Toxic people How to deal with them?

in writing •  7 years ago 


There are people in your life who are able to control your emotions, destroy your self-esteem and even ruin your dreams so we will call these people "Toxic People". These people are unconsciously affecting your life and your development, so it is very important that you learn first to identify them and then minimize the influences they have on your mind, since detoxification depends only on you.

Your mind is a sponge absorbs all the elements that surround it and no matter how strong you are if your life is surrounded by people who feed you with negative thoughts, anger, frustration and fears, your mind ends up intoxicating and this considerably reduces your quality of life. lifetime. Toxic people are affecting you more than you can imagine and the worst thing is that you are limiting your potential to develop yourself personally, but the good news is that you can eradicate the effect that these people have on you and detoxify you, you have the ability to control the people you want to be with you on this trip.

Generally the toxic people who hurt you the most are the people closest to you, so take a few moments to define which person or persons within your circulation of relationships can be intoxicating.

First of all not always toxic people are bad by nature, they are only people who have been damaged in a certain way in their life. If a person expresses with negative comments and thoughts, these come from a difficult past and this type of people, unconsciously, do not know how to express that frustration and anger rather than insults, mockery and aggression, so you should not take it personally.


Empathy and compassion are the tools you can develop psychologically to put on a gas mask that filters out the toxins that make these people wrong. Toxic people are cataloged as follows:

• He puts blame, is the people who take every opportunity to spread guilt around him for fear of taking their responsibilities acts, these people spend the blame on others.

• The envious, this is the person who spends his time watching his neighbor's house, his friend's car, the money of his acquaintances, these people feel uncomfortable to observe and point to themselves and for a feeling of inferiority, since they prefer to observe the lives of others instead of living theirs.

• The disqualifier, these people spend judging and criticizing since their low self-esteem forces them to lower others, is not good enough and there is no concept of gratitude. Beware of these people who can less value you and destroy the trust you have in you.

• The verbal aggressive, this is an insecure person and with many fears his unconsciousness makes him react practically like an animal. Verbal attacks are the same as the beats of a dog that feels insecure and afraid, so have compassion and do not believe anything they tell you they are just venting in the best way they know how to do.

• The false, this person lacks his own identity because of fear or insecurity has not formed a sense of individuality, so he will always be pretending to be someone else. If you have a strong identity these people will criticize you because you are different, weird or strange, remember that it is your own fear that is speaking.

• The psychopath, these people were so hurt in the past that they do not feel any remorse at being aggressive, manipulative or treacherous. These people lost the sense of differentiating good from evil because they are unable to feel positive emotions that lead them to a healthier life.

• The mediocre, these people are addicted to comfort in an unhealthy way they are so afraid of getting out of their bubble that they prefer to lock themselves in their rooms than to go out and look for their dreams. These people will try to convince you to go the safe way, to hold on to what you have and not to have hope for the future.

• The gossipers, these people lack confidence in themselves and their own experiences, because they have no other topic of conversation other than pointing a finger at other people. Most of the gossipers are like that because their life is so empty that gossip is the only way they can communicate with other people, since their topics of interest are only talking about other people.

• The authoritarian boss, this is the typical boss who has such a complicated life that he relents with his employees, being in a position of authority and power, the authoritarian boss takes advantage of this to denigrate, harass and repress his employees with the excuse to achieve results.

• The neurotic, these people want to have control of everything and things are perfectly fine and are never satisfied with the results. These people are trapped in a world of perfectionism created by their insecurities where everything is wrong; they live in a constant state of doubts and anguish so it is difficult to connect with them, they can not thank what they have because they literally do not see it and they are not able to observe what is wrong.

• The manipulator, these people are mowed by their objectives, their life is mowed up inside they do not care who they have to manipulate to get what they want, they feel great satisfaction and they will use you when they want and they will discard you when you no longer serve them, since his vision is to use others to cover his own needs.

• The proud, these people are overwhelmed by their ego, certain insecurity makes them cling to their vision, these people are afraid to admit their mistakes and grant the reason to someone else. These people lack an open mind to see beyond their own ignorance of those who are right, always want to be right, although from time to time it is evident that they are wrong.

• The complainant, these people do not know how to deal with their emotions so they repress them in the form of a complaint. The complaint is the simplest way to admit that you are not where you want to be, but this form becomes annoying after a while, although the complaint is a way of relief is very toxic and takes you down a path of regret and doubt.


Toxic people can be everywhere, but there are definitely some that cause much more damage. In the end you choose what kind of person you want in your life, if you think a toxic person is doing a lot of harm and you can not deal with it in any way, there is a simple solution that thinks this person is like a cancer. What are you doing? , you take a scalpel and remove it from yourself and although the solution looks simple it is not easy because many times those toxic people contribute value in your life, it brings sentimental value, financial value or material value and you do not want to lose that value, so what You have to do is develop a plan to generate that value without having to depend on that person and then gather the courage to eliminate it from your life, if you look good you will realize that there are a thousand different ways in which you can get those values without having that continue to poison your mind.

To summarize, there are two different ways to deal with toxic people, the first is to have compassion and not fall into their game, if they annoy you or assault you do not get involved either sentimentally, emotionally, or verbally, if you get involved it becomes a conflict of having who can more and end up intoxicating you too. The second way is to see what value that person brings you, find another way to get that same value and finally get that person out of your life completely.

In the end you have the ability to decide how intoxicated you want to be. The cure is in your hands and you have to take the responsibility to get away from the people who are intoxicating you. So you have to be more selective with the people around you since to form a fuller life so that you do not have to support anyone and make people independent of your need, beware this does not mean that you become a hermit, It means that nobody has to take responsibility for your peace of mind more than yourself. The people around you will become a complement to your happiness and not the reason for it, that is the key to having a successful detoxification.

¡¡¡Thank you for reading!!!

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Thank you! It's so hard to realise sometimes where toxicity comes from.... And how much we are responsible for it as well... I believe we all might have treats or attitudes that might match one or more types of toxicity... And to recognise it in ourselves is the first step to stop blaming others for our own feelings...
I'm all up for taking responsibility and look at our shit... And at the end of the day, if we surround ourself with toxic people, it's something we do to ourselves... At the moment I'm blaming myself for not feeling "right' around someone, so I'll try to look out for what is causing the feeling..
Thank you so much for your insight! Inspiring and useful!

Thank you...