Islam Agama Cinta dan Kasih Sayang terhadap seluruh Ummat Manusia ,Islam Religions of Love and Compassion for all mankind

in writting •  6 years ago  (edited)

Di saat seseorang berucap Syahadat Tauhid, “ Asyhadu an Lailaha illa Alloh” dan Syahadat Rosul, wa Asyhadu ana Muhamma Rosululloh”,maka dalam jiwanya telah otomatis tumbuh yang di sebut “ Cinta” namun cinta terhadap Rob, dan Rosulnya, karena makna syahadat Tauhid , adalah aku bersaksi tiada Tuhan yang wajib disembah, di ibadahi, kecuali Alloh, Alloh tak bersekutu /berserikat dengan sesuatu apapun, tiada yang menyamai sesuatupun, benda diplanet manapun, takkan mungkin menyamai Alloh, Mukholafatu lilhawadisi, berbeda dengan sekalian mahluk.
Begitu pula saat seseorang berucap Syahadat Rosul , secara otomatis ia akan mengenal pada keyakinan pertamanya tumbuh benih Cinta pada RosulNya, Nabi Muhammad , hamba utusanNya, yang menyampaikan wahyu Alloh terhadap Ummat Manusia.agar ummat manusia selamat pada jalan yang lurus , baik selamat di Dunia maupun selamat di Akhirat kelak.
Didalam cinta ada ketundukan, kepatuhan, kerelaan, dan keikhlasan dalam menjalankan aturan Hukum , baik yang berkenaan dengan kehidupan personal, sosial, ekonomi,dan politik.
Apabila dua kalimat syahadat telah terucap, maka otomatis telah Ber –Islam. Dan cinta Islam, dalam arti “ Tunduk , patuh dan Ikhlas dalam menjalankan Syariat Islam, untuk mencapai keselamatan baik selamat di Dunia maupun Selamat di Akhirat.
Islam adalah Agama Rohmatan Lil alamin, artinya Islam datang untuk cinta dan kasih sayang terhadap seluruh ummat Manusia, tak dibatasi Bangsa, warna kulit, keturunan,dan Negara, seluruh manusia yang telah ber Islam ia wajib hukumnya untuk menebar cinta dan kasih sayang, menghormati hak hidup, hak berkelompok/hak berjamaah, hak bernegara hak merdeka dalam batasan menjalankan Agama. Dalam syariat Islam tercantum Rukun Islam, yaitu Syahadat, sholat, zakat, puasa dan berhaji bagi yang mampu. Dalam Syahadat ada keimanan ,kesaksian, ketundukan dan cinta Dalam Sholat ada doa yan dipanjatkan secara kontinyu, yaitu komunikasi pribadi dan jamaah dengan Alloh, karena rasa cinta memohon bimbingan hidup agar mencapai keselamatan
Dalam Zakat merupakan kepedulian penuh terhadap sesama yang kurang mampu
Dalam Puasa Ramadhan ada latihan jiwa agar jiwa lebih peka terhadap penderitaan sesama manusia, dan berusaha untuk membantu demi kesejahteraan bersama.
Dalam berhaji ada tekad kemurnian kecintaan hamba terhadap Rob, dengan pengorbanan material, jasmani dan rohani untuk beribadah di Tanah suci Baitulloh, yang selama ini jadi kiblat persatuan Ummat Islam. Semoga Cinta terus menyebar pada diri kita untuk kebaikan Manusia, Amin.

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When someone speaks the Shaada of Tawheed, "Asyhadu an Lailaha illa Alloh" and the Shaqat of the Prophet, wa Asyhadu ana Muhammadan Rosululloh ", in his soul has automatically grown which is called" Love "but love of Rob, and his Rosul, because of the meaning of the creed of Tawheed, is that I testify that there is no god to be worshiped, worshiped, except Allah, Allah does not associate / associate with anything, nothing equal to anything, any plane of any kind, can not be equal to Allah, Mukholafatu lilhawadisi, unlike all beings.
Similarly, when someone speaks the Rosal Creed, he will automatically recognize in his first belief that the seeds of Love grow in His Rosul, Prophet Muhammad, the servant of his messenger, who convey the revelation of Allah to the Ummah.agar mankind survived on the straight road, both survived in the World and congratulations in the Hereafter.
In love there is submission, obedience, willingness, and sincerity in carrying out the rule of law, both with regard to personal life, social, economic, and political.
If the two sentences of the shahada have been uttered, then automatically has Islam. And love Islam, in the sense of "Submissive, obedient and Ikhlas in running the Shari'a of Islam, to achieve salvation in both the World and Congratulations in the Hereafter.
Islam is the Religion of Rohmatan Lil alamin, meaning Islam comes for love and affection for all humanity, unlimited Nation, skin color, heredity, and State, all human being who has been Islamic he obligated his law to spread love and affection, right to life, group rights / rights of congregation, the right of the state of free right within the limits of running the religion. In the Islamic Shari'ah, there are Islamic pillars, namely Syahadat, prayer, zakat, fasting and hajj for the capable. In the Creed is faith, testimony, submission and love In Prayer there is a continuously prayed prayer, that is personal communication and jamaah with Allah, because love begs for life guidance to achieve safety
In Zakat is a full concern for others who are less able
In Ramadan fasting there is the practice of the soul so that the soul is more sensitive to the suffering of fellow human beings, and strives to help for the common prosperity.
In the pilgrimage there is a determination of the purity of my love of Rob, with material sacrifice, physical and spiritual to worship in the holy land of Baitulloh, which has been the direction of the unity of the Muslim Ummah. May Love continue to spread to us for the good of Man, Amen.

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