It has been exactly a year since I am writing, while traveling around the globe. Today I feel like inspiring people to dream big!

in writing •  8 years ago 

Today is exactly one year since I am traveling; one year since I have last seen my family. Today I have achieved my goal. I have made it.

I remember that I said to myself "I will go to Central America and will write every single day for a year, no matter what. Every single day." I did it. I have 366 blog posts, which perfectly represent my life during the past year. It has been hard, funny, exciting, sad, and just [input any emotion here].

Strange thing is that I thought that I will have it all figured out by this time. The reality is – I am sitting in my chair with new problems and new goals, completely covered in unknown. I am sure I learned a lot, but I am also sure that we cannot learn it all…

I imagined that I will be so proud of myself for making this milestone. After all, it was the biggest promise to myself that I have ever made. Of course, I am freaking proud; however, I know that it is not so important to me anymore after I have faced all the problems while achieving this goal.

It is actually just another day. I can now put a big fat check on my achievement list, but it won’t change a thing – I have to keep going. I have to wake up tomorrow and write again.

One thing for sure - achieving our goals is highly important, but the excitement is not as big as we would expect. Maybe that only means that enjoying the ride is also important?

This being said, now I know that I can achieve whatever I focus on. That is inspiring going forward.That makes me confident about my future. I cannot feel how much I actually improved, but I did my best.

English is not my mother tongue and I have been (still am) struggling to find the rhythm early on with my writing. I occasional.y read my first texts and understand that they are all over the place. I was actually an awful writer with shitloads of confidence.

It took a while for my confidence to be crushed by all the rejections. Ironically, my writing only got better.

And it brings me till now. I still see a lot of things to improve, but I am positive that I can go far as a writer. This one-year traveling/writing test is passed. I give myself the highest grade because I am an ignorant and spoiled brat. And also because I am an awesome traveler and writer. You would be surprised.

What is my point? Set yourself some real goals. enjoy achieving them. Put all your efforts into it... And don't get surprised when you reach it and it only seems normal. That is because you have changed throughout the journey. That is because what has been a goal before, now is a common practice.

Grab life by the balls and don't let it go! Today my soul is celebrating. Today I am free for new and even bigger challenges. Cheers, friends! Stay awesome (or become if you are not yet)!

For more of my strange work, you can visit my lovely blog on Facebook!

Express your thoughts as nothing makes me happier.

And just have a nice day, my fellow steemians! :)

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congratgulations, happy that your doing well. Looks like you leveled up in your rep a bit since the last time I saw you ^_^

Hi, thank you @ballinconscious It has been a while, I am doing just great. How are you?
Yeah, I have been spending maybe just a little too much time here haha. I am glad about my rep, though :) Makes me feel important! :D

Your welcome ^_^ It has been a while! good to hear, I am doing good too. Maybe, or maybe I have been spending to little time on here:p Yeah rep is where it is at! I am about to reach 65, then I can feel important like you!

Noo, you are important already! People like you make this world a little brighter, you know.
P.S. I also saw that you liked my FB blog. Thanks! My traveling year is almost over, but I will make something cool out of that blog anyway. :)

Haha yeah I know but thanks for the reminder! Thanks, I appreciate the kind words! Yea I saw your link and decided to like it! Awesome, I think it is awesome that you dedicated yourself to a one year travel!

Congratulations! Wonder what your next goal will be.

Thanks @lakshmi I wonder too. Will let you know when I know lol

that is awesome! uve got some balls @writingamigo

Haha, thanks @immarojas I sure hope so! At least I am doing my best!

yes you are! the thing is..what's next that's bigger than the last one :)

Congratulations! A year is a long period. The goal is achieved. The next stage in life. New perspectives, plans, new challenges, new meetings and new partings. That's life. Yay!

Thank you! Yeah, I have to re-think it all and start moving again!

Good for you. Ain't nothing better than traveling.

Thanks. Yeah, traveling is an awesome thing to do! It is definitely among the best things we can do!

@writingamigo Truly inspiring

Thanks @jbarnes82!