-What is this light that blinds me? -
It was Frank's first thought when he got up, and then his gaze fell on the wall just to his right and he realized that the source of his initial discomfort was coming from the open window, days ago he would have cursed his wife Edna for so serious neglect that he might have caused one of the frequent fits of coughing to which he had become accustomed.
-Edna, I'm going to shower and go to the store! -
Frank yelled as he jumped up from his bed, leaned out of the window and went out to the large bathroom that was outside his room, without even turning to check the bedside table to the left of his bed where he kept his medications, avoiding enter his private bathroom that so many bad memories brought him.
Just when he was getting ready to undress and shower, he remembered how unpleasant it was to have a bath at that time, he always preferred to go to the store first, spend an hour or two talking with Ramón, his manager, and then return and start his daily routine. , although he felt very different, he preferred to keep some of his old tricks.
-Edna !, I'm leaving
Frank yelled and left his house to the grocery store he had founded 10 years ago a few blocks from his house.
Since the first symptoms of lung cancer began to appear, Frank decided to change the hot scrambled eggs, bacon, toast and coffee his wife prepared daily for a cola drink and any package he had in his At the store, he disliked listening to his wife's reprimands about the source of his illnesses, the constant reminders of his efforts to take care of him and how grateful they should be with Ramón, since without his help the store would have gone bankrupt a long time ago.
- Well, if the day is different, I could escape from the old chatter without realizing it, this day really looks good !, I will walk to the store, lest the lady realize my departure and want to take away my beloved Marlboros.
Reflecting Frank while intuitively introduced his hand in the pocket of his shirt to get his most longed for vice, although he could not find them, the absence of the same, odd as it was did not seem annoying.
-Edna, she has done her job very well in addition to removing my cigars without realizing it, I do not know how she has done so that she does not feel the longing for a pleasant puff of tobacco, in the end her nonsense as that is affecting me .-
- As soon as I arrive, the first thing I will do is put Ramón in his position, and I begin to feel much better, more agile and strong, I think I can take back the reins of my business, besides I will not be neglected and I'll also be with my old woman, though, would you do me a favor or not?
Despite the snowfall of the previous night and the cold wave that hit the city, Frank felt so good that he hardly felt a little cold despite not wearing a coat, he breathed deeply and constantly, not because he was getting tired, What happened to her very often when she exercised her obese and sick humanity, but because for some unknown reason, she felt how the wind filled her lungs and gave her soul a peace and tranquility that she had not felt for a long time.
Already at the door of his business he could not contain his temperamental character and kicking the door loudly shouted:
-Mexican shit while I pay him the great life is given at my expense !, who the hell told him he had the authority to decide when not open or My shop !, a day without receiving income, just today when I decide to rejoin my job, Mexican shit, you'll pay for it, until today you work here.
He did not bother even want to try to open the door, I knew that he alone could not attend the store without their vendors and workers, and would not Mary the wife of Ramon and whose absence was the main cause of his anger.
Now I'll have to put up with the chatter of Edna
He said to himself as he turned Frank bound for home.
While walking home, he began to reflect on the change he was experiencing not only in his body but in his state of mind, he thought as it was possible that after having lived through one of the most painful nights of recent times and barely be able to sleep, feel so good, so rejuvenated.
He had spent the whole night praying and asking the Lord for his health, as Father John had taught him who together with Edna and Ramon were the only three people who had accompanied him since he began to get sick and although he never believed in such prayers, It was definitely the only explanation he found for his new situation.
- The Lord has heard me-
He said.
- Is it because of the time I have not been to the bar ?, Is it because I do not frequent Maria ?, Mary, Mary, Mary of my life, those breasts, those lips, those thighs, how can I live without them? How can I overcome the pleasure that makes me look Ramón's bastard face while I remember your sweet caresses ?, woman, how much I like you!
Frank muttered while he was almost home.
Upon entering his house, Frank, as he usually did, shouted to his wife:
*- Ednaaaaaa !, came the king of the house, I demand your attention !, Ednaaaaaa, leave where you are! *
However he did not get any response, Edna did not run to meet him as he used to.
- What a strange day - he thought.
At that moment began in his mind to generate a distressing concern, product of what now began to understand, the shop closed, Ramón is not at his post, Edna always so aware of the Mexican bastard ...
- Damnation to me nobody sees me the face of imbecile!
He quickly went up to his room, his eyes burning with rage and ready to finish whoever crossed his path.
-little bastard you'll pay! -,
Frank told himself, almost arriving at his room where he kept the old revolver.
As he crossed the threshold of his room, he was offered a spectacle that left him immobile, cold and wide-eyed, his throat tightened and his stomach turned so hard that he felt retching.
In front of him, on the left side of his bed, right next to the bedside table where he keeps his medicines were: Edna, Ramon and Father John sitting with sad and empty attitude the limp body of a man with a split skin, the flaccid body and the horrible purple of the death bordering the corner of his lips and the roundness of his eyes, he approached, he could not believe it.
Suddenly the bright light of the room began to disappear gradually, what was warm began to get cold, of an intense cold, almost glacial and a feeling of emptiness was filled with laments, screams and curses, suddenly the night swallowed the day of a bite, everything disappeared the different day is over.