in year2024 •  2 months ago 

YouTube Game Theory Mat Pat Retiring January of 2024. Tucker Carlson interviewed Russia Putin, New York Truckers February. Warner removed my Dune video, I started making daily one-minute videos, Walking Dead March. Suno April. New Glasses May. Star Wars Acolyte, RV, Discord Exploded June. Cobra Kai, Glow, Lawnmower, Trump Shot, Cherries, Raspberries July. Deadpool Wolverine Trump RFK August. Oatmeal TikTok 10K, Rick Adventure, Tucker Live September. Trump's McDonald's October, From, Suitcase, Trump Elon Musk November, Jimmy Carter with aliens and computers December.




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Grok Trump Elon Musk Wolverine Deadpool

Oatmeal Yearly - 2024 - Year in Review | Published in January of 202


YouTube Game Theory Mat Pat Retiring


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Destiny debated Alex Jones regarding Jan6 scam

Y2K Scam, Gaming, Dating, Anna Perez Monday the first day of January of 2024. Sofia Fonnie Tuesday. Oatmeal Michael Jackson Discord Server Return, Epstein Hard Drives Needed Wednesday. Oatmeal Cookies, Demoting Trolls Thursday. Discord Trolls Won, Duck Not Duck Video Friday. Jan6 Debate Saturday.

Russia helped America 4 times between 1776 and WWII Sunday the 7th. Jan6 Scam Violated 6th Amendment Monday. Star Trek Spock Global Freezing 1978 Tuesday. Spears, Soros Poland, Dinosaurs Building Pyramids Art Wednesday. Mat Pat Retiring From YouTube Video Thursday. Luke vs Laura Loomer on Timcast Debate on Trump Covid Vaccines Friday. Government vs Children Saturday.

Disease X = New Covid Scam Sunday the 14th. Mint Salad, Savage Trump Iowa Monday. Geoengineering, freezer, Vivek on stage with Trump Tuesday. Rebel News Ezra WEF Wednesday. Star Trek 2008 video, Lila Hart Thursday. Discord Top Ten, CatNipChip Friday. Sports Illustrated Sucks, Wanted Saturday.

Pyramids Might Be From Before The Flood Sunday the 21st. Taken off Simpcast intro, Candy Holes in Brains Monday. Trump Over Nikki New Hampshire Tuesday. Roy Hates TikTok Song Wednesday. United States of Texas vs United States of Satan Thursday. Hit 4K TikTok followers, In Leo, Stand With Texas Friday. North American History Research Saturday. Covid DNA Cover, Mars Noah Ark Theory Sunday the 28th. United Nations Funds Open Borders Monday. Twitter Locked Tuesday. Fake Jan6 Pipe Bombs Wednesday.

Tucker Carlson interviewed Russia Putin, New York Truckers


Carlson Russia Putin 2024

Tucker Carlson interviewed Russia Putin

Pacing Oatmeal, Chinese Leave America, Return to China, Cuz That Bad Thursday the first day of February of 2024. Criminal Minds 1201, Oatmeal Pizza Friday. Discord Carl Saturday. Grape Vine Pruning Sunday the 4th. TikTok Banned my 500 Discord Video Monday. Elon Musk Gina Carano Disney Squash Bed Tuesday. Snapchat Tucker Kill List George Bush Sr Wednesday. Tucker Putin Thursday. Oatmeal First 20, Elon Musk Like Friday. Chicken Manure Trailer Emptied Saturday.

My 39th Birthday Sunday the 11th. Roman Empire Stadium Whole Fire Monday. Nerdrotic Live - Time Travel Tuesday. 40K+ FOLLOWERS VALENTINES Wednesday. Snow, finished Anne, 4th ten Oatmeal year Thursday. Trump Trial 500M/Anne/First Five Years Oatmeal Friday. Stop Looking, History Channel Drama Saturday.

Oatmeal Meatloaf Sunday the 18th. Covid Vaccines is Disease X Monday. Discord Demands, 3rd Five Years, Ra Ra Discord Tuesday. George Soros is a CIA operative Wednesday. Space Weather Scam Thursday. I have 300K+ Followers Friday. NVMe over HDD Saturday. 2012 computers in 1968 Sunday. AI George Carlin video was removed off my YouTube Monday. Google Larry Page Yacht Hiding Tuesday. Gutters, YouTube removed my Dune 2 video, frequencies of God Wednesday. Clogged Ears Thursday.

