Welcome to reality
Were the poor have to double there hustle just to put food on there table and still live below a dollar every day while the rich just have to press some few buttons in his laptop everyday and smile to his bank a million dollar richer because of his smart investment he made many years ago that is now paying him off.
Welcome to reality
Were Africa leaders feels that the political appointment they acquired by the vote of the people is now seen as there birth right but yet they will be using democracy as a disguise to decieve the foriegn counterpart in order to look like a saint in order to gain more favour or get an award .
Welcome to reality
Were fight is no longer hand to hand. You have to soil your hands with blood by using bottle, sharp objects and guns to be respected in your neighborhood and among your fellow niggas. You have to be a nigga to get the type of money, flashy life style and the type of girls you have always desired but that doesn't mean it doesn't have it's consequences. You have to sleep with one eye open and one eye close to be ahead of the game. You have to be at constant alert and mind the streets you enter because the streets are red.
Welcome to reality
Where Christians and Moslems always find it hard to get along but yet they both serve the same God. At every little provocation, they see it as an avenue to kill innocent citizens that have no clue what even orignated the fight, all in the name of venting there anger.
Welcome to reality
- Were the Bible, this days is now been misinterpreted and made to favor one part and ignore the other part of the Bible for either selfish interest or to exploit the church members of there little cash with there fake vision.
- Where many Christians feel that only prayers and fasting will bring Manna from heaven by just lying down on the bed 24/7. Even apostle Paul made mentioned that, if you don't work don't eat (2nd Thessalonians 3:10).
- Were members worship there pastors and see him like a demigod ignoring the fact that is God using the pastors to do those signs and wonders.
Welcome to reality
Were developing countries are been exploited by developed countries with hi-tech technology or in the name of keeping peace in a country. The funny thing about everything is that, we can not do without them. We need them as much as they need us, thats just the reality.
Welcome to reality
Were ritual killings, slave trade, human trafficking is now the other of the day, All in the name of making money. The annoying and heartbreaking part of everything is that most of the things are been done by either relatives or friends or people you know.
Welcome to reality
Were to get a job is not by what you know, or certificate you have laboured for after four years or skills you have learned but by connection, the man or woman you know in the company handling that sector you applied for, the political godfather you know that will introduce to the big boys in the confraternity for easy access and political backings.
Welcome to reality
Were small thieves are lynched to death for just stealing a food item in the market because of the recession in the country while big thieves that are wanted and charged with money laundering are been celebrated and promoted from Chairman on Pension Reforms Task Team to Deputy-Director in the Ministry of Interior.
Welcome to reality,
Where students are divided into four set of people.
- First set of people are those who wants to be a wonder to there world and think outside the box and are not limited by what they learn in school alone and they are versatile readers. They are there own boss
- Second set of people they are brilliant and good are memorising. They are caged with studying one particular field for the past 4 years and they come out in flying colours only to work for others.
- 3rd set of people, they just read to pass there exam at that moment and after the exam ask them the same question they have forgotten what they wrote. Either they lack interest in the course or they were forced by parents to study it
- Fourth set of students. They are the slay kings and queens. You find them in fun places in campus. This set don't read at all, there hope is to either cheat to pass there exams or they are bribing the lecturers with mouth watering offer he can't refuse. You know the funny thing, this set of people turn out to be top shots in the society. U know why? They have the connection!!
Welcome to reality
Were the ladies use the most sacred part of there body to get what they want and still not feel shy or guilty about what they have done. With the kind of extravagant and flashy life style they live in campuses, one will only sit down and wonder, if there parents are the president of the country. They are the slay queens.
Welcome to reality
Were you see good people die and bad people live long. Why such things happen, no one can tell, that's a question for the creator of heaven and earth. He knows better. We only pray to live a righteous life while alive and make heaven.