Punished for likening my nuts to a persuasive cucumber - Detention Letter to Parent by The Invisible Man

in writing •  7 years ago 

Punished for Likening My Nuts to a Persuasive Cucumber
Detention Letter to Parent
by The Invisible Man

Punished for likening my nuts to a persuasive cucumber - Detention Letter to Parent by The Invisible Man.jpg

Dear Mrs. Nuckledrum,

I am sorry to report that little Ben has been assigned a detention.

As you know, little Ben is usually a very naughty and tired child. However, today I caught him fornicating during class.

When I asked him to stop, he shouted, "Eat peanuts and live!" and began masturbating with his friend Dover.

Ben aggravated the matter further by calling me a psychotic horse and likening my nuts to a persuasive cucumber.

Little Ben was also in violation of the school uniform policy. I do not allow influential socks at Never Pass Academy.

Never Pass Academy prides itself on being an angry and lazy establishment. Thus we simply cannot have children fornicating and masturbating on the premises. Added to which, my nuts looks nothing like a cucumber, as Mrs Tittle will testify.

Please ensure that little Ben attends detention tomorrow after school, and leaves his influential clothing at home.

Yours sincerely
The Invisible Man

Thanks for reading,
The Invisible Man

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