Warner removed my Dune Video


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Star Wars Andor

Moody Chicago 2006 Friday the first day of March of 2024. 1/3 million followers article/video, Oatmeal Stories, life outline video, Dune 2 Bitchute Saturday. Tree of Logic Blocked Me For My Support For Laura Loomer Sunday. Warner Bros Dune 2 vs Oatmeal, Trump SCOTUS Monday. Way Home, Stallone, Fish Tank, Trump Super Tuesday. Warner Bros 10 Days Dune 2 Wednesday. Mix It Up Kari Herinckx, Erin Carter, Biden's State of the Union Thursday. Athlete Nerd, Extrovert Introvert, Resident Alien Friday.

My Face Oatmeal Comedy Erin Carter Sunday the 10th. Tucker Cuomo, My Existence is the Advertisement, Will Oatmeal do comedy, Walking Dead, Discord Server Invite Died Monday. Oatmeal Comedy, Way Home, Nerdrotic on Piers Morgan Tuesday. What's Wrong With Oatmeal Wednesday. 176 Million Cameras in China Thursday. Washed truck Friday. Mow Lawn Mulan Saturday.

Resident Alien Walking Dead Jealous Oatmeal Sunday the 17th. Trump Bloodbath Hoax Monday. Kirk Elliot Silver Tuesday. Cherry Tree Rat Squirrel Ghost Island Wednesday. Why Oatmeal Single, Resident Alien. Destiny on Jordan Peterson Thursday. Music trailer, Russia attacked, Tracker Friday. Chosen Saturday.

Oatmeal Hammer Sunday the 24th. Oatmeal Hit Plane Monday. Oatmeal Spinning Too Many Plates Tuesday. Oatmeal First Real Laptop Wednesday. Ghostbusters, water hose to RV cuz she is here, How Oatmeal Became Icebreaker Thursday. Oatmeal Failed School Friday. Oatmeal Hit Plane Monday. Star Wars, Boats, Operation Daily Grind Saturday. Open Up Your Heart Song, Happy Easter 2024, Oatmeal Music Sunday.

Suno April


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Franklin on Apple TV

Pearl Davis on Alex Jones, Ghostbusters Walking Dead Way Back Home Water Hoses Monday the first day of April of 2024. Basketball Oatmeal, Star Wars Andor Tuesday. Listening Oatmeal Wednesday. Vietnam Oatmeal Thursday. Started making songs on Suno AI Friday. Made Simpcast songs using Suno AI Saturday. Restaurant Short Circuit Moses HBO Alex Jones Sandy Hook Land Before Time Sunday the 8th. Lila Hart Song Monday. Friday Night Tights AI songs, CIA attacked Alex Jones Tuesday. Shrunk the Kids Review, Rise Above, FNT, Alex Jones Seekers of Truth Wednesday. Kindergarten Cop Review Thursday. Suno 500 Credits Friday. Spaceman video, Newsies Saturday.

Alex Jones Gorillas Saving Frogs Song Sunday the 14th. Garage Door, Get Oatmeal Out of Attic Monday. Tim Cast Blast Songs Tuesday. Little Rascals/Stuck Mice in Buckets/Immune to the System Lila Hart & Eric songs Wednesday. Sand, Mortal Kombat, Steven Crowder songs Thursday. Garage door, Bad Parent Oatmeal, Jack Friday. Washed truck, Bumbaloe-Tree-Houses, Batman & Robin, Engagement Farming Forbidden songs Saturday.

Truman Show, Tucker Carlson, UFOs Rising From Oceans songs Sunday the 22nd. Star Wars, Watching Franklin Monday. Music Trailer, Cast Away Spoiler Tuesday. Vacuum, Yellow birds, Cake, Oatmeal Theories, Tomb Raider 2002, Under The Bridge Wednesday. Big Freezer, Squirrel, Spider-Man, Under The Bridge Thursday. Napoleon Dynamite, Dead Wing Dork, Dolphin Tiffany, Oatmeal 1900s Friday. Narnia Pursuit of Happyness Golden Compass Saturday. Chucky, 1990s According to AI, Dark Knight Sunday. Weekly photos, washed RV, 5th Decade Transition, Coraline Monday. RV Weeding, Connected Isolated Oatmeal, Bagels, Llama Basketball Tuesday.

New Glasses May


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Alex Jones

OMG CIA Trump, Good Robots v Bad Robots, Conan Wednesday the first day of May of 2024. Grass, garage, Shutter Island, Oregon 1994 Thursday. Hunters Returned, Vacuum, Pirates, Wreck It Ralph Friday. RV clean, West Virginia 2007, Hawaii 2008, FNT Gina Carano Saturday. Potluck, New York 2006, PDX 2009, PDX 2010, Scott Adams, Forbidden Frontier, Thor Skywalker Sunday the 5th. Laundry/vacuum/Anchorman 2/New York 2005 Monday, Shed, Lego Movie, Invisible Oatmeal, LMS 2020-2024, And We Know Rumble Tuesday, TikTok removed my Star Wars video, sprayed grapes Wednesday, Picnic table; Oatmeal Work, Suno Noisee Veed AI Thursday, Kung Fu Panda Friday, Tomatoes Justice League, 100K+ New Jersey Trump Rally Saturday.

