Geumgang Student on Holidays @ 2017 Week 6

in wwoof •  7 years ago 

Time flies, 10 days holidays was going to the end but let me share how i spend my last week holidays~ Most of the foreign students of Geumgang University went out to the places like Seoul, Busan, Gangwon-do and some other places might need to catch up with them only i can know more><.hehe. 🤓Some students stayed in the dorm and I, just back from Naju (Gwangju) a small town or i can say it is the paddy field's hometown.

时间飞逝,10天假期即将结束,但让我分享我是如何度过我上周的假期〜大多外国学生都去了首尔,釜山,江原道等而其他地方的, 让赶上了与他们见个面才能知道更多> <hehe.🤓有些学生留住在宿舍,而我刚刚从Naju(光州),一个小镇回来,也可以说是稻田的故乡.

Most of the photo in my photo was gone because of my memory card suddenly out of function😥. Below paddy field photo are 3years ago that i took on the aircraft with almost same timing.我大部份的照片中都不见了😥因为我的记忆卡功能突然消失, 下面的照片是3年前我从飞机上拍的照片几乎在相同的时间.


Well, i had taken train to Naju and how i know there are surrounding with paddy field is because last 3 years before i went to the same place for WWOOF program🐣~I was so excited 🎊🎉when i know that they can accept me during the important festival in Korea which is Chuseok (Mid Autumn Festival) and i can leave this superb tranquil and silent dorm for 6 days!🌄

Well, 我是乘火车去Naju的,而为什么我知道周围的稻田是因为过去3年才去了那里WWOOF~🐣当我知道在韩国很重要节日里园主可以收留我的时候,我非常兴奋的🎉🎊,在这中秋节我可以离开这个高超宁静和安静的宿舍6天!🌄

The place where i wwoofing was host by 👫an elderly couple who still have abundance of energy as last 3 years ago. Once again i met them and Mrs. Go(the wife) fetched my from the train station and we went to a traditional market for some groceries. It was around 2pm when we reached home and Mr. Jung(the hunsband) just wait at the door side and welcomed me with his friendly smile and both arms🤗! After rest a while, i then started to work~ haha #iamkuli~ Because this is actually an exchange program that i work for the host to exchange 3 meals and accommodation. It was one of my strategies to struggle with the travel expenses 😎So, first given job task was break up the garlic! It was 20kg head of garlic and have to break it up to garlic grove. 🍡🍡My first meal here, sorry to tell i had forgotten😂😂 what was it because i have short term memory just same as nemo🐡~By the way was a blurrr and a happy meal(ba la ba lala..i loving it~#McD)🍔🍟

我去wwoofing 的地方是我三年前到访过的,再次见到他们, 还是很有活力的老夫老妻.👫而夫人(妻子)从火车站接我后,我们去了pasar买一些杂货.当我们到达家中时,大约下午2点,Jung先生(丈夫)已经在门口等候,用友好的微笑和双臂欢迎我叻🤗!休息一段时间后,我开始工作〜哈哈#iamkuli〜因为这实际上这是一个交换计划,我为园主工作交换3餐和住宿.这是我的战略之一,让旅行费用变得更有价值😎So,第一个收的工作任务是剥大蒜!大蒜头20公斤,必须把它分开成一粒粒🍡🍡我的第一顿饭在这里,对不起,我忘记了是什么😂,因为我和nemo一样有短期的记忆.就只记得超饱和快乐的一餐~(像麦当当一样的快乐餐点)🍔🍟

My 1st meal. 我的第一餐

Following the schedule from Mr. Jung, i have to wake up on 630am but the chickens here will wake you up on 430am@@. And 7am will need to prepare breakfast and it just same as last 3 years before, an egg which laid from their hens and 2 toasted bread with kimchi and persimmon jam. Then 830am we started our works and the second day was raining whole day, so we work only on breaking up the garlic head and some dry corns🌽🌽. I think it was another 10kg of garlic on that day. After lunch, i able to rest until 230pm and continue to work again but they asking me to went out for spa, well, i am not interested to spa so i continue to work at home #iamkuli haha👻👻. I think it might because Sunday or rainy day so that they went to spa. When they came back to home was time for dinner! My most happiest moments everyday! Because after a sumptuous meal it is my free time~ most of the time was around 8pm.

按照Jung先生的时间表,我必须在早上6点半醒,但这里的鸡会在430am @ @把你叫醒.7点就需要准备早餐,与过去3年相同,鸡蛋都是他们家的母鸡生的和2烤面包,泡菜和柿子果酱放在一起.然后我们830开始工作.第二天下了整整一天的雨,所以我们只好继续掰大蒜头和一些干玉米的工作🌽🌽.我觉得当天大概有10kg大蒜吧.午餐后,我可以休息到下午2点半,继续工作,但他们说带我出去吃温泉,好吧,我不感兴趣,所以我继续在家里工作#iamkuli哈哈👻👻.我认为这可能是因为星期天或下雨天,所以他们去温泉.当他们回到家里是晚餐的时候!我每天最幸福的时刻因为一顿丰盛的 晚餐后,就是我的空闲时间〜大部分时间是晚上8点左右.

