I Met the Most Amazing Woman Yesterday!

in zappl •  7 years ago  (edited)

Well, she is not really someone new to me. I have had my eyes on her for almost two years. But until yesterday, I had never been able to do more than say "hello"
Yesterday I got a chance to talk to her.

The stars aligned and she was stuck were I was for four hours. Four freaking hours! I guess I would have chickened out but that was enough time for even a coward like me to try his luck with a lady who was so pleasant. So I muttered some gibberish and she told me her name in response. I said some more unintelligible stuff and she told me she liked my eyes. Oh my Jesus! That was all it took for me to loosen up. No one has ever told me they like my eyes. Hell, I don't even like my eyes. I can't see properly with them.

So long and short of it all is we have a date for next weekend. I hope it goes well.

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Yay! Seems i see cupid at work here. Is someone inlove?

Could it be love?

Haha. Only time will tell 😂

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Well, think hard. I am sure some moron has told you he liked your eyes in the past but you never took notice. Just because you have eyes for this girl now ...
Also a lesson for the girls: if u're eyeing a guy please tell him you like his eyes so his tongue can loosen a bit... two goddamn years!