in writing •  6 years ago 


Why not drink cow's milk
I can say for sure for the two years that I lived in China that the Chinese do not drink cow's milk, but if they drink soy milk for industrial quantities, and I can say that Chinese women do not get breast cancer, nor do men develop prostate tumors, neither of stomach, nor in the lungs and that they smoke a lot, as it is the statistical figures of cancer in men and women in other parts of the world.
Chinese doctors say that cow's milk contains high levels of calcium that are harmful to humans, which as the human body is not able to assimilate completely large amounts of it are deposited in the joints producing pains in the endings as which we commonly call arthritis.
It is said that the human being absorbs calcium and iron in similar amounts to maintain a balance in the body, which is very different in cow's milk, the iron is well below the amount similar to calcium, producing a disparity in the absorption in the human being and a hormonal imbalance, which in the end according to the Chinese doctors helps in the death of the cells of our body, or what we call cancer.
There are people who when drinking cow's milk, it produces an acidity in the stomach or flatulence as in my case, when this happens, the bicarbonates that secrete the vesicle and pancreas to neutralize it are depleted, in addition, blood levels are increased of IGF-1 that allows the blood to remain alkaline, which is associated with the growth of cancer cells.



It is the quintessential drink of the Chinese, and Asian culture, including the Ecuadorian government gives it to children in schools, combined they call soy milk with strawberry flavor, vanilla flavor, butter and among others.
It is a completely vegetable drink, whose composition includes proteins, carbohydrates, fats and minerals.
Soy milk is rich in phytoestrogens, a plant hormone that can inhibit testosterone production in men and by reducing these levels the percentage of getting prostate cancer is lower.
Soy milk contains proteins called isoflavones that directly feed the cells of our body making them stronger and allowing those cells that were about to die, to regenerate again, avoiding cancer.

Comparative table between cow's milk and soy milk



How to prepare soy milk
1 ... We should place 500 grams of soybeans in 1 liter of water to boil.
2 ... Let boil for 20 minutes.
3 ... we must liquefy it at high speed
4 ... then with a fine diaper we should strain it
5 ... boil for 5 minutes again and add strawberry, vanilla, or any other flavor that we want to give, to change its flavor to taste.

thank you for reading my post I hope you liked it.

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buena informacion amigo..!!

gracias ,si te puedo decir que la leche de soya es muy bueno lastima que en venezuela sea tan cara la soya, bueno ahora que no es caro aqui.gracias por leer mi post