in yasheral •  8 hours ago  (edited)

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The Royal House of Israel

I am High Priest of Israel of the House of Levi descendant of Aaron. We are the priests of Thebes who were split into two sects at the end of the 18th dynasty whilist at Mizraim Khemet of Alkebulan:

One part of the priests followed the cult of Aten started by Akhenaten (Moses) which resulted in merging with Yahw / Yeve aka Yahweh Canaanite cult which in turn is merging of multiple dieties into one, such as Baal Haddad weather god of harvests with Moloch god of fire, Chemosh, Anat and Astarte dieties of war, Nuk pu nuk / I am that I am / will be, i.e. self awareness and survival instincts....

The other part of the Levites remained faithful to the original Abrahamic covenant with Most High El & Asherah (Canaan) / Imen & Imunet (Khemet) of Thebes. The two sects went war against each other with the Thebes side obviously winning the war in the end albeit not without losing a few battles. Even prior to the Karaite tradition of pre-Babylonian period, am preserving the original form of Yasheral Judaism as was part of sacred initiation of the pharaohs and pharisees of the House of Pharez.

To summarize, the pale skinned Indo-Aryans have at some point invaded Canaan and Levant absorbing the melanated Phoenicians and Philistines along with Medians, Midianites, Mycenaes, Hatties, Hittites, Tyre, Scythians, Parthians whatnot, all got assimilated. They became the caucasians: Vikings, Anglo-Saxons Brits, Scotts, Irish, European and Slavic tribes. Thus the pale descendants of Japheth have taken over the Abrahamic heritage of the melanated descendants of Shem and also of Hem, means hot as reference to the Southern very dark skin tribes.



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The war is fought to establish and protect the truth and peace not to disturb and destroy it. They say that they worship the god of war but are clueless about what the war is all about.

They think that perpetual war for the sake of war maintained by the lies and deception, coercion and sabotage, theft and murder, whatnot criminal behaviour is what god of war is;
standing for nothing, living without integrity, values nothing sacred, having no morals and ethics, being raging blood thirsty crazy psychopaths, deranged, perverted, repulsive in every way ignorant asses -- that's their idea of cultural superiority. Well, whatever it is that the powers that be do would have been fine with me so long as they are winning the wars they start.

If one is winning in the game of life then there got to be some horseshoe stuck up their butt, some favor or help from High up. So I wait until the signs of weakness show to point out the obvious fact, i.e. of them being lousy at war since they continue loosing it by making idiotic instead of strategic decisions.

Because, apparently, they got no strategy to speak of aside some retarded "victory" plan or empty "chosen" religious rhetoric bs which no one buys anymore and frankly couldn't care less about them and their bloody colonial imperial warring "history" of spreading hatred, slavery, poverty, death, distress, disease, devastation, destruction, doom and all the rest bad d words. They then have enslaved themselves by the Maritime Admiralty legal deception which then they bought. How does that make a y sense I don't know. It is an alien logic am not privy to.

How is it that the sons of Ashkenaz son of Gomer son of Japheth son of Noah became sons of Abraham who is descendant from Shem who is black son of Noah. Not only that, the Khazarian Jews adopted Judaism in 7th century CE whilst living in Ukraine (border) region of Russian empire collecting taxes for the Ottoman empire are demanding, along with Hasidic Ashkenazi Babylonian Rabbis, that the whole patriarchal custom of House of Israel passage from father to son according to Abraham Isaac Yakov tradition should be abolished in favor of the matrilineal side, which goes against the original House of Israel established according to the father's side and tribal identity and heritage.

They are done. The so-called House of Israel, of which am the last living High Priest. I see it as my last rites and duty to being it to an end. I have excommunicated all from it and passed it back to the black and red native tribes as their own heritage -- Yasheral, the unity of El and Asherah (electricity and magnetism), the House of Love, Truth & Peace of ascendant human Consciousness and exalted spiritual being living in harmony and symbiosis with the nature and humanity not against it trying to enslave and destroy it. Judge a tree by its fruits, so I did just that. They had plenty of time to prove themselves how to handle divine power and they have lost it.

The so-called collective West is a euphemism for a bunch of Brit, European, Yankee, Khazarian whatnot "Jews," the fake ones at that, who say that they are Jews yet are not but of the synagogue of Satan, now, that's them openly describing themselves in the bible which they have wrote, well, that's stretching it, have edited rather the original ancient scriptures of melanated natives about humanity's origins, spiritual truth and how to attain inner individual and outer collective harmony, stability, wisdom, symbiosis, power, love and peace.

Pt. 19 - History or Myth // Tribe of Dan In The Ancient World / Seafaring Danites

The Origins Of Our Alphabet In "Atlantis" (America) / Maya Glyphs to Phoenician Alphabet

PT 10 - Researches Into The Lost History Of America / The Evacuation and Flight Of the Gods

Dr. Stephen Pidgeon's research on what happened to Ancient Israel

Parthia - The Forgotten Ancient "Superpower" And Its Role In Biblical History / Lost Israelites

Anglo Israel Or The Saxon Race - Proved To Be The Lost Tribes Of Israel In Nine Lectures / Book Read


Judah's Scepter and Joseph's Birthright - Royal Family & the Nany Nations of Israel / Book Read

A Swarthy American Revolutionary War / The True Black Colonists of America / Primary Sources !!!!!!!!


The Lost Tribes of Israel (Part 1 of 3)

A History of Black Europeans/ Spain, Portugal, Italy, Holland, Belgium, Russia, Poland, Austria

So what if some will have to die, all will one way or another sooner or later. Since when the humanity had any issue with making life die, any life, specially that of the others we do not like, vengeance is best served cold. We are really good at killing as a species, creating misery and despair, destruction and heartbreak, apostasy and abominations, selfishness and ignorance, we can do it better than anything else that we do, very efficient death machines. We know everything and can justify anything. The verbal diarrhea of dilettante demagoguery is our second nature. We can gaslight, lie, deceit, pretend, fool, trick, sabotage, falsely accuse and bob is your uncle.

1 Romans 1:25



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