in writing •  7 years ago  (edited)


We get so damn indignant all the time. About everything. It’s such a strange phenomenon how difficult it is for people to try and put themselves in the mindset of another person.

Try it, I dare you.

You think the world is round? Try believing for one full minute it’s flat.

You think there’s no god? Try imagining a deity in the sky that not only judges you, but that craves your love and can help you if you just ask the right way.

You think ketchup is great? Try believing for a full day, that it’s a stupid, sickly sweet sauce that ruins everything it touches and doesn’t belong in the category of food.

Hard, right?

So then where do you stand on eating dogs?

As an American, it’s as sacrilegious as using a crucifix as a pooper scooper, french kissing your mom or refusing a high five at a Super Bowl party. But in plenty of countries around the world, they’re just another animal with meat on their bones, that can be either caught in the wild or raised as meat on legs, ready and waiting for their time under the knife.

In recent years, people in this country have started taking pigs as pets ALL OVER INSTAGRAM. They’re adorable. Actually smart, and super clean if you don’t let them into a mud sty. They have cute tails and snouts, and seem just about as happy as any domestic animal can be. BUT WE EAT THEM BY THE BACONATOR full. Which is to say by the metric fucking ton.

Cows are sweet. Fuck cows. Eat those walking burger factories.

But NO NO NO, don’t eat your dog. They are “man’s best friend.” And I’m not saying that I’ve gotten high and wondered what my dog would taste like, but in my case I have a tiny, skinny wiener do that wouldn’t be worth the trouble to prepare.

I guess the interesting thing to me is that the same people that will mock a vegetarian for saying that all meat comes from living things, will punch you in the throat if you try to serve them a freshly grilled side of Fido with fried Rover balls as an appetizer. But why? They’re both animals. Both living things. Both friendly.

And if the reverse is true, does that mean that dog is delicious?

In India, the cow is sacred, so they don’t eat it. But we don’t even have THAT to fall back on to explain ourselves. We don’t worship dogs. We don’t think they’re particularly spiritual (outside the fact that we know they all go to heaven:)

So help me out. Why does it seem so horrible? Why are domesticated dogs protected by animal cruelty laws, but cows can be slaughtered in a long chute with a metal plug?

Am I an asshole for even asking these questions?

You tell me.

image @writesbackwards is a group of friends who love to write about life, sports, comedy, tech and other fun stuff!

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I like it

Thanks @writesbackwards absolutely there are many peoples which think there is no God but in reality there is a God who handle this universe such as sun, stars and all galaxies & only eat dogs that peoples which are animals not humans.

read post. i like this is realty base and this is esly simple awry budy understand

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Well Well Well

Ever heard of Jainism

The oldest and the only religion on the planet, that is based on science, commonsense and non violence. However i consider it as a way of life, coz thats what it was considered back then.

Its has 3 basic principles:

Ahimsa – Non-violence
Anekantavada - Non-absolutism
Aparigraha - Non-possessiveness

However, the reason Jains are born vegetarians, is that Jainism preaches that, any being that shows emotions is non edible, and also its scientifically proven that if you eat raw meat directly like the lions/tigers, you wont survive long. But you eat any raw vegetables, you will not die, in fact its healthier to eat most of the vegetables uncooked.

You can click the link above for knowing in detail.



In some countries eating dog is part of culture, I think. For one country it is fine, for another it is awful.

Yes, you're right. In Nigeria, there's a town that eats dogs. I don't know if it is their culture, but they do eat dogs a lot. I can't stand eating dog tho. I grew up with dogs, but as I get older, I became so afraid of dogs. I don't know what happened

Here in Nigeria, some eat pigs, dogs and most especially cows
But I personally can't stand it to rear a dog from puppy 🐶 till it grow up and now say killing it is the best option, it very bad, we should learn to pity these animals.
Though I don't eat dog at all
When my dog grow old, I will rather sell it out and buy another one than eating it

Please, I beg you. Do not sell your dog, if it means that they will take it and consume it. (I cannot even get myself to type it. Just typing it sent shivers down my spine.)
What kind of relationship do you have with your dog right now? When they are old they need us the most. Keep it and love it.
He will appreciate it and so will YOU, the spirit that you are deep inside.
One of my dogs passed away a few years back. She was 14 when she passed away. Do you know she was visiting our home for almost a month after she passed away? They too have spirits and so do the rest of the animals.

Cows and pigs are allowed to be eaten because there is a massive industry lobby suggesting that humans need protein for growth. No one needs that much protein and its just big business now. Shutting it down means job losses and a shrunken economy.

Eating the animal you want to eat is cultural and also depends on what economic class you belong to. In europe, specially france, eating snales and frog legs is ok. I am sure at some point, someone wealthy would have said he wants to eats something unique, a meat not eaten by the commoner.

Some domesticated animals were used as a source of food supply till they found their way on the kitchen table. Some domesticated animals found their way into homes in some cultures. In others they stayed as a food source.

Dogs are eaten in china, india, and korea but it is not a mass market thing. It is poor man's food. You may want to eat a dog if you havent been told as a society that it is wrong. I think where the animal lies in the evolutionary chain also matters.

