"Social Justice Warriors" Are Warriors Too ... And Therefore "Veterans"steemCreated with Sketch.

in writing •  6 years ago  (edited)

In a recent post, "Ideologues, Activists and the Theater of the Absurd + "The" ... a poem," I discussed how ideologues and activists have been attempting to contort reality by contorting the language used to describe it. Whether "Gender," "Intelligence" or "Normal," modern-day Social Justice Warriors are on the warpath ... and Heaven help those who dare question the validity of their Truth Claims ... or even ask for evidence to support them.

Yesterday, I came across a hyperlinked article entitled, "Is it time to expand the definition of ‘veteran?’" It was published in LGBTQ Magazine. 

Can you guess where this is going?

According to Dr. Warren J. Blumenfeld, a prominent Far Left activist and author of the article, it's time society expand the definition of "veteran" to include not just military veterans hobbling around on prosthetic limbs, but also those heroic souls who dare to dress up like Lavern & Shirley to march in the Gay Parade. You see, this latter category of heroes are "... fighting a cultural and figurative civil war to reduce the violence and injustice and place the United States in higher standing around the world." 

And so, if you've been insisting, without an iota of evidence in support of your assertion, that there are an infinite number of genders, or, that men and women's brains are the same, or, that humans are born with no biological blueprints, and therefore any apparent differences between them are merely "social constructs," well then, you're a hero too, aren't you? The Patriarchy, Rape Culture, The Wage Gap ... you've persevered in the face of facts and statistics. You've fought the good fight, assailed from every direction by mountains of contradictory data and the logical arguments of ... Nazis. 

Just like D-Day

On the National Mall in Washington, D.C., there are memorials to those who fought and died in Vietnam, Korea and World War II ... plus a bunch of questionable monuments dedicated to straight white males whose only accomplishments were the founding of a nation, and preserving it in the midst of a Civil War. 

But, as Blumenfeld queries, where are the towering testaments to being gay? To being a radical feminist or a member of BLM or Antifa? Where's YOUR marble? You're a Social Justice "Warrior" ... and therefore a "Veteran" too ... every bit as deserving of the moniker as those that took a bullet while rescuing a wounded comrade amidst a barrage of artillery fire.

Six of One, Half a Dozen of Another 

Fair Use: Vanity Fair

In April 2015, Caitlyn Jenner, formerly Bruce, one of winningest male athletes in Olympic history, came out as a transgender women on national television. Caitlyn made the cover of Vanity Fair and, making a sport of superlative and salutation, the mainstream media and the Far Left (arguably one and the same) launched into a frenzy of laudation and ovation. In the end, they pronounced "her," a "hero." The hyperbolic coverage set off something of a firestorm. South Park ran a satirical piece about it and Debate.org was soon inundated with thumbs up and thumbs down

Fair Use: Comedy Central

Caitlyn, the patriarch/matriarch, depending upon the time frame, of the Kardashian clan, a celebrity worth more than $100 million ... received an Arthur Ashe Courage Award for having the bravery to sit in front of a photographer in her knickers. 

Fair Use: Men's Health

On Dec. 19, 2005, Sergeant Noah Galloway was hit by an IED in Yusafiah, Iraq. He lost his left arm below the elbow and left leg below the knee. Galloway was discharged and, despite frequent bouts of depression, worked for years to overcome his injuries and make something of his life.

In 2012, he participated in the Marine Corps Marathon and numerous other extreme-sport challenges. He spends substantial amounts of his time lecturing to injured veterans, recounting his story of recovery and encouraging them not to be defined by their disabilities. He made the cover of Men’s Health magazine.

"Heroes" and "veterans" ... both? 

When a word can mean anything ... then it means nothing. 


As I've written previously, there is an ideological assault underway on language, the purpose of which is to curtail the expression of certain kinds of ideas, while creating a compulsion for the expression of others. This is done, in part, by attempting to redefine what certain common words and phrases mean. As a poet, and a veteran, I am horrified. This is the very essence of what George Orwell wrote about in his seminal novel, "1984." So horrified were previous generations (of all political persuasions) with his dystopian prophecies, that they coined the term, "Orwellian," a pejorative meant to counter their occurrence.  

