Yellow Vest Movement, France: 65.000 police officers and military mobilized to stop further riots.

in yellow-vests •  6 years ago  (edited)

This is a French youtube video from the beginning of the "Yellow Vest Movement" (Published on Nov 17, 2018). This protest movement started out fairly peaceful organized by the working middle class living and working in rural-areas, as a protest against their elected leader Macron and the crazy taxation on fuel that just didn't work out for them, they just can't pay any more taxes, France is one of the most heavily taxed countries in Europe...

There is a pretty funny clip in the video where what looks like it could be a farmer with a big tractor pulling a tank of "liquid organic-fertiliser" spraying it over what looks like a very important city building, quite amusing to watch at 1:04 in the youtube clip...

But what's happening now in Paris and the rest of the country looks less amusing, there could actually be a real revolution happening in France, both the far-left and the far-right have for some strange reason joined forces with the "yellow vests" and the protest is turning into a full on riot, and there has been several deaths and the rioting in the streets don't seem to calm down it looks like there will be a new manifestation on Saturday 8th of December...

An 80-year old woman was killed by a teargas grenade fired off by riot cops, four civilians have been killed and both civilians and police officers have been wounded, there are also reports about police officers who actually support the "yellow vests", and don't want to follow orders and attack the people that could pretty much be their own parents.

Here is a more recent video from the riots in Paris and it doesn't look fun at all, (if you're not into "riot porn"), the video is in french, but even if you don't speak french you might recognize the word "guillotine"...

The French people are not happy with mr.Macron, and well things don't look very nice at all...
Both the police (65,000 officers) and the military are now mobilizing to potentially attack their own people...

And there is a new strategy -- this time police officers have been instructed not just to be mobile but also to directly engage with protesters, meaning that the situation could be even more violent than the riots seen last weekend.

Lets hope this conflict can stop and that the social injustices can be corrected, with out using either the "guillotine" or massacre a whole bunch of civilians/protestors...


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Im writing about this because there has been a media-blackout in many countries, I usually don't like to write about these things but I think people deserve to know what is happening in France right now. / @friendly-fenix

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howdy sir friendly-fenix! wow this is a crazy mess indeed! The last thing the police need to do is to engage the protestors directly, don't they know that will just increase the violence? They need to immidiately repeal that stupid gas tax first of all, then negotiate if the whole country is against Macron. thanks for putting this informative post and videos up!

Thanks @janton, we will see, I hope that not anymore people get hurt in the process...


Well sir friendly-fenix I'm sure they'll take measures to nip this thing in the bud before it gets bloodier, I just have to believe that. Now I'll be watching the news to see if they talk about it.

There's only so much folks can stand before protesting

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Yes, @ligayagardener and now the Police are showing open solidarity towards the movement...👍🏻

French Police remove helmets to show solidarity with the people against Macron.

I not sure this Macron character will have much time left as the leader of France...
We will shall see what happens next... But, well done French Police, sometimes its better to not "follow orders", remember Nazi Germany, everyone was just following orders... Lets hope they all stop fighting and go and have a nice little talk with Macron...

That's a big turning point

Maybe they took a clip where they put on their helmets and then reversed it in slow-motion? =)
Just joking, but it shows how big this movement really is...


Yep now I am worried. Hoping my boy will leave soon.

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Aren't people supposed to feel safe from all the police presence?
Just tell your son to stay inside and binge watch Netflix or something?
Thats what I would tell my kids, and then they would probably sneak out and riot... =)


Its just a mother fear. He's off to Berlin tomorrow. All good. Xxxx 💚💚💚😘

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Good choice, tell him to go out dancing.

Resteemed by @resteembot! Good Luck!
Check @resteembot's introduction post or the other great posts I already resteemed.

Hi @friendly-fenix

It is very disturbing and it seem that france administration doesnt know how to handle the problem without escalating violence :(

I'm wondering how tomorrow will look like. I think this time police and army will slaughter yellow vests. It wont bring any solution but surely I cannot see yellow vests being able to overpower armed forces.

Sad sad sad

I can kind of seeing the Tlatelolco Massacre in Mexico City 1968 happening again... But let's pray that doesn't happen, also Im afraid that the movement will get high-jacked by extremists, foreign or local "agent provocateurs" etc... I guess we will see... Thanks for you comment I appreciate it and what you are doing for the platform...


It's a bit scary... did you see them rounding up those kids??

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Watching now...
Just got home, not up to date with everything... Not sure what media channel to trust, RT is usually good at covering American and E.U riots and protests and CNN is better at covering protests in Russia and the middle east, News is a lot of propaganda after all...

Im also a bit skeptical towards the growing nr of indie vloggers and such, they all have their own agenda... Even I probably have my own agenda, not sure what that is, but at least Im happy the world seams to be watching.