Oatmeal Discord Fail, Oatmeal First Five to Fifth, Franklin, Dr Judy Mikovits Sunday the 12th. Gardening. Didn't upload videos. Watched: Alex Jones, Tim Pool Monday. Tales of the Empire Tuesday. Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes, Dark Matter Wednesday. Eyes Exam Thursday. Rambo, Under The Bridge Friday. Sonic the Hedgehog, Under The Bridge Saturday.

Elon-Gated Sunday the 19th, Grapes, Grass, Matrix, Cohen, Jackson Monday. Electric biked over to pick up my new glasses Tuesday. RV microwave installing, 1910: A Child's Impulse Wednesday. Front garage, 1915 film, Under The Bridge, Dark Matter, Miss Krystle, Trump NYC Rally Thursday. Oatmeal Live, Fake News, Nick Rekieta Friday. TikTok 80/20 Window, 1906 Madame Craving, Oatmeal Paradox Song Saturday.

Tomatoes, Discord raid, Jack Black Britney Spears Oatmeal duet Sunday the 26th. Trump Timcast, Toilet paper, 1918: Triple Trouble Charlie Chaplin, Trump Bitcoin, 99K TikTok Likes, But Not Forever Songs, 1991 Review Monday. Swatted. Watched: Criminal Minds 1317 Tuesday. 5K TikTok followers Wednesday. 6K TikTok followers, Trump Thursday. Discord raids Friday.

Star Wars Acolyte, RV, Discord Exploded


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Star Wars

Fed tried shutting down Alex Jones, 1.4K Discord members, my TikTok video got 302K views, lawn, weed killer spread Saturday the first day of June of 2024. Trump joined TikTok Sunday. Karen & Phil came over Monday. Get Me Away Wednesday. What a Beautiful Morning Thursday. 1.7K Discord members. Star Wars Acolyte 101-102, I'm Ra Ra Roo Roo songs Friday. History of Everything Song Saturday.

World History Before Christ Songs Sunday the 9th. RV. Treasure Them. Songs: World History After Christ Monday. Origin to Everything Tuesday. Big Garage Organized, Dark Matter, Alex Jones on Glenn Beck, Matt Gaetz on Timcast Wednesday. Lawnmower Trouble, First Millennium of Christ, Trump on Logan Paul Thursday. Fixed lawnmower, World History, Second Millennium of Christ, Alex Jones Trial Update Friday. Swept/Vacuumed Big Garage, William Shatner, Alex Jones Saturday.

Left Hand Finger, RV Return, Piers Morgan, Criminal Minds Sunday the 16th. Discord Training Wheels, Game of Thrones Monday. 2010s, World History, Chosen 405 Tuesday. Black Stone, RV, Truck, Star Wars Acolyte 104, Dark Matter 108 Wednesday. Tomatoes, Chosen 406, Timcast hosted by Hannah Thursday. Chosen season four Friday. Vacuum, Chosen Review, Chuck Norris, Friday Night Tights Saturday.

Oatmeal Discord July Silence Announced, Table Assembled, Back to the Future, Randall Carlson Sunday the 23rd. TikTok Two Strikes, Star Trek Voyager Monday. George Lopez Tuesday. Acolyte 105, Dark Matter 109 Wednesday. Steven Greer talking UFOs on PBD, Trump Biden Debate Thursday. Cherry Tree Area Weeding Friday. RV Thing, Free Guy Movie, Dark Journalist COG Saturday. Joey Silent Month Article Sunday.

Cobra Kai, Glow, Lawnmower, Trump Shot, Cherries, Raspberries


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Cobra Kai

Cherry picking, raspberry picking Monday the first of July of 2024. Cut grass, raspberries, cherries, laptop work Tuesday. Inside-Out 2 Wednesday. Glenn Beck on Piers Morgan Thursday the 4th. Cleaned Bed Friday. Island Saturday.

Rekieta Law Responds Sunday the 7th. Cherry Picking, House of Dragon 204, Nerdrotic - Unlocking the Stargates Monday. Almost Six Hours of Cherry Picking Tuesday. Andy Griffith, Danny Thomas, Inside Out Wednesday. Farmer Hanna Video, Raspberries, Biden Vice President Trump Thursday. Five Eyes, Foodtopia 101 Friday. Trump Shot Saturday.