You Can't Make People Love You ... By Doing Things That Make Them Hate You

Human beings are extraordinarily symbolic creatures. That's why we understand analogies, metaphors and other figurative language. Poets, and artists in general, would be in big trouble if this were not true. As citizens of a country, one of the most important shared symbols we have is the national flag. It is meant to be a transcendent symbol, that is, no matter what our political or cultural differences, there are some things that are supposed to rise above it all. The tie that binds.  

In the military, there are very specific rules about how the flag is to be treated. It is never to touch the ground and, if flown, their are protocols for its display. Upon becoming old and tattered, there is a methodology for its destruction and disposal. While civilians tend to be more lax respecting such protocols, most follow the example set by soldiers in treating it with respect. 

But not everyone. Here's an American flag defaced by the LGBTQ community. Anyone who has ever witnessed a Gay Pride parade knows that this is par for the course. Nothing's sacred ... except their cause.


The rest of the "Intersectionality" crowd have their versions as well. 

But why are their grievances so special that they trump those of everyone else? 

A lot of people have causes about which they are passionate. My Mom is in her 8th year of Alzheimer's Disease. I would like to see billions more allocated in search for a cure. My daughter and I have converted our dining room into a biological and chemical laboratory trying to advance the science. Almost every Christmas and Birthday present either of us has received for almost a decade, has been a piece of lab equipment. Have you ever received a centrifuge as a present? I have, and was glad to get it. 

But you don't see me or other Alzheimer's researchers defacing the flag in order to get attention, do you?   

I have friends here on Steemit dealing with the ravages of terminal cancer and other debilitating diseases. I have Venezuelan friends struggling to eat as their country descends into anarchy. We all have problems. 

About a year ago, a woman at my daughter's school asked, "What are you doing for Pride Day?" I responded, "Nothing, I'm straight." She looked incredulous, as if THAT had anything to do with anything. Straight people still had to be allies. I should be out there, dressed as a rainbow, shutting down traffic. I am a poet ... why wasn't I writing a poem?  

The Intersectionality crowd (LGBTQ, Radical Feminism, Black Lives Matter, etc.) seem to think they're special, that their grievance and umbrage gives them license to trample upon the priorities and perspectives of the rest of society. 

I'm in advertising and as I've repeatedly advised clients considering doing something outrageous to "cut through the clutter" ... "You can't make people love you, by doing things that make them hate you." All this self-aggrandizement and the making of ridiculously spurious Truth Claims, does nothing but alienate people, like myself, in the political and cultural center. We end up voting for Trump, not because we think he's good, but because we think the alternative is worse.        

The Silence of the Silent Majority

While it would be tempting to dismiss all this as the foolery of the few, such sentiments have become mainstream within the media and our institutions of higher learning ... both bastions of the "Illiberal Left." It is shaping our culture in pernicious and insidious ways. 

Most people are not Right or Left. They are Centrists. They agree with one side on one issue, and the other on another. And, most don't want to engage in all this silliness and so they remain silent. The problem is their silence creates a vacuum which is filled by the only voices that are vocal ... those of extremists. 

Silence becomes complicity, as citizens decline to pay the price of their citizenry. 

Heroism Can Be Fleeting

For those of you following the theatrics, you will know that Caitlyn Jenner's heroism has plummeted since her initial coronation. You see, despite all her supposed Herculean exploits, Caitlyn committed the gravest of all possible sins, thereby forfeiting her right to be lauded and lionized. 

She admitted she was a Republican. 


 You guys know the drill. Be verbose ... but articulate. 

And remember ...        

Go Love A Starving Poet  

For God's sake ... they're starving!  

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The way you use words and build your argument is pure magic. It is fun to read! I wish you well with your research. The whole world should be supporting you.



Thanks mate.

My daughter plans, someday, to start posting, here on Steemit, the results of her Alzheimer's Research as a way to raise funds for additional research. It's incredibly expensive and the groveling for money in science never ends. Our plan is for me to develop a following, and then, transfer (as much as is possible) that following to her ... as she's a student and doesn't have the time to dedicate to building her own.

She is also a spectacular writer and her poetic skills are rapidly advancing. As you can imagine, I am a ferociously proud father.

