After many attempts on your life, you can start to receive death threats, or vehicles/motorists who will target you on the road or out in your everyday life. You can be easily be spun out of control, set up to be driving behind the wheels of the kind of car they know you have, and know how to make an accident happen. Perpetrators are paid in full for any accident that they are involved in, as this too is sanctioned by their government programs and covert operations. Not to mention, some others believe to the point of knowing full well that your cars can become hacked, monitored with tracking devices, all with the insurance that if you end up wanting to do anything about the crimes committed against you, that they can stop you at all measures necessary to get you to shut up including taking control of your vehicle and driving you off the road. Some incidences can be recorded by people in the streets, and no measure of recording or proof ever amounts to anything because no one believes what you're saying is happening, and anything you show as proof is not being made able for these people to see what’s really going on. What I'm saying is that it's covert or overt harassment, and it's strategic in a way that makes it seem to the public that nothing criminal is happening here. They will even say that they are concerned, when in truth – they aren't concerned about anything less than covering up their crimes and making sure that you don't have a voice. Hell, they’ll drive your voice right out of you.
You can be placed into an unsafe environment designed to break you in ways, ensuring your health will rapidly decline. Chemicals, poisons and other drugs can be used to target a victim of stalking. It's literally everything and anything within the book, you can think up, to ensure that you look like your world has eroded on its own, and as though none of these things you’re saying are happening to you. Even when they are.
Your phones are wired, and all information gathered is not to protect you, but to make certain you're a tax paying, game playing citizen, accepting all the responsibility in that of a slave. Everything that's done to you, is meant to look normal on the outside, or look normal to other people – but, is not normal, and is highly illegal what has taken place. Your whole life has been turned upside-down by thugs wearing the costumes of “good men” playing the solidarity part of being a real cop, or a real judge, or a real decent human being as a lawyer or whatever. They're not good people! They are horrible wretched people with an agenda, and that agenda is to drive your life into the ground FOR YOU. Vehicles can smash into your home, and you might think that it is normal, or that it happened on accident, but – some of these things are pre-planned in order to get your attention, and to stake out your home – count heads, see who's looking or not looking and to plan accordingly to the information gathered. These people are very smart, and know what they are doing, and if you don't know about it – your whole world can be turned upside-down in a short amount of time. All of a sudden, you're faced with something that's unimaginable, or what seems as too monstrous and evil for it to just be regular bad luck, or regular bad people just making life worse. There is nothing REGULAR about it. Of course every city has it’s people that suck in general, but I’m not talking about these people. These people make matters worse because they are soaked up in the world and worldliness and are the kinds of people willing to go out of their way to be criminal minded. Those people are seriously idiots because they are doing everything that this world wants them to do. In other words, they’re the easiest targets because they are already doing bad things, making police misconduct easier than ever. All they do is trick people, and don’t think for a second that they don’t. You just think it’s okay to speak to a cop and they’re going to use every bit of information against you as they can. They aren’t looking to protect you, or to help you out. They’re looking to make a criminal out of you so that they can stop you from being a real person who’s willing to put their life on the line by speaking out.
My take on covert harassment is this: They don't want you to know, because they are afraid of you. That some people have figured it out, only makes them that much more dangerous and angry. I believe diseases are manipulated, and peoples lives are being destroyed and even taken, without them even knowing that it's happening TO THEM, and they die. They actually think that they have some disease and that they brought it on themselves. They didn't, even though they are just living out their lives as though they aren't targets and anything that has happened to them is just normal everyday bull crap. That, this is the way the world is, and those who think to themselves, who am I to try to change anything about it? Sure, it's messed up, but – the victim will be gas-lit to a point where they believe they can do nothing to fight it. Non-lethal weapons can be used to mimic that of a heart attack or something to put you into the hospital. There they create fictional diseases to manipulate more money out of you. And, if you're getting health-care from the system, it's just a system in place to enrich the upstream of business in making you a hospital ridden person, and thinking that all these people want to do is help you. They don't! Not all the time. Sometimes, the only goal of these places is strictly to hurt you, or to create a new symptom, to give you more drugs and to make a customer out of you. Take control of your health, and don’t let these people keep manipulating diseases.
