RE: Israel is not Israel! Biblically speaking!

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Israel is not Israel! Biblically speaking!

in yeshua •  7 years ago 

I think you misunderstand the truth behind Judaism. The "Judaism" you put it, Yeshua followed, was not anything religious nor was it even closely related to what the Jews have now. These rabbis, these descendants of the pharisees rule the world under satan and this is the reason why Yeshua called them sons of their father the devil.
It is true there are always those who are like Shaul(Paul) ignorant of the facts when it comes to the truth of God's Word and whilst doing evil thinking they do God a service by their zealousness. Being of the natural branches of Israel myself I have no illusions as to the truth behind their evil. God raised me to not be deceived so easily. Giving too much credit where it is not due is a fatal mistake many believers make when it comes to "Israel" and its religious leaders. Yes it is true the Jews might have been blinded in part but that is only due to their sin of idolatry and that needs to be made clear to them! How can a people repent if they believe they are doing no wrong!? Too many followers of Yeshua have fallen for the lie that we don't need to preach repentance to them saying the Lord will open their eyes and take away the blindness! Just how do you think He will do that?? It is by us preaching the gospel of Truth, of Yeshua and the need for repentance of their sins!
Why is it do you think all the apostles preached this, to avoid those of the circumcision!? Because they are workers of evil working against the Kingdom of God! You do not placate their acts nor make them acceptable in the sight of others! You expose their sin so people can see them for what they are. They refuse Yeshua and violently so! Go to Israel(the land) and do some preaching of the gospel in Mahane Yehudah or similar places and you will find out for yourself! Nowadays you don't even have to leave home in Israel if they know you are a follower of Yeshua as they will come to your front door to threaten you and destroy your property etc. The government over there being run by these vile men will cover up such occurrences all over Israel! Truth is a rare commodity in the world today but it is even rarer in Israel! Now if you actually knew what was written in their talmud you would know exactly what they are about and they have not changed one bit since Yeshua called them sons of their father the devil. It is therefore the people who need to have their eyes opened up to the evil of the religious establishment in their land! As for how Yeshua views these people, nothing has changed! He always loves those whom He loves and He will never accommodate the evil of those who He calls sons of their father the devil. Your understanding of Judaism is of 2 millennia ago. It is pure idolatry now as the pharisees were idolaters then but worse now because they have enslaved an entire nation to sin once again even after God has punished them(as promised in His Word) because of sin throughout these last 2 millennia. It is the persistence of their idolatry, their talmudic Judaism that keeps them away from God. If you placate these religious leaders you will never get the truth to the people. The people need to be told the truth about their leaders so they can stop believing their lies and repent of their sins and turn to God and return to Him as a nation. Most will have to go through the trouble of Jacob before they will repent because of these evil leaders. But without telling them truth now how will they ever hear?!
It is time to stop holding hands over their heads saying Oh you poor persecuted Jews!!! It is time to tell them how to finally break this cycle instead of making false "christian" excuses for not telling them! The pastor Hagee types of this world will be judged much harder than the false Jews! As believers our faith is shown by what we do not by what we say and we need to be like Yeshua and let our yes be yes and our no be no! Jew or gentile, ALL need to hear the gospel and ALL evil needs to be exposed for all to see so they choose what is right. There is no grey areas with God, if you're lukewarm He will spit you out. We obey His commandments by doing them not by talking about them. So saving the Jews from persecution only goes One Way, Yeshua's Way! Expose the sin among them so that they will repent for how else will they repent if they believe their "Judaism" is enough and even some "christians" are telling them it is ok to remain who they are! That which amounts to good fruit, doing God's Word and Will, not talking about it and making excuses for the sinners regardless of whether their Jews or not! (1Pe 1:17 And if ye call on the Father, who without respect of persons judgeth according to every man's work, pass the time of your sojourning here in fear: )

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