The battle of Ana. Tale of Terror.

in writing •  6 years ago 

Text translated into English with the google translator.


In the room:

Ana is in her bed lying horizontally, totally straight, she can not move, she can not bend her head, she feels a weight in her chest and it is difficult for her to breathe, but there is no one on her. He feels a huge fear, he wants to scream but he can not, he knows that he is in his room, since he distinguishes his lamp and the mobile from his room, but it is the only thing he recognizes, he has no control over his being.

The only function that Ana has control over is her mind, she tries to rationalize the situation but she has no logic, nothing of what happens seems coherent, for her it is not possible what happens. His academic mind tells him again and again that it is impossible, that it is a dream and while rationalizing his situation he hears a slow and melodic, but not unpleasant, thick voice, the worst thing is that he does not know if it is a real voice or only an invention of his mind, but he listens and the voice says: I imagine that now you believe, tell me ¿Have you not found what you were looking for?

An enormous terror seizes Ana, she is in the middle of a panic crisis, only she can not scream, she can not move, she can not gasp, the worst is that she feels her heart beating normally, what scares her the most that feels like it's going to faint. She had never had an experience as she is, nor had she felt what she feels, she tries to calm down, she says to herself it is a panic attack, a nightmare, I just need to calm down, while saying this to herself in her thoughts trying to be in control, the voice question is repeated: I imagine that now you believe, tell me maybe you have not found what you were looking for ?. But this time he sees a Dantesque image forming on the ceiling of his room, in it you see a hellish environment with people walking, others extending their hands upwards, you see the steam that emanates from that image, Ana reminded you of the image the red hot coals of a grill.


Ana felt that she was going to faint or die, at least that's what she believed, but she really felt like she was fading away little by little without control of anything and at that moment she said in her mind "God help me." After this there was a moment of silence and calm that seemed eternal and then heard a voice known in his mind that said "Remember Ana, it's like in the Matrix movie, in the end you are the one who decides we have free will, so that there will only be one path that you choose, the blue pill accept and grow, the red pill reject and fall. " He said in his rational mind over and over again, how is this possible, how did I get here, it is impossible, this is not happening and feeling that all the forces were already surrendered, he told himself in his mind is as he said, I must take a decision and I continue to feel falling into a kind of eternal vacuum.

The beggining:

-Ana is Camila attends.

-I'm already mom, I grab in the living room.

-Hi Camila, how are you telling me.

-Hello, it's to invite you to today's meeting, Martha's boyfriend is going to be there and finally we're going to play Ouija

-Okay Camila and what time is that, today I'm going to go to college and I go out at 5.

-Quiet Ana, Martha's boyfriend has a car and he takes us to the night for the house.

-Okay. See you at Martha's at 7pm, is that okay?.

-Perfect see you there, I'll take cookies.

-Ready I have something to drink. See you there.

Ana is a 24-year-old student of sociology at the UCV, she is a very outgoing person, with a candid and cheerful personality, she is that kind of cheerful and intelligent person that everyone likes, she has a rational thinking based in the scientific method that he studies and discusses daily in the university. But since Ana arrived at the university she is becoming more and more rational and in relation to the religious theme and everything that has to do with spirituality, we could define her as a nihilist.

However, he has been very curious about the spiritual issue since Camila, his best friend, has commented that with the boyfriend of a common friend named Martha, he has had some experiences with the spiritual world, which has called him Much attention, with them Camila has had the opportunity to attend readings of tarot cards, to play something called the book and the scissors, in which according to Camila she felt like someone or something moved the book without anyone moving it and even was in a kind of séance.


Although Martha and Camila have invited Ana to participate in these moments, she had refused, since she does not believe in any of that and preferred to go out with a boy named Carlos who is falling in love, however, from the intellectual point of view Carlos it seems to Ana so empty that she decided to send him out for a walk and go out with her friends, although she did not notice much about the direction her meetings were taking, with Martha's new boyfriend.

After leaving the university, Ana meets with some friends and some notes are passed, then she goes home to bathe, changes and informs her mother and brother that she will go to Martha's house with Camila, she also informs them that you should not worry because Martha's boyfriend has a car and promised to bring her home, like Camila.

After informing her family, Ana goes to the bakery, buys a soft drink, some dry pasta and goes to Martha's house.

In Martha's House.

At 7:30 at night the doorbell rings and Martha opens the door, it was Ana who came with a bag, greets Martha and passes by, and in the house are Camila and Martha's boyfriend.

The meeting starts as everyone talking, telling jokes, picking and drinking soda, Ana thought she was going to see liquor, since Martha loves rum, but this time there was no alcoholic beverage.

