KJV worshippers beware! Worship the Word(Yeshua) NOT the translation!

in yeshua •  7 years ago 

More corruption in scripture "translation". The KJV even goes as far as to remove God's salvation from the gentiles(the nations, the tribes of Israel) and the KJV names servants slaves wherever you look! No wonder it is the freemasons goto translation! (they work together with the pharisees, the rabbis)

Original Hebrew text:
ישׁעיהו 49:6 ויאמר נקל מהיותך לי עבד להקים את־שׁבטי יעקב ונצירי ישׂראל להשׁיב ונתתיך לאור גוים להיות ישׁועתי עד־קצה הארץ׃

KJV version:
Isa 49:6 And he said, It is a light thing that thou should be my slave to wake up the tribes of Jacob and to restore the desolations of Israel; I have also given thee for a light to the Gentiles that thou may be my saving health unto the end of the earth.

Literal translation of the Hebrew:
Yeshayahu 49:6 and He said, it is easy for you to be My servant to raise the tribes of Yakov and the princes of Israel to give you back for a light of the tribes(nations, gentiles) to be My salvation to the end of the earth.

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Your literal translation is more accurate than the KJV here.

ונצירי naw-tsere
"and the princes"


ונצורי naw-tzari
"and the preserved ones"


The word has a word in common from the similar word for dedicated one or chosen one which is Nazir (נזיר). And the Notzri(נצרי) which is the title of Yeshua, the Branch, He of course being The Dedicated One. What's interesting to see is that the Nazir is an unpruned branch but a notzri is a pruned branch and so we who follow Yeshua are the notzrim(נצרים), the pruned branches. So although I used princes here it is only to indicate their positions in Israel as leaders of the tribes, it should really read the dedicated ones or chosen ones. In the end it is those who will be kings and priests under Yeshua the King of kings and Highpriest of priests. The Prince of princes is also His title(Dan 8:25) but that is the literal translation for Prince of princes(שׂר־שׂרים)Sar sarim. So as Yeshua's followers we start out as a nazir then become a notzri to end up as a sar in the end. :)