Can you live a happy life with less money?

in yourself •  2 years ago 

Hapiness doesn't depend on money as such. Hapiness lies within not in the world. Expectations are often the reason for dissapointments.How you want to see yourself and where you are now defines most peoples happiness. People have a habit of finding reasons for not being happy. But Actually there are a lot of reasons to be happy other than money.

I have a wonderful family (mom,dad,sis,me)

I am healthy

I am educated

I have got great friends

I have shelter and food to eat (yay money plays! Less money less food.. lets manage)

If you have wonderful people in your life to live with, and you have god in your life as support, definitely you can be happy with whatever you are in your life.

Whether you are rich or poor god has a specific plan for you. Be Proud of what you are. Stay happy! Stay Blessed!

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