Call of duty world war 2

in ww2 •  7 years ago 

Call of duty ww2. Is a very good game it has all the old classic guns. This is good because some old guns are better than the new ones. But call of duty ww2 dosent have an exo suit. Exo suits are so good because it is like you are fliying and it allows you to climb on walls the game that dose have an exo suit is call of duty black opps 3. And call of duty balck opps 3 is sutch a fun game becaus of the new guns and the exo suits. But call of duty ww2 is a very good game because there is so many snipers and the snipers are so good. This is call of duty ww2.

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which one of the series is your favorite. is there any new call of duty games coming soon, that your looking foward to?