At about 9 o'clock in the evening Martha takes out a Ouija board, everyone is silent and Martha tells Rodolfo her boyfriend to start. Rodolfo looks at her and says, "OK, I promised you and we will, but I would like to know what the girls think".

Camila answered immediately I like the idea, I love everything that has to do with these things, I also liked it a lot when we played the book and the scissors, what it is that two of the things I asked never happened like that I do not know how effective these games are, but we're not going to play anything, I'm dying.

-And you who think Ana.

-Rodolfo really does not believe in any of these things, I do not even know if I believe in God, that is, I came to pass the time, but not because I believe in spirits, not in demons, not in devils, nor in God, if you want believe in that you will have to prove to me that they exist.

-You really do not believe in God Ana, or anything.

-I consider myself a nihilist with regard to religious issues and I will not say that I am an atheist, since to assume myself atheist, is to accept that God exists and that is why I am denying it, let's say that I am a religious nihilist who only wants to pass the hang out with your friends, if you like, of course.

Of course, if Ana said Martha let's start.

-Okay. Come on.

Rodolfo tells the group to meet at the table and gives them the rules, everyone should hold hands, only one question should be asked to the spirit or entity that comes down at the same time, after the invocation, the cross-questions should be done a person who is not in the game but as a support and that person in turn must have a bible nearby in case something goes wrong and in case something happens that person must read psalm 91 and 117 of the bible. But it requires those present that whatever happens, they should not let go or stop holding hands, until the end of the session, it also explains very clearly that it is not a game, that it is a means of communicating with the spirits. When saying this Ana, laughs and after seeing the look of everyone on her apologizes and assumes a serious and responsible position according to her, to start what for her was a game.

Rodolfo also explains that in a sheet they must write the questions they wish the spirit to answer, also he comments that the notes of the answers given in that sheet will be made, but that unlike other people he asks that the people who are at the table stay together for the duration of the communication session with the spirit, since it is also a form of protection for those present.

Finally he tells them that there should be a person as an observer, that he write down the questions and answers that the table gives and recommends that the person who is outside of the first session be Martha, also asks him again to mark Psalms 91 and 117 of the bible and tells those present that unlike people who do this commonly, no one will place their hands on the indicator, because if things are done well the indicator should move alone and that will be the clear answer for Ana that the spiritual world exists.

After Rodolfo finishes talking, the girls gather and write the questions between laughs and games, they ask Rodolfo if he wants to know something and he says no, the girls wrote the series of questions that Martha had to ask the spirit or That it was down, they were foolish questions, about boyfriends, girlfriends, the university, but nothing of the other world really.

Before starting the session, Ana asks Rodolfo, in case if it becomes interesting the thing can ask questions outside the list, and he said yes, but Martha should write down both the question and the answers They will give, but only one person will ask.


Rodolfo tells them we are going to start and to start we will do the following the safest and fastest way to start the session is "The Golden Bubble", this moves away the evil spirits and guarantees a good session. I already explained it to you, first all the participants must hold hands and form a circle around the table, we must close our eyes and breathe deeply 3 times. Then, we will visualize a golden bubble that comes out from inside the board and we are going to imagine that also this bubble is growing and welcomes in its interior the table, the table, the members of the session, Martha and the entire room.

Then I will make an invocation and start the session, this Rodolfo said in a voice that would be very funny to Ana, but they did it as he said.
After the initial rite and the invocation of Rodolfo, he took Camila's hand and with his free hand took Ana's and told them we can begin. To which Camila responded, who will place the hand on the indicator and Rodolfo said no need, but whatever happens do not break the circle.

Rodolfo told Martha you can start asking the questions and Ana said, if not, let's see if the spirit is here and she responds, and she smiled, in doing so the indicator moved only to the word "yes" and everyone in the table was made of stone.

Ana, Camila and Martha, could not believe what they had seen, Ana tried to let go with the intention of checking the table to see if there was a trick. Camila moved nervously, but Rodolfo took control by squeezing the hands of the girls with force and told them, since in the beginning I informed them that it was not a trick, nor a game, now do not let go and continue. Martha's letter was a poem, full of fear and curiosity, like Ana and Camila.

Martha asked the silly questions that were on the sheet, wrote down the answers and asked to finish, in principle everyone agreed, but Ana surprised everyone by saying, I can ask questions, but before anyone answered the indicator moved to the word "yes”

Ana asked first, Are you supposed to be the spirit of a dead person? To which Rodolfo immediately said ask specific questions. Ana rephrased the question Are you the spirit of a dead person?

The answer was "No"

Are you a spirit?

The answer was "Yes"

Do you want me to believe what you say?

The answer was "Yes"

Do you know that I do not believe in you, or in any of these things?

