The Snek-Together Podcast - 002 - Memory Lane

in yougotsnekked •  6 years ago 

Every Friday, the You Got Snekked community, of which I am proud to be a member, gets together in the You Got Snekked Discord server for an hour or more of talking, laughing, singing and general merriment!

Hosted by @poeticsnake and I, whereas most discord shows focus on some aspect of Steemit, the Snek-together is more about getting to know the people behind the Steemit profiles! So one of the very few rules guidelines we have during the show is, no mentioning Steem or Steemit ;P

And otherwise, it doesn't matter what we talk about,
as long as everyone enjoys themselves =)

And if you missed this last Friday's session, not to worry! You can listen in right here in the video below, and then join us next week! Write it down on a post-it, set an alarm on your phone, ask a friend to remind you, but whatever you do, don't miss it!
Every Friday, 5pm UTC

A big thank you to everyone who showed up this week! ^^
We had a great time and learnt a lot about each other.

In fact, we learnt quite a few interesting things... Let me see if I can remember here... ;)

  • @TheBugIG has been frequenting back-alleys and getting into trouble with the police from a young age!

  • @Yidneth has a freakily impressive memory and gave herself food poisoning when she was but 1 year old!

  • @desmond41 thinks flies are the rudest animals but isn't sure why...

  • @Mandelsage will tell a joke every week on the podcast. Consider yourself warned!

  • We learnt what everyone's favourite snack (not snek!) is to eat... ^^

  • @Stevenwood has a passion for writing, among other things (Who would have thought?? ;P)

  • @Falseyedols said, "You know, when I can get it in, I do..." ... You'll have to listen to the podcast for context there... ;P

  • @poeticsnake has an alter ego! ... The "Temptress" ... And now thinking about it, it kinda makes sense... She's a Snek after all! ;P

  • @dynamicgreentk might have gotten a concussion once while trying to be superman, but nobody is sure about that, not even him...

  • @wildwanderer actually does have a microphone! =)

See what you all missed out on?? ;) ... Plus, we all got our groove on again at the end, singing the classic "Imagine" by John Lennon ^^ ...

So how about it? Join us for the next one? =)

Just click on the image below to join the server...

We're all looking forward to meeting you!

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I loved being there maybe I will be there again next week as well!

LOLOL I am just poking tha bear here!
Thank you for all you do, its amazing to do these podcasts with ya!


Thank you for tolerating me :P .. Next week is going to be even better! Especially if I can get OBS working properly, lol.

These have been really fun!!! I look forward to the next one. Be seeing ya around, Mandel ;)

Indeed! .. I think we have a good thing going here ^^

hahah yes it was my birthday and hmmm clovers tasted good so I ate tons LOL hahaha

I ate my fair share of clovers too as a kid, while looking for a four-leafed one ;P (Never did find one!) but never to the point of tummy-aches, hehe.

I hope I catch you sometime in the server again because I'm very curious about your brain now, lol.

Hahaha! Yeah but I hadn’t used my microphone before and figured it out just too late 🙈

Not to worry. There will be many opportunities for us all to get to know each-other better.

Although I am absolutely certain our community will grow at a brisk pace, there is certainly no necessity for it to be a sprint.

In the beginning growing an empowering supportive community can feel like work but after a while it begins to just feel like home. I am excited and invigorated by this new home and cannot wait to see what we can begin to achieve. I've said it before and make no appologies for repeating it here again today...

Together we are just better!

So true! It gives us technologically challenged folk a chance to keep up 😊

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

These hangouts give us an awesome chance to get to know our fellow Snek-Community friends in a way we would otherwise probably not get.

I have had the chance to learn about some incredibly cool people during the show in a way that Steemit simply does not allow. Speaking of Steemit...I wholeheartedly apologise for previous and future shows, because the not-mentioning-Steemit rule is one that I will constantly break haha. It's a bit like the challenge of eating a sugar donut without licking your lips...It is virtually impossible.😁

I sincerely hope our community goes from strength to strength...Although I do not believe in any way, shape or form that hope is going to be necessary. 😁

Edit:I believe my technophobe status is already pretty legendary in the community...I answer many of you from my curation account haha...But my long-winded responses should give away my identity with no trouble haha 😁