Yoga is a lifestyle... Yoga means the bringing together of two. The Ida Pingala, the yin yang the female the male energies. Once they reunite, a spark is lit and your understanding is improved or better said your ignorance is dropped.
All of yoga is about balancing this ida and pingala so you can realize the absolute truth that is accessible to you within this lifetime. Karma is dropped, old emotions leave your body. You rest in pure beingness
"less performance, more beingness" thats the essence of realization. Moving away from duality/maya into pure beingness.
You are not your thoughts, emotions & body. You are the consciousness which from silence experiences all this. Yoga is a way to bring that silence into the physical & mental form.
Yoga is not fixed. its not just asanas, pranayama, mudras, mantras etc. Its whatever tool you need to bring about this shift of silence in every moment. Sometimes its just clear awareness and a shift in attention.
I sometimes have customers that have back problems and they come to me and say "can you please give me an intense massage". That is still pure ignorance most of the time. I explain to them that their back problems actually have an emotional background and i clear their emotions on an energetic level and their back problems go away. most people are blown away by the experience because its such a different shift to understanding life.