The answer was "Yes"

Does not that bother you?

The answer was "No, you'll soon believe"

Before they suggested the questions and answers, Rodolfo intervened a little nervous and said it was time to finish, he started closing the session, after finishing he read Psalm 91 and Psalm 117 of the bible, he also made some prayers and kept the Ouija

After the discussions began and everyone gave their opinions about the experience. Ana was really intrigued and started asking questions about the güija, the spirit world and more, finally she said out loud, "Hey spirit, I do not know if you're here, but I do not believe in you, or any of these things and you I challenge you to make me believe. " At the end of this expression he laughed and said, I thought that paintings or things like that were going to fall like in the movies, but nothing happened.

The meeting followed a couple of hours and then Rodolfo accompanied by Martha, took the girls to his house, they left Camila first, and finally Ana, before getting off the car. Rodolfo said to Ana, "Mi Ana, no te I ask you to believe. Neither that you accept. But I recommend that you respect what you do not know and even more that you do not fight what you do not know, remember the popular saying, language is the punishment of the body, that you spend happy night ". Ana said goodbye to Rodolfo and Martha and went home to sleep.

Ana's curiosity:

Ana slept peacefully at night, had no problem, no nightmare or inconvenience, which gave more security than the spiritual world as such did not exist, I tried to find different explanations to what happened at Martha's house, talked to the girls , then with Rodolfo I tried to do an investigation to answer the facts. The most logical conclusion that his scientific mind obtained was that they had fallen into a state of hypnosis or collective hallucination.

However, Ana was not convinced with that answer, she felt that something was missing, so she began to investigate, to read about the subject to search the internet and to ask her friends, teachers and classmates, in fact, the process that Ana had started it became an investigation would be.

He began to read about the spiritual world, exorcisms, lives of saints, bujería and other things, Ana came to realize that the spiritual world or what people called the spiritual world was really broad and had for all tastes and colors.

In his research and his readings, he realized that this spiritual world had a lot of folklore, syncretism and ignorance, but there was still something that was missing, of which he did not get an answer and he always said, you still have not made me believe in you. Referring to the supposed spirit or entity that was at Martha's house on the day of the Ouija.

Ana was already finishing her investigation, she only needed to interview priests, pastors and representatives of some religions, which she had planned to do as of that week. He began the interviews with an evangelical pastor and left disappointed and frustrated of the low level of formation that the pastor had, he contacted 3 more pastors and there was only one that gave him a certain degree of confidence from the academic point of view, but they all left it with more questions than answers.

In the same way, Ana had the opportunity to speak with Catholic priests, in which she recognized a much more solid formation at a formal level than in the Protestant pastors. But she did not stay there, she interviewed Buddhist monks, followers of Hinduism, the Anglican church and santeros.

While doing these investigations, things happened that Ana referred to as strange, I had the feeling that someone was behind her, that they were looking at her, she heard noises at dawn and things for the style, to which she did not pay attention, and to her mind rational only told him that he was too self-absorbed in his research and therefore somewhat suggestive.

The only conclusion Ana had reached was that all religions, including the primitive religion of Santeria, believed in evil and good and the spiritual world, but none could demonstrate with facts that this world existed, in fact, in his research realized that nobody can prove from the historical point of view that Jesus Nazareth himself, ever existed.

You are his conclusions until now. Ana's mother, a professor at the university, taught journalism. Mariana, Ana's mother questioned her in the following way, Ana what's wrong with you, you wake up at dawn, yesterday you shouted in the night and you walk in something that I do not know what it is? Tell me Ana what is happening to you.

Oh mom, excuse me! I have had some other nightmare, so Ana ended up communicating to her mother her experience at Martha's house and everything she had researched and her conclusions. In response Mariana sent Ana to talk to a colleague journalist from the university and told him maybe Roberto can help you with your doubts, call him and set up a meeting with him and end this already, I really do not like the nightmares you have and also some strange noises that I have also heard in the house.

-Mom, you really heard noises yesterday at dawn.

-If Ana really scares me, I thought there was someone else in the house.

-The truth mom is that I do not know what is true and what is not, I think I'm too involved with this issue and I can say that I'm obsessing about the thing, what if I still do not think it has a logical answer to you things that happen already crazy dreams that I've had.

-I do not believe in those things Ana either, but as they say over there that they fly, they fly, so it is best that you get your answers and return to normal.

When saying this the mother of Ana both heard noises in the kitchen and when getting up and going the two there they did not see anyone in the kitchen, but the tail of the cat was seen going through the window, so Ana said, it was only the cat.

His mother replied, it seems, but I think we are both very nervous thanks to this issue, we better go to sleep.

