan sedang berlangsung, dari pemerintahan desa , setiap warga desa mendapat bantuan 20 Kg beras dan uang sebanyak Rp. 150.000 , namun hanya sekali di bulan Ramadhan atau bulan Mei tahun ini, bantuan langsung tunai dari pemerintah desa ini untuk kategori Miskin, untuk bantuan langsung tunai dari pemerintah pusat atau dari pemerintah Daerah dengan jumlah Rp.600.000, sasarannya kurang tepat, karena warga mampu di desa-desa juga mendapat bagian .
Sampai hari ini pemerintah belum menetapkan kehidupan normal , walau ada beberapa Daerah yg telah menetapkan kehidupan normal.
Lalu sampai kapan sekolah akan masuk kembali normal?