1/3 of the garlic. 1/3的蒜头

Day 3, still working on the head of garlic, haha, and after lunch i worked on selecting the dry chilies! 🤕😭Was moving me to tears and runny nose while working on it, really toughness task given, but will feel great when done it because only 2 elderly working on that is so suffocate works! And that day the dinner was served with big cockles(xi ham) which really triple or much more bigger than the normal size of xi ham in Malaysia. Then Mrs Go told me that were medium size and there are bigger xi ham and what on my head was..😱OMG...haha, i only had 3 and i can't take it anymore!!

第3天,仍然在掰大蒜头,哈哈,午餐后,我一直在选干辣椒!!🤕😭在工作时,让我流泪,流鼻涕,确实是不容易的任务,但由于只有2名老人在工作上是如此令人窒息的工作,所以会做得好好一点他们没那么辛苦.那一天,晚餐吃的是大xi ham,真的比马来西亚的xiham正常尺寸还要大三倍.然后,Mrs Go告诉我,那只是中等大小,还有更大的xiham~😱我..OMG ...哈哈,我只吃3个,我不能了!

The big xiham.大xiham.

Dinner of the day! 🍛🍜当天的晚餐🍛🍜

Day 4, was a sunny day, only Mr. Jung and me went out for picking Gujipoong (꾸지뽕) look like lychee but i not sure what is the name in English for that fruit but i get some photo from internet which Mr. Jung will use them to make enzyme. When my last visit to here was harvesting gingo and that was also my first time to heard about Gujipoong which Mr. Jung said the enzyme can bring salutary effect to our body and u may search online to get more information about it😉. After lunch the second program was made song pyeon(rice cake), the Korean typical food for the Mid Autum Festival. And it became our main dish of the night!

第四天,阳光灿烂的一天,只有Jung先生和我出去採选 꾸지뽕用它们制作酶.我上一次来这里是收割银杏,这也是我第一次听说Gujipoong.Jung先生说,这种酶可以对我们的身体带来好处而更多关于这水果的资讯可以上网找找哦.午饭后,第二个工作是制作米糕,这是韩国典型的中秋节美食.也是我们晚餐的主菜!

Arggg..the boom soongpyeon😂爆炸后的米糕😂

Here is the perfect soongpueon!😊#完美😊!

And Day 5, was no working day on that day and there were many visitors came and visited my host! We had good meal and after all i walked silently back to my little world>< after a little chit chat with them.😅😅 That day was most relax day and i walked around the village seems every one are having paddy field in front of their house but only my host is different who planting various vegetables and fruit instead. During dinner time i met her, she is the aunt of of Mrs.Go who at the age of 80 but still, every movement of her was so flexible ang energetic, the grandma. She is cute and i really like to work with her a lot where she is so diligent and she does not as arrogant as some elderly><. She always give us a hand whenever we need.😇



Mrs.Go told me that they eat King Oyster Mushroom during Chuseok and we had that for 3meals on that day@@😶. Mrs. Go 告诉我中秋他们都吃那个蘑菇切片, 然后我们党当天3餐都吃那个😶.

Day 6, what i would describe for that day was couple day. It is because, we used to have Western breakfast which is an egg and toasted bread and an egg that i took was double egg yolks in it! Such a good beginning ! Then, we dig sweet potatoes, the sweet potatoes were in a pair@@. And the last couple was, Mrs.Go today in very good mood keep calling Mr. Jung ~OPPA~ with their age...i felt funny. haha. sweet After lunch, we have no break on that day because diligent grandma was around><..We planted the clove garlic in the soil where we dig the sweet potatoes. Suddenly, it's rain but still we continue our work which i can't ask for stop where the elderly were still working on it. Of course, we got rain coat from Mr.Jung and before the rain getting heavier we able to finish planted all garlic! Amazing during that moment where you can feel their spirit their faith to accomplish the task. Well, after that they went to spa and again i have my spa inside the room><~which have a bath tub, k~

6天,那天我会描述的是情侣天.这是因为,我们平常都吃西式早餐,就是一个鸡蛋,烤面包和我当天拿到的鸡蛋是双蛋黄!🍳🍳这么好的开始!然后,我们挖出蕃薯,蕃薯竟然也有一对的🍠🍠@@.而最后一对是园主夫妇,Mrs.Go今天非常好心情一直呼叫Mr.Jung〜OPPA〜他们的年龄...我觉得很有趣.哈哈.甜蜜午餐后,我们没有休息,因为勤奋的奶奶在周围> <..我们种大蒜就在我们挖蕃薯的土壤.突然,下雨了,但我们仍然继续工作 ,我不能要求停止因为老人家仍在工作.当然,我们从Jung先生拿雨衣给我们,在雨越来越大之前,我们种下所有的大蒜! 惊奇在那一刻,你可以感受到他们的精神,他们的信念去完成任务.那么之后,他们去了温泉,再次,我有房间里的我的私人温泉> <〜那里有一个浴缸la,k〜

The 6 days was actually exhausted😂 but i have enjoyed myself to being there and work with the elderly who were energetic and share me many positive way to our life! Be yourself, love yourself ! And don't forget to being tired in what you are doing and take risk! Because i think the biggest risk is not taking any risk!😉 Risk creates opportunities always!

那6天的时间实在是累😂但是我非常喜欢和自在在那里,和那些精力充沛的老人一起工作,和我分享我很多积极的方式来生活!做你自己,爱自己! 别忘了在生活里冒险因为我们是人'累'.😶




3years ago~us~3年前的我们~

Please ignore my high forehead and enjoy reading!😚 Thank you!

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