-Rest your daughter.

-Happy night mom.

The match:

Ana went to bed and stayed in bed thinking about everything that happened in the last days. She felt really tired from the day she had had, but also had to add to the fatigue a very heavy week between the curricular activities and her research on what she began to call paranormal activities, since her scientific mind refused to believe under any motive in a spiritual world or controlled by spirits.

She tried to give an explanation to everything that happened to her from the rational point of view, in the case of dreams, it was said that it is not a thing of the other world, it has a logical explanation, it is simple, first I am obsessed and full of curiosity with the subject, second that may provoke in me a psychosomatic response that is reflected in the dreams. But still I should not worry about that, since they are my dreams, that is, they are creations of my mind, therefore logic dictates that if it is so, I can control them, what I will try to do if I get another nightmare.

With these thoughts Ana gradually felt increasingly secure and calm falling asleep in a deep sleep.

In the middle of the dream Ana began to dream again, she saw a frightful dark path, with strange shadows formed by trees to which hung a sort of spider web that almost reached the ground, but which gave a spooky image, since they formed some gloomy figures that seemed to move when the wind blew and the faint light of a gray reflected their little light on them, in the thick nocturnal fog.

The mere sight of the landscape in front of me was scary. And although she was sure she was in a dream, she had decided not to go there, so she turned to see what options she had and when she turned around she saw nothing, an absolute, impenetrable darkness, tried to move towards it and could not and she He realized that the dream gave him no other choice than to go down the road.


At the beginning of the road, he felt a floor with slabs of irregular stones that did not look good, but she said to herself, if she has stone slabs it is for the fact to be used frequently and it was said I will do as Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz , I will follow the path without distractions, to get out of here. When he moved a little further on the road he tripped on one of the slabs and fell, kneeling on the floor saw that the slabs were not stones but human skulls and bones, felt a huge terror, began to tremble uncontrollably . And when he looked ahead he saw how the terrifying shadows that formed in the trees became independent of these taking movement and going to the road where she lay on her knees.

Ana trembled, could not breathe, was hyperventilating, realized that she was about to enter a panic attack or fall into a hysterical crisis, what she felt was not fear, fear is controllable, what she felt was not terror or something worse than she did not know what to define, in her mind there were thousands of thoughts that attacked her at the same time, she felt that she was going to faint in the dream, and she said to herself "it's a dream or not, it feels so real". At that moment his rational mind began to work and it was said to be my dream, it is my subconscious, so I control it and direct it.

Ana began to breathe deeply and slowly, still trembling, I saw the shadows move towards her and I scream with all her strength I want to get out of here, when doing this, the eyes of the skulls began to light up with a red light that joined the fog, it showed the road, as if it were a road formed by coals of red-hot coal, the terror was insurmountable. Even so Ana closed her eyes and told herself again and again "it's my dream I dominate" and after breathing deeply and slowly with her eyes closed, Ana felt that control returned to her body and left once again my owner I dominate and said aloud "Morfeo, get me out of here and take me somewhere else."

Ana opened her eyes and found herself on a sort of old boulevard, it was surrounded by colonial houses and in the frontispiece of a huge house was read Museum of the Inquisition, from there many people went in and out, all the tourists that went out made comments and talked about the museum. Without knowing how Ana was in front of the museum with a bag of sweets in her hand, she was very curious and wanted to enter. In a moment of lucidity in the dream Ana told herself, "how crazy is the subconscious, the most absolute terror, I still brought a place that I had read in my research and wanted to come as it confirms my thesis about the manipulation of the church and the terror that is exercised in the people in the name of God and the spirits".

Ana had not finished having these thoughts when she heard a voice that said "Miss, if you want to join this group as we are going to start a tour of the museum." She did not think about it, she walked eating from her bag of sweets.

The guide before starting his tour comes to the group and tells them, my name is Virgilio Cerbero, welcome to the museum that shows the world of pain and terror that dominated the inquisition in the name of God and the church. In the tour we will know how ignorance and fear of the supposed demons and spirits gave life to one of the most cruel institutions that have existed.


Ana was fascinated with the journey, Virgilio's explanations were very consistent with their way of thinking, in them attacked the church, which handled the social imaginary of a large number of ignorant and made them believe in nonexistent things, so that both the church, and the great lords to whom this institution served, will dominate the humble and plain people. Concepts with which Ana was very much in agreement, since it was very similar to those used by one of her favorite professors in the school of sociology.

Ana felt very good in that stage of the dream, she had recovered her security, she felt satisfied, she said to herself, even until my subconscious is realizing that everything is a deception, that I only let myself be led by what I saw, the readings, for some testimonies of the interviews, but everything has a rational explanation, even the movements and the noises in the house have an explanation in psychology. Ana was happy, her rational mind took over her whole being, her intellectual security returned to her, she felt safe, more secure than ever.

