This event happened to me over 50 years ago on the road to the Umuakali Stream, just a small village in the Eastern part of Nigeria. The ghost of a father and his son appeared to me as i walked past. The experience was so vivid that i can still recall it till date.
I was just a lad and was running home along that road one evening when a man and his son suddenly appeared in front of me. They were walking hand in hand.
I was going so fast that i couldn't avoid them and ran straight into... and right through them. I FELT NOTHING AT ALL! I turned to look back, and they had vanished.
I clearly recall that the pair were dressed in style of the 1940s and the young boy had been wearing a school blazer. blue trousers and a school cap. They had looked solid enough, but as i ran through them, there was nothing there.
I was so terrified and peed my pants. I couldn't go out of our house for any reason at dusk for many months later because the images from the encounter kept haunting me. It was really weird.