What if Germany had won WW2?

in ww2 •  5 months ago 

If Germany would have won the Seccond World War, the world would look much different from how we know it today. There would be a way different politic, Culture and Basic humanity itself.
There would be more authority, controlling but also much more new technology and economical evolution.

Here are some scenarios that would have happened if the German Dictator Adolf Hitler had won WW2:

  • Das Großgermanische Reich (The Great German Empire)
    Hitler had the Vision of a Great German Empire, that should have taken place in big parts of Europe. This Empire would have oppressed and "removed" millions of the slavic population across Eastern Europe, to make space for German Settlements. The implementation of this vision would have brought us to gigantic human suffering.

  • Technological Evolution
    Germany would have been pretty progressive if it comes to technological Evolution. Allthough most of it would mainly be focussed on military and political progressioning, instead of the developement of the Human race.

  • Cold War with the USA
    A German victory would have brought to a different geopolitical situation. Instead of the Cold War between the USA and the Sowjetunion it may have been one between Germany and the USA.

  • Cultural and Social Differences
    The culture and Society in Europe and the World would have been strongly influenced by a nationalsocialistic ideology. freedom, democraty and diversity would all have been suppressed.

It is Important to repeat that a German Victory in the Seccond World War wasn't even nearly archievable and the historical happenings took a different turn. Luckily the World of Terror made by the Nationasocialism has been overcome and turned into a more diverse and freer future for nearly everyone.

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