Virgilio tells the group, as you will see I have left this last Christ, although we passed several times in front, I did not mention it to leave it until the end. It is my favorite, thanks to him many people were tortured and burned. Ask a question to the Christ, and a lady asked him: Is the spirit world real? Virgilio stood next to Christ and he shook his head, another person asked, "Are there demons? And the same thing happened. Virgilio said to them, notice there is a mechanism in the back where a hidden person moves the head of Christ with a rope when the inquisitor asks the question, as a result, the person was guilty. Immediately, a series of comments emerged. Ana was outraged and commented, "The fucking church and its supposed spiritual world".

Virgilio looked at Ana with a penetrating look that frightened her and asked her, Do you still not believe in the spiritual world, or in the demons, right? She said of course not, you do not see where we are and what they did in the name of God and the church.

-Yes Ana, I see where we are, but tell me something, you really believe that those men acted in the name of God. Perhaps there is no possibility, that they were influenced in the midst of their arrogance and their power by a spirit or demon, that made them act in that way in the name of God.

-Oh please! We were going very well now you're going to tell me that you believe in demons, spirits and that string of religious ignorance, look where fanaticism, torture, death, religious and political terrorism has taken us and stop telling us. How can you believe in a God that allows the hunger and death of children, wars, torture and more. That is not logical Virgilio.

-Ana, you are very sure of yourself, you really think that there is no spiritual world.

-If that is what I believe, now more than ever, I think that all the stories of demons, devils, spirits and possessions, are not just stories and folklore, the way to explain psychological and psychiatric problems, I do not think there is such a thing. illogical.

-When Ana heard you speak, I imagine that my teacher will be very happy to have made Eve prove the fruit of the tree of science. Your logic and science deny God.

-What do you mean, with that of my teacher?

-Tell me Ana, you never studied mythology or read the Divine Comedy.

-Not really, I've never read about those subjects.

-How wrong it would be easier.

-What would be easier Virgilio?

-That you understood Ana, to see you I tell you, Virgilio is the guide of Dante in the hell, it helps him to cross and to see all the torments of the hell and Cerbero is the demon of 3 heads, that is the guardian of the hell.

-Virgil did not know. But nice name you spend, represents everything you attacked in the course.

-You still do not understand Ana. I told you at Martha's house what you would believe, my name is against what I think silly girl, my name is what I am, it is my essence.

Ana said to herself, it is not possible, this is crazy, it is impossible, I turn to see the people around her and saw with horror how they were transfiguring in dark shadows, when walking through the museum she saw how she was going transforming into the end of the sinister forest that she had seen in her first dream, she was shocked and impressed, she could not scream, she could not move, she was beginning to tremble in an unstoppable way.

I watch Virgil and see a frightful transformation. To this one the body was opened in two pieces and from its entrails, there were 3 dog heads attached to the body of a huge canine, which jumped out from the remains of Virgilio's shattered body. Ana began to hyperventilate, felt the strength of her legs vanish. She was drowned, she felt that she was dying and that she would be devoured by the maw of Cerberus, that growling, roaring and laughing all at once, since it seemed to Ana that each head was independent. Ana terrified, unable to breathe, or stop shaking, I hear a voice coming from the third head saying, I told you that you would believe and I assure you that you will believe.


Ana thought to herself this is my end, I saw with amazement the transformations that were taking place and I could not understand anything, I knew it was her end, I felt it, but I could not scream, or cry, or run, I was in a panic , in total shock. Ana had surrendered, trembled in an unstoppable way, Cerberus laughed, snarled and shouted at the same time, it seemed to her that the deformed shadows that surrounded her, former companions of passage in the tour of the museum, laughed, shouted, lamented and cried. Ana did not know how to distinguish the emotions she felt, she was lost and she closed her eyes.

Ana, felt her hand grabbed and pulled her down. This made her leave momentarily from her state of generalized shock, opened her eyes and saw the same, but this time saw Cerberus upset, growling barking and screaming, did not understand what the demon was screaming, she was still in a limbo. Ana again felt how they were pulling her hand down, at that moment I hear Cerberus yelling, "Get out of here, she is ours, she belongs to us" Ana did not understand, she looked at the devil with wide eyes, while the heads spoke all at once between shouts and threats, but managed to hear another phrase that said, "she does not believe in you why she defends her, leave her here is ours, if it is not today tomorrow, leave her here".