$5.00 payouts, though, won't cut it. She earns $15/hour as a math tutor. Such Alzheimer's posts (easily 100 to document the entirety of what she's done) would each require 15-20 hours to compose. Steemit's irreverence to compensating posts based upon their quality makes it hard to justify the effort.


It would be awesome if someone like your daughter (and yourself @quillfire) can be empowered to do your work as a result of Steemit. I think that really is the dream and would fill me with great joy.


We are working our pants off.


  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Greetings, @quillfire
I agree with you 100%. You have used the best example possible by tracking the change of perception of Jenner.

I would go even further. I think we should get rid of show business or whatever they call this immense apparatus of trivialization and denaturalization of things.

I must confess I react with disgust at the word Kardasian (there are many others around the world), for all the load of crap associated with it (from Jenner to West and everything in between). And those who dedicate time, money and mental energy to following those reality shows and buying their products and fighting over these "celebrities" should be institutionalized.

I feel sick when I see the criminal display of wasteful luxury these people engage in, and this does not come from a mere third-world inferiority complex or class resentment. It comes from the cold analysis of the implications of such practices and the heroification this society is making out of those characters. My guess is that media invest more money on coverage of these idiots than on any other kind of news (I wish I had the numbers).
I know as a fact that had Jenner not declared any sympathy for the Republican Party she would not have remained untarnished for too long anyway.
As you rightly put it, you cannot expect to be loved doing things that make people hate you.
Here in Venezuela we have a sexual diversity movement like we had never had in the history of the country. A movement promoted by the left with the only purpose of getting the support of those historically victimized by a machista society (Undeniably, sexually diverse people had been the victims of all kinds of abuse, but worse yet, they still are, by the very government that hailed their flag). But, it is enough for a gay, lesbian or transgender to declare themselves as critical of the government, even if they do not espouse any political party. Up until then, they are deserving human beings.
Thus, the government respects the rights of LGBTs as long as they pledge alliance to them.
I think that minority groups must be very careful in how they demand their rightful place in society. I consider myself an African American literature scholar. I have studied it and love it with all my heart, especially after learning how most African American writers flirted with Communism (for obvious reasons) and shortly after sent it to hell (that part the Latin American left never tells).
But I hate it when African Americans complain, for instance, because there are not enough black actors in a certain movie. They have gone as far as forcing studios to cast black actors for roles that were meant for white actors. That is as wrong as shutting the doors to talented black actors and actresses just because of their color.
I think that more than redefining or expanding the meaning of words such as Veterans, these groups should build and create their own categories out of actions deserving of everybody’s support. I like sexually diverse people not just because they declare themselves as part of a marginalized group. If they are evil or support evil and stupidity they cannot expect my respect and consideration, just like the member of any other social or racial group. We should not align ourselves with simple nomenclatures, but to noble and elevating ideas, and these ideas come in all colors, creeds, shapes and forms.


As usual, insightful and well articulated commentary.

I must confess I react with disgust at the word Kardasian (there are many others around the world), for all the load of crap associated with it (from Jenner to West and everything in between). And those who dedicate time, money and mental energy to following those reality shows and buying their products and fighting over these "celebrities" should be institutionalized.

COL (Chuckling Out Loud). It's a phenomenon I've never understood and, quite frankly, one by which I'm appalled. If these are the cultural icons that people seek to emulate, we are doomed.

My guess is that media invest more money on coverage of these idiots than on any other kind of news

Surely, the media coverage of these fools signifies the end of journalism as a profession. When "superficial" becomes a "superlative," culture has a crisis.

Here in Venezuela we have a sexual diversity movement like we had never had in the history of the country. A movement promoted by the left with the only purpose of getting the support of those historically victimized by a machista society ...

Being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender, or a member of any other minority group for that matter, does not relieve one of the responsibilities of citizenry. Turning a blind eye to the myriad of problems facing the world, in exchange for the elevation of one's own personal political agenda, merits exclusion, not inclusion, from the ranks of power. Such self-aggrandizement is the antithesis of leadership.

I think that more than redefining or expanding the meaning of words such as Veterans, these groups should build and create their own categories out of actions deserving of everybody’s support.

