RE: Do not judge your asana according to how well you can do it.

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Do not judge your asana according to how well you can do it.

in yoga •  7 years ago  (edited)

what a great quote. and it is so true. i have a baker zyst in my right knee throat - it took me 8 years of steady pracitce to get into padmasama and then i finally could do it - until about 1 month ago. then from one day to another without any reason the zyst swoll up again and i have no chance to even bind half lotus on the right side. but i still do the pose - a variation of it - it might look completely different but it really let's me watch my thoughts coming up "why can't i do that anymore, you suck, this sucks, etc." - i let them pass - i make peace with me and my knee - i let go. from the outside my pose doesn't look at all how it is supposed to - but from the inside it feels great :-)

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Thanks for your comment, really deep your thinking and totally agree with you that that is the way!