Men Shut Up, Listen to Your Women Video Sunday the 14th. RNC, Cherries Finale Monday. Get Rid of Oatmeal Off Your TikTok Feed Tuesday. Blacky The Dog, One-Hour Oatmeal Challenge Wednesday. Broccoli, Kai Trump, Kathy Bike Thursday. Green Beans Truck Friday. Raspberry Bed Weeding, Cobra Kai, Star Wars Theory on FNT Saturday.

Biden Out Sunday the 21st. Did Roy destroy Oatmeal World Video Monday. Lawnmower Broke Tuesday. New Lawnmower Biden Glow Wednesday. Be Your Meow Video Thursday. Pole Beans, Oatmeal World Oatmealess Until 5000 Members Friday. We Are The Warriors Song Saturday. Robin Williams Batman Video Sunday the 29th. Bacon Lamb Monday. Sick Tuesday. Mexican Eggs Wednesday.

Deadpool Wolverine Trump RFK


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Deadpool & Wolverine, 2024 Movie

Fish Guts the first of August of 2024. The Ark, Tomatoes Bed Weeding Friday. Deadpool & Wolverine Saturday. Picnic Sunday the 4th. Trump on Adin Ross Monday. Benny Johnson Trump Kill Box Documentary Tuesday. Church Directory Photos Wednesday. Mark Cuban on Vivek Ramaswamy Thursday. Cut Grass Friday. Backyard Patio Organized, Table Saturday.

Mister Bean, Car Jump Sunday the 11th. Plywood to ceiling, Trump on Elon Musk Monday. Boat Garage Tuesday. Those About to Die 101 Wednesday. Unprisoned 101 Thursday. Good Times Sitcom Friday. Storm, Broke Razor Saturday.

Small City Song Sunday the 18th. Blackberries Biden Transformers Monday. Obama DNC Tuesday. Bill Clinton Oprah DNC Wednesday. DNC Kamala Harris, The Oatmeal Universe Roblox Game Thursday. Trump RFK, Locked out of Twitter for saying hello Friday. King of the Hill Saturday.

Cats Star Wars TikTok Sunday the 25th. Hawk Tuah Role Monday. Unlocked Twitter Tuesday. Cut grass, 2K Discord Wednesday. Hawk Tuah or School TikTok Video Thursday. Gutters Friday.

Oatmeal TikTok 10K, Rick Adventure, Tucker Live


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Trump Saves Cats From The Biden Harris Regime

9K TikTok Sunday the first day of September of 2024. Blackberry Picking Monday. Bad Boys, Laundry Tuesday. Spam Debate, Replace Roy Challenge Wednesday. Russell Brand on Tucker Carlson in Arizona Thursday. Roy Merrick Debate, Trump on Lex Fridman Friday. Discord.gg/OatmealWorld Saturday.

Glenn Beck on Tucker Carlson Live in Utah Sunday the 8th. Trump Saves Ducks From Kamala Monday. Trump Harris Debate Tuesday. One Million Views For Hawk Tuah on TikTok Wednesday. Feeling Bad, Eating Dogs Thursday. Comcast Down, Oregon Banned, Russia Contrast Friday. Cats Sing Lego Movie Song Saturday.

Oatmeal 10K TikTok Followers Sunday the 15th. Backup & Blend, Rick Monday. Tulsa King. Lloyd Center Karen Tuesday. Astoria Columns Hike Wednesday. Beach, Video Games, Nathan, Basketball Thursday. Cheese Chocolate Factory, Headache Friday. Seattle Splash, Mercer Island, Lighthouse Saturday.

Wendy's, Fly Zapper Sunday the 22nd. Ending Roy Monday. DMV, hiking, forest, water, restaurant, elk Tuesday. Roseanne, Olympia, Mall, Thai Restaurant, Arcade Wednesday. Lakes, Driving, Headache, Infowars Auction Thursday. Rick Ended, Shel Into Book Shed Friday. Rock on PBD Saturday. Georgia Peach TikTok Live with Oatmeal Sunday. What Roy Want Monday.

Trump's McDonald's October


Trump Mcdonadls Ice Cream Biden Ga2uNjCWMAAh1N-.jpeg
Trump McDonald's

VP Debate Tuesday the first day of October of 2024. Matt Walsh on Michael Malice Wednesday. Penguin Thursday. Conan Friday. Rings of Power, Elon Musk with Trump in PA Saturday. Joker 2, Washed Truck Sunday the 7th. Election Article, Stop Ballot Fraud, Call It Identity Theft, Contact Sheriffs Monday. Laura Loomer on Chrissie Mayr Tuesday. Teeth Wednesday. Trump on Fragrant, Pumpkin Tomato Thursday. 911 SOS Mistake Friday. Front Lawn Mowed Saturday.