Ana again felt that her hand was being pulled down. I look down and saw a beautiful girl in a sky blue long sleeved dress, who told her. "Ana this place is very ugly, let's go from here to a nicer place and eat an ice cream" Ana did not understand anything, the girl looked at her and said, "Come on Ana there's the exit door look" the girl was pointing with her hand to a door, to Ana, who was barely visible in the darkness, but who is flashing light through the door. The girl grabbed Anne's hand and began walking towards the door and Ana followed her. While this was happening Cerberus kept screaming, screams, insults were heard, but Ana only heard what one of Cerberus' heads was saying, "You lose time. She does not believe in you and whatever you do will end with us".

The girl opened the door and Ana found herself in a beautiful garden, full of peace and harmony. She felt happy, calm and in harmony with herself and the world. In one corner of the Garden there was a lady selling ice cream. The girl pointed to the ice cream cart and Ana bought two of strawberry and butter. Then he walked with the girl and sat on a bench in the garden, the girl was happy, moving her feet in the air, while eating the head from side to side when eating ice cream.


-Hello girl, you know you're very pretty, what's your name ?.

-My name is Gabriela, but they call me Gaby.

-Hello Gaby, I'm Ana.

-I know.

-You know me?

-Since ever. The girl answered this by moving her head up and down and laughing with Ana.

-I do not understand Gaby. How have you always been? By the way before I forget I want to thank you for showing me the way out of there.

-If that place is very ugly. I do not like. Ana tell me something, why do you have to understand and seek the explanation of everything?

-Because of the fact that everything has Gaby explanation. In fact, this crazy dream that I have had is not logical at all.

-Ana you and the logic, there are things that must be understood and studied with logic, but there are others that are not learned that way, they are understood with the heart.

-Gaby, what happens is that you do not understand, you're a girl, that's why you do not understand.

-Ana is not bad to be a child, perhaps Jesus did not say be like children and enter the kingdom of heaven. To be like children is to be pure in heart and to feel with the heart. Pay attention to your intuition, not just logic.

-Gaby, how old you are, you're a very smart girl, I can not believe I have this conversation with you, it's crazy.

-I know Ana, for you it is not logical. But remember that logic and contempt to the spiritual world took you to Cerberus' jaws.

-Gaby, no entiendo. ¿Quien eres?

-Ana, I have to go, but I want you to know that I have always been with you and I will always be, I will help you and will protect you as long as you learn to feel with your heart, maybe we see each other more often, you have special qualities. I love you so much Ana.

The girl stopped and kissed him on the cheek, went to the garden entrance and disappeared.

Ana woke up in her room, she was calm, she felt good, but when she got up she felt her bed soaked in sweat and she told herself that nightmare, so crazy. He got up, cleaned himself, changed the sheets, arranged his room and decided that he would talk to Roberto, his mother's friend, that same day if possible, since he needed answers.

The meeting:

Ana picked up her phone and made the call, the phone rang several times, until a man's voice rang from the other end of the line.

-Hello, how can I serve you?

-Good morning, please with Professor Roberto.

-It's me, tell me.

-Hello good day, it is Ana the daughter of the teacher Mariana, she gave me her phone to communicate with you.

-Hi Ana. If your mom has already updated me, you want us to meet today.

-Yes, excellent you tell me where and when and I go there.

-OK. We're going to meet at 2 in the afternoon at my house, I'll give you the address.

-Perfect, thanks.

Ana wrote down the address and the reference points and at two in the afternoon she was at the home of Professor Roberto.

Ana rang the doorbell and the door was opened by a big man, who was over five feet tall and about 50 years old, she calculated. The man at the door showed up, hello, Roberto, how are you, Ana, go ahead and you're in your house.

Ana saluted and told her I took the liberty of buying some chocolate candies, to snack while we talked, how good, I like the idea, Roberto commented.


-Please tell me Roberto.

-OK. Roberto, my mom told me that she has some experience with spiritual things.

-To see spiritual things, Roberto sketched a smile and commented. Well before becoming a journalist, I was in a seminary, I am a student of the Bible and I belong to an initiatory school to call it in some way. Tell me Ana, why are you interested in these topics?

Ana told Roberto everything that happened from the meeting and the session at Martha's house, to the dream she had had yesterday. Roberto listened carefully and without interrupting, he ate chocolate candy while Ana made his narrative and watched it carefully.

At the end of the exhibition Ana commented to him, I wanted to talk to you, that is, with you since I do not see anything logical about the situation.

-A qué no le ves lógica Ana.

-Well, to the dreams, the noises, and everything I've told you. I do not understand, how is it possible that if I have not read the Divine Comedy, or mythology, my subconscious has led me to a dream that told me about characters of those works. I do not understand about the girl either. Gaby.

