Trump Rally Met With Massive Protests Here in Duluth!!!

in writing •  7 years ago  (edited)

Well! Yesterday was SO AMAZING! The energy was electrifying and the majority of what we heard and saw was so positive and uplifting!

Official counts put the protesters that were in our group at 1,500 people. There were several other groups with different objectives (though all were protesting) throughout Duluth.

I chose to take my trio to the group that had expressed a clear objective to keep it a safe space ahead of time. All creeds, colors and orientations welcome with strong advice toward non-violence.

The perfect group for us!


While the trio and I were headed to Amsoil we got caught up with a group of Anarchists that invited us to come along with them. And all I can say is thank goodness we did.

By the time we made it to the Civic Center with our helpful Anarchists, we were screamed at, spit at, and called all sorts of names. My three were the only kids while we traveled, so anyone targeting them with their taunts were immediately put back in their place.

Back at Amsoil only about a dozen people had stayed while the protest rallies were going on. Those dozen people eventually broke down under the abuse from the Trump supporters and had to be escorted out of the area by police for their own safety.


At the protest rally we attended there were speakers. The one that resonated with me the most drove home the point that here in Duluth, we are not like those that came for Trump.

We are positive and accepting. We are one. They reminded any from out of town that we have values to uphold and reminded yet again to remain civil. Pointing out that the children and elders in the crowd could not run as fast as anyone that might cause trouble.

This was my view of our group.


My trio, overlooking the crowd and listening to the speakers.


With a chant of "WE ARE ONE!" we made our way out of the Civic Center and down the road. We were greeted enthusiastically by the people of Duluth. A crowd of folks stood outside of one of the sky scrapers to cheer us on and the sound of cars supporting us with blaring horns was awesome!

My trio and I were somewhere in the middle of the march. When I stepped out of line I could not see the front, and I could not see the back. Such a strong show of anger and togetherness against one man.


We chanted, we met like minded people. Inari even led one of the chants, a hundred people following his lead that was soon taken up by the whole march. "Hey Hey! Ho Ho! Donald Trump has got to go!"

That was a fun moment for him! The march wound it's way toward Amsoil and it started to get loud. Lots and lots of Trump supporters were out there. They had a lot to say.

I heard a lot of "What are you teaching your children?!" The crowd around us would shout back "DEMOCRACY! COMPASSION! UNALIENABLE RIGHTS!"

I saw some violence. A small group of white men wearing their red hats infiltrated and one of them punched a woman in the face. Another man shoved his finger in a different woman's face, disliking her sign about children in cages. His face contorted in rage.

A man grabbed my arm and tried to stop me from continuing along the planned and legally permitted march route to let traffic go. Like hell I was going to let myself and my children get separated from the safety we had in our numbers!!!

For the most part, it was peaceful. Though the police were obviously not going to arrest any Trump supporters for their violence, only 2 arrests made.


At this point, a woman had grabbed a 17-year-old Antifa member and shoved him into the street.

Four squad cars showed up and they demanded to know what the boy had "done to the woman". Better believe those cops were shouted down. There were three videos from three angles of that woman attacking him.

They left the kid alone, but they did nothing to the woman that assaulted him.

But we the protesters were the "triggered snowflakes".

We saw this cool bus. #noline3 #waterislife


And after the march we headed to the lake to cool off and enjoy some peace and calm before heading to the Soulstice (spelled that way intentionally) Celibration to once again reaffirm that in Duluth, we do not tolerate hate. Here in Duluth, we are one.


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Very brave of you all, bravo!!! 💚💛💙💜

I agree with @phoenixwren here. And, glad it was relatively safe. Nevermind my closetedness, but 'trump supporters' WTH. What the actual hell. Smh.