Episode 1020

in ww3 •  last year 

Full Metal Ox Day 955
Renaissance Year Episode 1020

Another "Sneak Attack"

If you haven't freaked out yet, don't start now. It's still Wellness Wednesday and you probably could use, if not NEED some wellness encouragement by now. We will get to part one of our three part miniseries. But first a few "words" about the current situation in Israel.
I can guarantee you that the situation has changed since I pecked out these notes. But the programming language hasn't changed, although it might have been updated the same way your computer-mind gets upgraded daily.
Before we get into the wellness we take a brief look at the "clues", the language of the early days of the war. One word I left off of the list that's now been run into the ground is, "unprecedented." You're cynical vagabond suspects that "unprecedented" is being programmed to make us expect unprecedented, you name it; censorship, retaliation, spending, sacrifices, add your own ingredients to the soup.
It's all part of the script. The puzzle. The simulation.
Enhance your calm and check out today's episode.

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100% Sabado: Episode 128

Supercharged Roktober: Monkey Bars Session 29

Full Body Rotation: Episode 127

Best 17 Minutes: Episode 126

Burpees Madness Session 15

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