Where I am from there is no law forbidden eating dogs but people generally frown at it except for a couple of tribes where it's their signature dish.
There's no reason behind it except the mindset of people.

I hate the thought of eating doge. It sounds and looks so brutal to me. I've never eaten that even once.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hmmm hot dog is fine right ? :) Well I can't help you with this but I heard that people who ate dog, are hated by dogs. Maybe they can smell something...

In some East and South-East asian countries they eat dog.

Well I prefere more sophitiscated quisine.

Best regards from Berlin @seelc (food&travel)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Of course you're not an asshole for asking. There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers. Well, here goes one of those answers. I wouldn't eat them but that's just me. To each their own. That's what I believe. If people want to start eating cow poop, I could care less. Maybe they do eat it in India where cows are sacred. Wouldn't that make their poop sacred. Could it maybe have medical properties? Maybe it could get them into heaven. Who knows? Anyways, on a completely different subject, you left the g off of the end of dog when you spelled wiener dog.... wiener do

Your assholeness is still up for debate. But the idea of eating a dog is intriguing. Honestly though, I read "Dog blah blah blah" and then saw the crown jewel of all foods, the big daddy of salty fattiness...BACON! I imagine myself laying nude under my picnic umbrella as that hottie that runs through our neighborhood rubs uncooked bacon on my body and feeds me lightly crisped pieces of delicious bacon and we make....wait, what were we talking about?

Dogs are considered to be man's best friend. That's why.

It is so sad but I must confess that here in my country Venezuela, people of very low income are eating dogs because they have nothing else to eat because of the high cost of living ... a kilo of beef exceeds the payment of a salary monthly

Here in Philippines, Cows were eaten.

Pigs were also eaten but there are some people especially the muslims, they do not eat pigs. We all know that dogs is a man's bestfriend. It safeguard our house against thief.

Yes we are the same question @writebackwards . In my opinion, that is already their life, as an animal. That is part of the nature as what my teacher said. But here in Philippines, if ever there is a person who will try to abuse for instance cows and dog, it will be dragged to jail.

I can't eat the dog that i fed

Not an asshole for asking. I couldn't do it but I also won't eat lamb or veal. I think it is more an emotional thing - anything small and cuddly isn't on my menu.

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A dog is man's best friend and most of all a Dog will give it's life for You. I know my do will give her life for me if there comes a time.
But no other animal or human will do that for me. Not even my other pets.

What a cute little dog. His orange coloured head looks like a freshly peeled orange slice. It is damn cute I tell you. I wish I had one like it.

Funny, my dog who is now 12 years looked exactly like that as a pup. So cute.

After seeing documentaries about the food industry, I stopped eating meat like before. I do it once in some months if I am invited somewhere, but cant bear it anymore :(

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You are very hard in a funny way. I enjoyed reading this post. Although i don't know what ketchup has done to you but such is life. As for eating dogs and pigs, hmmmm i have sympathy for anyone who eats them. Cow is another thing entirely, because i am now turned Indian, reason being that i have gaut. Thank you for sharing.

no way, eat a dog ?! thats horibble!


You Like it?! first you tell me why its good ?!

I don't like it, don't think I'll ever want to taste it.
Now, you tell me why it's wrong

It's not wrong in my opinion.
But consuming the meat of someone who will lay their life for you, is pretty much sad and I will not do it even if I was left in a famine ridden place with only my dog or any other dog for that matter. This is just my opinion about consuming dog meat.

Thank you, that's exactly what I was trying to say.
It's not wrong by any standard but it's our individual judgement that keeps us from eating it.

I dont really get it as well. Dog is man's best friend, its our companion in good and bad times. And no one can compare with a loyalty of a dog. I once had a dog, we raised it since its still a pup. Ever since we played with him every day. After school, he diligently sits in front of the door wagging his cute tail and sticking out his tongue waiting for us to come in. He was God's gift to us. Now eating the same kind as the one that accompanied you? NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! That's just ABSURD! So i totally agree with this post. Dog are God's heaven sent to be our friend, not our food.

Interesting post!

I think they are just too cute and precious (and loyal too) to be eaten, they should be treasured!

When my dad was on base in Viet Nam, they had a stray dog that they adopted and they called it Meatloaf... was it because it was the 70's and there was a singer named Meatloaf or something else? :)

Honestly eating dogs is very unfair and strange to me, how can one eat an animal that can walk into the bed and lye down on the same bed with you, an animal that can smell the enemy and fight them for you, oh lets be realistic we have to stop dog consumption.

this dog is so cute

i love dogs.. so please stop eating..

Why on earth should we eat dog. Its just as if we are consuming our best friend. Eating dog is a very bad and wicked act because you looking at dog they are just like human, they understand,they feel what we feel. The most interesting part is that when we are sad they noticed us nd always want us to be happy. Dogs are our best friend even better than most of our human best friend. Pls dont eat our dogs. We love them just like our family!!

For most cultures eating dog meat is no big deal, some even rare them mainly for that purpose.While a large percentage of the poor population eat it to survive mainly the feral dogs because they roam the streets in large numbers and won't be missed. I personally don't have anything against those who eat dog meat although I don't see myself eating dog meat in the future but who knows the future isn't certain.