-Maybe it's that you got a series of messages from the spiritual world Ana and you do not know them or you refuse to interpret them.

-Roberto, I do not believe in spirits, sorcerers, demons, or God, not even you who were in a seminary could prove to me the existence of God.

-Well Ana, Kant, is one of the greatest philosophers of our history and he tried for years to try to prove the nonexistence of God and could not, therefore he could not prove his existence either.

-I do not understand how an intelligent man, a university professor, can believe in a God who allows wars, the death of children through hunger, terrorism, natural catastrophes and more is crazy.

-To see Ana, the wars, the torture, the death and everything you name is not the fault of God, it is the fault of man.


-Please do not interrupt me I'll listen to you, have the same deference with me.

-It's okay. Sorry.

-I can continue?.


-God created according to the scriptures man in his image and likeness. But nowhere in those same scriptures does he force you to believe in him. On the contrary, it gives you free will and you decide whether or not to believe is a matter of faith. Now faith, like love, that falling in love, can not be understood with logic is a feeling that is born in the heart. So the first thing you should learn is that there are two worlds and two ways of seeing it. The material world in which we live, where we study, work and live together, where you can use logic for things like studying, making certain decisions, but not all of them. And another world that we can call spiritual, in which you must decapitate reason and start listening and feeling with the heart. That is, it is a duality between two worlds in which we must learn to live in balance and harmony.

-But I can not believe in the religions Roberto.

-Nobody asks you to do it. The spiritual world is esoteric, internal, intrinsic. In fact in the Bible and the Torah, in one of the Songs of Ezekiel, God says through this prophet to his people, "I did not tell you that you will find me in silence, that you will look for me in a vacuum". That is, to achieve unity with that which is eternal and life-giving through meditation and contemplation. Also in some esoteric schools when the rites are done, the spiritual influence of God, of the Great Architect, of the Great Geometer or whatever you want to call it, reaches those who participate in that esoteric process directly. Now all the religions are exoteric, accessible to everyone, they have an extrinsic character, but where somehow the spiritual influence of the eternal father reaches everyone indirectly, but it reaches them.

-I do not understand Roberto.

-Let's see, the esoteric path, the internal path of search takes you to the unit with the creator consciously. It is a path that you as an individual decide to follow, and when you start and practice it, the spiritual influence of God or whatever you want to call it is and acts in you, whether you understand it or not. While in the exoteric and there the religions enter, there is no conscious search on the part of the individual since they have extrinsic character, that is, they are within the reach of the vulgar, of all. However, the spiritual influence of God is also manifested, but in a different and non-conscious way, in most of the people who practice it. It's a bit complicated and you will not understand using reason. You will have to decapitate the reason to be able to understand with the heart.


-How strange Roberto. Gaby, the dream girl said the same words as you.

-We think the same as the girl and me. By the way if you meditate in solitude, without thinking in a logical way and this is really, if you learn to meditate and contemplate, you will see it and you will be able to talk with it.

-How are you so sure.

div class="text-justify">-Because I'm more than sure that she. Gaby, is the Angel of your guard.

-Please Roberto, I do not believe in that, really. As I told you, you can not even prove that Jesus existed.

-It is so Ana. As you say it, but imagine that it did not exist physically and that it is a symbol, it is not a beautiful symbol with enormous teachings that if humanity really follow them, it would be something else. That is in our case with Jesus in the West. But what do you think about the teachings of Buddha, of Hinduism, do not all these traditions go to the same side? The problem is that I believe that you are smitten even in the form of assuming your supposed truths, that is, I do not believe that you are against God since you do not know him, I do not believe you are against the spiritual world since you do not know him, I believe you are against spiritual traditions, since you do not know them. You are against religions that is something else. But remember, that both religions and initiatory schools, as well as any school or organization that is framed in a spiritual tradition, is in the hands of men and all men are imperfect and we make mistakes and we have vices. Therefore you can not judge a tradition by what the men who belong to it do. In fact, if we put the case of the Catholic Church, there are pedophile priests, lesbian nuns, people who have stolen money, priests close to the dictatorial powers. But at the same time there are male saints who have given their lives for the people, nuns who give food to the orphans in Africa, Somalia and stop counting. That is to say, for each bad case, there is its counterpart, the same happens with Muslims, followers of Hinduism and stop counting.


-I had not seen him like that Roberto.

-Of course, your intellectual ego does not allow you to see beyond what you believe and accept, no matter who you hurt or hurt, wanting or not, you always believe that you must be right, you always want to possess the truth and always want to be the protagonist of the telenovela. Being that way and being so intelligent I ask you now Who do you think is your worst enemy?

-Well, if I see it like that, my worst enemy is myself Roberto.

