Youtubers giving homeless money? Let's Talk.steemCreated with Sketch.

in youtube •  8 years ago 

Youtubers before at the start gave homeless money as a good cause.
But as pranksters came they did it to reclaim their raputation as a good person. (even tho they did like a terrorist prank for exemple)
They would just go around and give money saying ''Man, you need this. Bla bla bla'', when in reality it was giving them likes and boost in views. One prankster started it and they all came in on trend train! If you don't believe me check on search ''Helping homeless'', nothing to be found! Videos from like 5 to 1 year ago. In other words. Pranksters are assholes. Thank you and have a nice day (not all of them xD).
If you need more detail explaination check this video made by H3H3 production:


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