Respect is not an entitlement. Respect is a thing ... which is earned.

We should not align ourselves with simple nomenclatures, but to noble and elevating ideas, and these ideas come in all colors, creeds, shapes and forms.

Perfectly said.


The world is gone too PC. And we wonder why the masses voted for Trump in the USA, right wing governments are being elected in Brazil and the UK are pulling out of the Europe Union


It's a pendulum and one extreme provokes a reactionary movement on the other. Ideologues of all colorings create havoc. The Silent Majority needs to find their voice and say, "Enough." When common sense becomes controversial, we've got a serious problem.


First time I hear someone admit voting for trump, and guess what it's kind of justifiable. (Kind of)
Man you really need a new alternative!


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Man - I scanned this - I am on my way to morning lessons - It's no doubt another great post! I'll make like Arnold and say "I'll be back" to read in-depth this evening.

EDIT: The use of certain words may well change, but when it causes confusion due to ambiguity or when the changes are introduced with an ulterior motive, for instance, to suggest that something is true in the absence of evidence to support it being so, then it is any person's right and duty to raise the discussion.

Dominating the sphere of debate, prescribing language and punishing any failures to abide in speech, action and thought, is about as far away from the idea of equality as one can possibly get. What we are seeing is a rapid regression to authoritarianism.

In my mind, none of this makes sense, and if it does to anyone, he or she isn't thinking hard enough. People are being re-educated into believing that if they are comfortable in their own skin, it is because of a phobia which is causing them to repress their urge to experience a discomfort in their own skin.

On that national hero of yours, Caitlyn.. He is lucky. He poses in his knickers and gets a medal for bravery. If I posed for cameras in knickers, the audience would need to get medals for bravery.

My apologies - I have edited my comment for fear of being targeted by the political police. It's far safer to express one's ideas, to join the dots, using poetry. You are fighting the good fight, my veteran friend.


Dominating the sphere of debate, prescribing language and punishing any failures to abide in speech, action and thought, is about as far away from the idea of equality as one can possibly get. What we are seeing is a rapid regression to authoritarianism.

Although that sounds like an extreme thing to say, it's not. If ten years ago you'd told me that I'd have to DEFEND my rather pedestrian centrist political positions, risking all manner of ad hominem attack in the process ... I would have said you were a lunatic.

How could defending logic, reason and rationale be controversial? Asking for evidence in support of an argument ... who could possibly object?

Orwelll was right ... just off by 30 years.

About a week ago, I actually witnessed a full-throated debate here on Steemit about the Earth being flat. At first, I thought it was a joke. That the person arguing for a Flat Earth was being sarcastic or sardonic ... or something. I was wrong. He was being dead serious. How can this even be up for debate? On a scale of 1 to 100, where does this rank in terms of critical thinking?

But everyone gets to have their own Truth and no criticizing ... or you're a bully.

Where's the Line of Incredulity across which one must not step? Apparently, there isn't one.

People are being re-educated into believing that if they are comfortable in their own skin, it is because of a phobia which is causing them to repress their urge to experience a discomfort in their own skin.

It has become such that NOTHING is too ridiculous to believe. If a 5-year-old declares he's a she, then we need to take that seriously, change their name and start giving them drugs that block puberty. And, if we don't ... that's "child abuse." This is lunacy upon its face. When was the last time you took seriously anything a 5-year-old said? We don't let 5-year-olds choose their own breakfast cereal ... because if we did, they'd choose a bowl full of M&M's covered with a spoonful of sugar ... and become diabetic by the age of six. We justify such dictatorial discretion with what used to be a universally accepted explanation, "Because they're five." We don't let 5-year-olds make life-altering decisions because they have almost no ability to "reality test" ... the ability to distinguish between fantasy and reality. That's why they still believe in the Tooth Fairy. As they have almost no prefrontal cortex at this age, we let them borrow ours.

He poses in his knickers and gets a medal for bravery. If I posed for cameras in knickers, the audience would need to get medals for bravery.

Oh, come on, Tru ... give it a go. You're just being shy. I sense a $100 post. Throw in a poem ... $1,000. Easy money.
