Contentment and mastery

in zappl •  7 years ago  (edited)

Aspire but remember to be contented with all that you have. For a person who achieves but lacks contentment becomes a slave to the achievements. A person who achieves and is contented becomes a true master of self.

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It's in the moderation of things. Life is about moderation, don't want too much, don't need much.

Lack of contentment could be disastrous not only to the person in question but also to people around. In the sense that such person may harm his friend who has what s/he doesn't have.


Not being contented of what you have causes jealousy, stealing, faling into unreasonable victim. @ehiboss you are on point.

True achievement with out contented couses one to be poor in mind. But one can ever be contented when one does have money. Believe me or not I have grow up in poverty and I know poverty.thant is why when am looking for money I canr even epend a day just commenting on posts. Need money.

I can not jst watch people becoming rich. I to want to make my owen story that will insipire other to work hard.

We can never be contented with litttle.

The end product of not being contented is destruction, person who is not contented will never be happy with what he or she have.

The most annoying thing about people who are not contented is that, they would be weigh-in there success with other people around them even if they are better than those people.

Also they lack spirit of appreciation as whatever they got have less value in there eyes.

Be content. The key to mastery

Well said @ehiboss

Wow. Someone who achieves but lacks contentment becomes a slave to the achievements. Hmmm WORD!
Thanks so much for this @ehiboss Wow

You just got my greed poisoned.. I have learned I cant have all i want but i can be satisfied with what i have. Thanks for this article @ehiboss

Very brief and informative
You made your point clear and straightforward
Rightly said!!!
Good morning

Deep meaning

°°it going to be hard for the d canal to understand the quote of the spirit

Got me thinking 🤔@ehiboss

It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.

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