Thank you so much for the update @riverflows!


Hi @riverflows

Well, they did round them up but didn't even beat any of them. Not much really happend there.

I've been to Palestine and Israel once and what I've seen there gaved me different picture. Europe is miles away from such a violence. Especially knowing that ruling party is going down and those who are responsible for violence can be easily brought to justice sooner or later (especially in current days, with CCTV everywhere and social media so present - police is to scared to be really agressive).

I'm following those news but I cant imagine that it will turn into any sort of massacre. I would rather expect thousands of people being arrested and ruling party trying to "wait it through without escallating violence".


Hi @riverflows, @friendly-fenix

I've never heard about Tlatelolco massacre. Will google it.

Would you mind @friendly-fenix telling me where're are you from? I'm from east europe and to tell you the truth: such a massacre at this stage cannot really happened. Europe is not ruled by one dictator. That's a huge difference.

This movement has support of entire east europe (which is against migration). US administration is supporting it too (Trumph hates Macron openly). UK, Italy and most other countries will probably be neutral. Macron has pretty much no support and he is already surrounded by wolfs (other politicians that want him down).

Remember also that europe doesnt have their own army. And UN would not allow France to use their own military. Not to mention that Macron doesnt have much power to force military to go and kill others.

Let's put it this way: europe doesnt have balls and one person killed here means more than 100 people dead in Mexico. In Mexico simply noone cares about those who die on daily basis. Here every dead person is a huge news.


I think they all ready killed three protesters at least, but yeah it's news now, I guess? not sure if MSM reported on this...

Read about the "Tlatelolco massacre" I think there are youtube videos too if you rather watch something, it was a student protest before the Olympics in Mexico City in 1968, things turned very bad... Most unfortunate event...

When I saw the photos of the snipers on the roofs in Paris it reminded me of this event... I am pro immigration and free movement, I and I like diversity, but when there are no europeans to be seen in European cities anymore then is that diversity?

And I don't want to live in a "muslim dictatorship" or "christian dictatorship" or any kind of dictatorship...

Piotr I also rather not discuss immigration or where Im from it is very sensitive and complicated, I want to be able to travel free and go from country to country, work in Brazil, work in Thailand at the beach, being a digital nomad or whatever, so if I start preaching anti-immigration policies. It's kind of like "Chopping the branch Im sitting on", "Shooting myself in the foot" etc...

-Edit: Thailand is apparently questionably a democratic country I heard...? Junta? Hmm..


Dear @friendly-fenix

Thx for your long comment. I loved it. I wonder how things will play out in upcoming weeks. Macron seem not to have any idea or willingness to address the problem and it's only getting worse.

I already watched few videos about "Tlatelolco massacre". What a nightmare :/

Piotr I also rather not discuss immigration or where Im from it is very sensitive and complicated

I agree with you. Let's not talk about it.

Thailand is apparently questionably a democratic country I heard...?

Yeah, very questionably.


Hey Piotr, thanks for being a cool guy. I have some technical problems so if Im not "hyper-active" on steemit, it's because of this, always something right? =(

Yeah we will see. what happens, glad you watch some of that history, we can only learn from history and try to improve...But it has a tendency of repeating it self... But you are probably right this would never happen in France, and not in Mexico either not now, the newly elected president is humanitarian and popular amongst the people and he is planning many social reforms to improve the country!


Im sorry for such a late reply @friendly-fenix

I just realized that I missed bunch of comments lately. Just wanted to thank you for keeping in touch with me.

Hopefully you had a great weekend,

Yeah, it was a good time to rest. I have mainly been resting...
Thanks stopping by, I see that you are very active around here now?!

Message from son just now.. thought you may be interesred:

Ooft.. glad we're getting out of here when we are. Walking to Bastille station at 8am this morning and our whole street was closed, the station was closed, riot police everywhere, one of the twelve armoured vehicles they'd brought in was parked up. No gillets jaunes as of yet but looks like it was all gearing up to be pretty heavy. On train to the airport now x

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Yes , so I wasn't just a "raving lunatic fear-monger" after all, I hope they don't send the military on the protestors... Thanks for the update, how old is your son, he must be a young adult traveling Europe?
If he is a "party animal" tell him to check out the area around area by Revaler Strasse in Friederichschain, it's usually one big party lots of young and old people dancing and eating falafel and such...


Lately I read an article about the fact all changes always start in French and you know what? It is true. It is time things will change. Europe is not one big "family" and we are not able to support the whole world in need. Fact is most Europe countries need help themselves. The taxes are way too high. The only big spenders are the governents.

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I guess it's all about taxes vs public service, if you pay high taxes your whole life and there are 6 hours of waiting in line at the hospital when you get sick and your unemployed adult child gets his welfare check declined and there are big potholes in the road, etc, I understand the frustration...


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