Slim to None 13-15 WARNING EXPLICIT ADULT MATERIAL- continuing saga of an abused woman

in writing •  7 years ago 


Her legs ached and she was stuck to the dried blood on the couch. She was hungry and thirsty. Well it was finally over. She knew she would be feeding two on demand and didn't know who would eat more. She felt like a cow. Bloated and locked down in one spot. She longed to get up, take a shower and attempt to become a human again. She had dozed off while both males sucked her dry.

She could smell the dried colostrum, blood, sweat and mucus coating her body. The blood had turned black and the puddles had dried to a purplish crust. The sheet was wet and stiff with the shit and piss that she had passed during delivery. She felt lower than a cockroach with no legs. She hadn't heard Little one lately and wondered where she was or if he had killed her now that he had a new toy.

Jesus Christ how could she have had a boy. God help her, how was she going manage? What was in store for her now. Future didn't exist now it was just survival. She shifted position and he woke up. She pleaded to go take a shower and clean up but he was a farm boy and enjoyed the scents of “life” rather than cleanliness. He rubbed his hands over her breast and immediately the breast responded with warm milk. He dragged the liquid all over her face and he made her suck his fingers. She was so hungry and thirsty she would have swallowed his cum just to get some nourishment.

The baby was awake and stared up into her face. He moved his mouth and found her swollen nipple and dragged on it like he was starving. He ground his gums into her nipple the same way his father did. She could have stood up and the baby would have hung on like some kind of grotesque ornament. The sucking turned to grinding and pain filled her breast. She gently tried to pull free but the baby just ground harder.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw the grin on her husband's face. Like the leader of a pack of dogs, he smiled in pride that his boy was so course at less than 24 hours old. What a man he would become. She could see the arousal coming. She could see that face fill with jealousy for the baby. She knew what was coming but never believed that he would be so violent. His dick was pulsing against his shorts trying to free itself for action. He plucked the boy off the breast and laid him on the floor.

He turned her over and started to lick the mess that coated her legs and ass. God he was so guttural it felt like a wolf licking her clean. He chuckled when he felt her tense up. He smacked her ass softly at first but as his dick grew so did his violence. She didn't dare scream she hoped that Little one was sleeping somewhere or hiding somewhere. He pried open her legs, rubbed his coarse hands over her thighs. He pulled the placenta out of her vagina and tossed the bloody mess on the floor. She stank, she smelled of barnyard births he had seen on the farm.

The image of his father delivering the piglets came over him. He had been so scared the first time he saw that he never wanted to see it again. But his father made sure he saw every birth and every death of all the animals on the farm. He remembered his dad making him eat the heart of a lamb while it was still beating after slaughter. “Make a man of you yet you little squirt.” How proud his dad would be to see him now, might have even joined him in the meal.

He was about to burst so he climbed on her and took her up the ass. He rocked her world until the baby started crying. Damn it fucking tears always turned him soft.

Slim to None 14 WARNING EXPLICIT ADULT MATERIAL- continuing saga of an abused woman

It was dark and the summer heat had lifted its fiery tongue off the planet for awhile. Little one rubbed her eyes and climbed out of the tub. Everything was quiet and dark. She crawled out into the living room. The smell was so intense Little one gagged. There was blood and sticky wet all over. Her dad was on top of her mom grunting away. Sorry mom but better you than me.

Little one scampered into the kitchen. She found the box of crackers she had hidden the last time anyone went for food. Quietly she sat on the floor and opened the box. Out popped a gray mouse, tiny just like her. They looked at each other and for a second seemed to recognize their mutual plight. Then the mouse snarled but ran under the sink. Little one surveyed the damage, half the box was gone. The mouse had burrowed into the corner and had eaten its way through two stacks of saltines. Well two stacks were better than none. Hungrily she jammed the crackers into her mouth. She stuffed her mouth so full that she started to choke. Water, that's what she needed.

Little one pulled the chair to the sink and turned the water on. She drank from the faucet by stretching her tiny frame over the counter and balancing on the edge of the sink. It was risky to do this because the noise from the living room had stopped. Little one slowly looked behind her and there was dad standing in the doorway. He was bloody and dirty. His hair was wild and matched his face. In two long strides he was on her and scooped her up by her waist. Little one struggled to break his hold but he just laughed at the pathetic creature that she was.

He carried her into the living room and plopped her on her mom. The baby was crying on the floor and Little one thought her mother was dead. “Hey brat come over here and see what your mother brought home.” Little one climbed down from the couch as her mother moaned and turned her face away from Little one.

She walked slowly toward her dad wondering why he had awakened and not sought out her private parts. Guess there was too much happening for him to remember her. She looked at the baby. He gestured for her to come closer. The baby was awake and stared right into Little one's eyes. Her dad pulled away the pillowcase he had wrapped baby in. “See something for you to play with.” He grabbed her head and forced her face right into the baby. The baby had a pole just like her dad. “Come on- go ahead suck on it -see what happens” Little one was confused and didn't want to be where she was right now. “Suck the damn thing, you know how, I taught you, remember?”

Slim to None 15 WARNING EXPLICIT ADULT MATERIAL- continuing saga of an abused woman

The tears were welling up as Little one realized that now there would be two after her. “SUCK IT NOW, “ screamed dad and mom moaned behind him. “STOP,” she cried, but all she got was a heavy handed snack across her head that knocked her to the floor.

Little one knew the value of her tears, they had always gotten her out of trouble especially when she didn't cry out. She felt them welling beyond her control and they splashed down her cheeks and fell on the baby's tummy. Dad looked over and yelled again “SUCK IT”.

Little one ran from the room and hid in the hallway closet. She pulled the coats and boots out and hid behind them. Dad was bellowing like a bull being castrated as he stomped his way after her. He opened the closet door and threw the baby at her. “Here brat- you and your brother can rot in hell.”

Maybe it was instinct or a divine intervention but Little one caught the baby in her scrawny arms. She looked down at that tiny face and felt a tug on her heart. This was something she could love. This was something she could protect. They were in this life together no matter what. She felt her heart grow large, here was something she could love and maybe get love in return.

Just then baby stared into her eyes and took a shit all over Little one's lap. Feeling the warmth of the excrement, Little one looked down just as baby peed all up into her face.end of day 7-2013 005.jpg

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