Check Ballot at vote411.org Sunday the 14th. Sweet Pea, Sunshine Pizza Monday. Spider Oatmeal Man Song, they saw a movie Tuesday. Wild Robot Wednesday. Deer Waffle Beefy Discord Raid Thursday. TikTok Shop Application Friday.

Trump McDonald's Sunday the 20th. Pruned Grape Vines. Harvested Tomatoes Monday. Harvested Grapes, Timcast Returned Tuesday. Anti-Trump Roy Merrick, Peppers, Grapes Wednesday. Hulk Hogan on PBD Podcast Thursday. Trump on Joe Rogan Friday. Electric Bike Cold Rain Saturday. Trump New York, Madison Square Garden, Hulk Hogan Sunday. Finished grapes harvesting, James O'Keefe on Timcast Monday. Electric Biked Tuesday. Trump Garbage Man Vivek Day Wednesday. Happy Halloween Deer Thursday.

From, Suitcase, Trump Elon Musk November


Trump, Elon Musk, Facebook Mark

Gandalf Harry Potter Story Video Friday the first day of November of 2024. Substance Movie, PBD on Piers Morgan Saturday. China Over America Plan Sunday. Elon Musk Robots Future Vision Monday. Trump Won, Hoses Away Tuesday. Trump Won. TikTok Strike for Trump Won Obama Flew Video Wednesday. Chemtrails at the United Nations in 2006 Thursday. Bathroom Clean, Fox Fire Friday. Rock Your Body Saturday

Obama to kill Biden & Trump to install Kamala Harris Sunday the 10th. Judges want to imprison Trump. Dems still want to replace Biden with Kamala Harris Monday. My IQ was 78 Tuesday. Trump brings on Tulsi Gabbard & Matt Gaetz Wednesday. The Onion Stole Alex Jones Infowars Thursday; Shadow Government Announced, Alex Jones Returns Friday; Mike Tyson vs Jake Paul, Cobra Kai Saturday

Pentagon pressures Russia to start World War 3 to stop Trump Sunday the 17th; Vacuum, Book Shed, Clean Room, From Monday; NATO is bombing Russia Tuesday; World War Three Wednesday; Decapitated tomato plants Thursday; Pole Beans Died Friday; Flipped pole bean and tomato beds, file cabinet Saturday, studied the body Sunday, Season 3 finale of From Monday, AI Article Tuesday, Ten Things About My Discord Server Wednesday, Top Ten Things Part 2, Thanksgiving Thursday; Internet Prison Planet Trap Friday, Started watching Land Man Show Saturday

Jimmy Carter with aliens and computers


Grok Aliens Jimmy Carter Computers Untitled.jpeg
Grok drew Jimmy Carter fixing computers with aliens

Got Twitter Blue, upgraded to Linux Mint 22, YouTube restored JoeyArnold7 which they banned in 2022 making it the second of three channels that YouTube ended up reinstating which a third channel was banned in 2017; Star Wars Skeleton Crew, Hawk Tuah Scam, Bitcoin hit 100K, connected my phone to ethernet; Phone Tripod Video, Bagels Sunday the 8th, Alliana World Monday, Judge blocked the illegal Alex Jones sale to The Onion Tuesday, Project Blue Beam is the Gideon's 300 Wednesday, Covid since 2006 Thursday; My Alex Jones Sandy Hook Post on Twitter X Friday; 2014 Vietnam Oatmeal Steal Still Reboot Song Saturday

Grok Plays Jeopardy Sunday the 15th; 75 million babies murdered globally/yearly Monday; Dexter Prequel Tuesday; Dexter Morgan Original Sin 101 Spoiler Review Wednesday; Here comes Santa Oatmeal Song Thursday; Luke Beasley on Tim Pool's Culture War Friday; 2 classes, Finished Before Saturday.

Jimmy Carter sold the Panama Canal Sunday the 22nd, Scanned some of my 1992 drawings Monday; The Chosen creator Dallas Jenkins on Jordan Peterson Tuesday; Email Spoof Wednesday; Lamp & Big Garage Security Camera Install Thursday; Naomi Brockwell Friday; Knot Within Saturday; Jimmy Carter died Sunday; Ebay Lenovo Thinkpad Monday; Upgraded to Linux Mint 22 Tuesday

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