-This is Ana. Accept yourself, conquer yourself, love yourself, carry your cross and assume it and you will learn to live better. Stop trying to correct others, stop looking outside, start looking for your inner way, there inside you, in silence and in emptiness you will start to get the answers.

-There's Roberto, I do not know what to say! I came to look for answers, it took me more questions, in some things I go more clearly and in others I go with more confusion.

-Ana, it is as the gospel says, ask and it will be given to you, to touch and it will be opened to you, ask and it will be given to you. Who tells you that all this experience is for you to learn that there is a spiritual mute and that there are things beyond logic and material things.

-Yes, of course, with a dog with three heads, demons and more.

-Ana, I give you a theory, I do not say that's the case, since nothing is certain, but let's imagine that it could be like that. Imagine that the spiritual world can be divided into three parts. A low world in which we live, there are sorcerers, magicians, santeros, spiritualists and others who serve to generate and flow a negative spiritual influence, say belonging to the dark side, to feed all those beings you saw in your dream. Also an intermediate world where these spiritual beings live, some good and others bad and a superior world, where the creator lives with the superior spirits. If so, and as I said is a crazy theory that occurs to me right now, in these three spaces, inferior, intermediate and superior there are spiritual entities. And if so, we fall into a great dilemma my dear friend.

-What dilemma Roberto.

-If God, or whatever you want to call him, I believe everything, the good and the bad, he did the same with the spiritual world. And if God gives us free will here on earth, to decide, we have or should have that same capacity for decision in the spiritual. Therefore we are the ones who decide at the end, we are what we can say to God and not to what is not God, to say it in some way It would be like in the movie of Matrix Ana, in the end it is you who decide we have free will, so there will only be one path that you choose, the blue pill accept, believe, grow and follow the path of God to the higher world. Or take the red pill, not accept, fall into conflict, reject, fall and be prey to those entities or spirits that you see in your dreams. The advantage is that by accepting, we will have faith and having faith, we will be on the road and being on that path we will be protected by the eternal, since he always keeps his promises since he can not deny himself. But to get there and go further, you must decapitate reason and listen with the heart, my beautiful Ana.

-Wuau! I do not know what to say, you left me with stone.

-Well, nothing, I hope I have helped you and not have confused you more. However you must understand that you must fight a battle against your worst enemy once you defeat him, you can overcome everything. But remember to win a battle is not to win the war, they will be daily and permanent battles and that is the true meaning of the Islamic Jihad, the fight against your worst enemy on a daily and continuous basis that is the holy war.

-Roberto, thank you, I have to go, you have helped me a lot, really.

-A pleasure and always to order and besides me you will always have Gaby with you. And I draw a laugh.

Ana hugged him tight, kissed him on the cheek and went home to think and try to organize all the ideas that had generated in his head. Since he had an internal war in his thoughts, since he was trying to understand and put into practice what he had been told, but his academic mind told him it was not logical.

In the room

Ana felt that she was going to faint or die, at least that's what she believed, but she really felt like she was fading away little by little without control of anything and at that moment she said in her mind "God help me." After that there was a moment of silence and calm that seemed eternal and then heard a voice known in his mind that said "Remember Ana, it's like in the Matrix movie, in the end you are the one who decides we have free will, so that there will only be one path that you choose, the blue pill accept and grow, the red pill reject and fall. " He said in his rational mind over and over again, how is this possible, how did I get here, it is impossible, this is not happening and feeling that all the forces were already surrendered, he told himself in his mind is as he said, I must take a decision and I continue to feel myself falling into a kind of eternal vacuum.

Ana, said I decide to believe, to hell with logic, I ask God to help me, I want to see Gaby, I want to find answers in my interior, follow the path of the superior world, but how I do it. First by beating myself, that's how I feel defeated, I can not do this, help me God. She said herself, I accept that there is a spiritual world, I accept that you who presented yourself as a cerbero exists, but I decide not to waste my time with you, I decide to follow the esoteric path that leads me to unity with God in the higher plane.


He told himself, I must concentrate, look for God in silence and in emptiness, I believe in the sure promise I am that I will not get lost in nothing, I do not have to fear, I know that Gaby is with me, I know that God is in me and I am he. Ana closed her eyes and concentrated only on that thought, God is with me and I in him. After a while Ana felt a great calm, she was in a vacuum and in absolute silence, but she realized that emptiness and silence, joined her to something bigger, that filled her with fullness and happiness, she got up and He sat on the bed and even with infinite happiness, he just said thank God and started crying for hours. In the end Ana was asleep in peace and full, had won the first battle of his personal Jihad. He had met and recognized himself. Starting this way the long road of conscious unity with the eternal.


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