Along with this chemical induced disease, or whatever it may be. Their only goal is to make sure that you’re fighting something, so you can’t fight to use your voices anymore, or gather information, and get organized. They don’t need that. So, when you’re thinking of coming out and using your voice, just know that you’re a target and that you will be targeted by the state. You’re the cancer in their idea of the best world because you threaten the very existence of their jobs. They aren’t performing within the constitution, so it doesn’t matter. They can act as though they are above the law, but when you are a sovereign, you write the laws. You are supposed to have a government that works for you, not the other way around. So, when there is this much FEAR of government, just know that there will be tyranny. Another thing I want to bring up, is that you don’t have to FEAR your government, and you shouldn’t. You should fight with all your might to get your government back to work for you. If we can’t get our government at least back to it’s original shape, there is going to be hell to pay all across the world for the crimes that these people are willing to commit to. It’s their pay-checks and I’m sure the money is truly nice, but these people will eventually be targets themselves if they all of a sudden come across a heart. Either way, God says not to fear anything but to have fear in Him. As long as you have God, you don’t have to worry about what this world can do to you because Jesus already won that war. These people are just psychopaths. They’ll stop at nothing to make sure that you’re so far away from who you want to be, that it’ll make you want to know how they are getting away with it. They get away with it because there isn’t enough people willing to speak out. People truly in the know about these things, but say nothing, for fear of what can happen to them. Personally, I’m not scared anymore of their attacks, because I’ve been through hell and back with what I feel is gang-stalking and organized crime sanctioned by the government to do. Very cruel tactics have been employed and all we get is the silence from the people.
If you’re affected with something, chances are you’re going to have a hell of a time trying to get your life back. And, that is there goal here. You’re going to pay through the nose on products and whatever you can find hoping that it’s going to end it once and for good, but chances are – that you’re diseases are being manipulated, so that you cannot focus finding the truth, only focusing on getting your health back. With the manipulation of diseases and chemical attacks, their goal here is to make sure that your finances are targeted as well as your health and stress levels. Stress being the number one killer, this is their goal. You’re too close to the truth, so you need to die now. Like, right now.
Brain mapping is another way to target YOU through frequencies. They can record your frequencies and play them back into your brain in real-time. They can fluctuate them and manipulate them, so peoples emotions and feelings can be manipulated – and while not knowing what's going on, people can easily end up turning into someone that they aren’t. Be mindful of yourselves, because with all the extra radiation and energies, chemicals and fighting for your life you’re doing, it’s going to be easier to get you angry and worked up in a way that can only help them. You can imagine where this kind of torture campaign can go, but no one wants to talk about it. Nobody cares because it isn't happening to them. Nevertheless, look up SKYNET and the use of mind control in America today. At large we are being experimented on through sanctions of the government making it a perfect crime. This is why I also study common law, to understand completely how they are using the system to create open air slaves. They do it by targeting the dissidents and the Christians and whistle-blowers. They don't need the shackles and chains if they can still make you go to work for them, and without ever having to do anything other than attack you through utilizing these illegal tactics, and get you into the system paying something that is caused through a manipulated fiction, creating a criminal out of you, to take you out and discredit you and to basically build a straw-man out of you. It concerns me because there is no rule of law protecting citizens, and it's not something that these people are doing where they deserve the manipulation of their lives worth. It’s ONLY because you threaten their way of life that they will continue to harass you and to point from a distance, these non-lethal weapons at you.
Shots can be fired, and it doesn't matter who fired the shots, because – again, your own investigation of events to the police don't matter, and are designed not to matter. If you aren't their sons or daughters or someone they care about, (someone that they see is compliant) they aren't going to care about YOUR rights, or YOUR safety. You will be left with ZERO rights, and will be left with ZERO protection. They’ve targeted your finances, and your ability to drive, and took away that job you had – or made you inoperable to work, and now they’ve created a criminal out of you, and you’re going homeless now because they’ve also made sure that you cannot go back home. You’d be trespassing to – say, go visit with Mom. After-all, the attack that is happening to you, isn’t for you alone, it’s made for everyone in your whole family. (Anything psychological happen to you at the time of my departure from living a regular life?) What I’m getting at, is that it’s truly sick to feel threats created in the form of government shadowing your every right to live life as beautifully as one would choose to, had they known that they were just mind-control victims, or people – shall we say, experimented on by junkie thug criminal elitist police tactics, meant to break you – and make you go away.
Zersetzung Attacks Include:
-Smears / Blacklisting
-Aggressive Threats
-Implied Threats
-Street Theater
-Lethal / Non-lethal Weaponry
Street Theater is another topic I want to talk about briefly, and also about the ways that electronically, we can become attacked through the use of our own electronics. What I'm talking about is email, social media, computers, cellphone usage, in any way, to cause interference for the targeted individual. Street Theater are key players whom are often just there and will show up to friends and families in a way to ensure their targeted victim is safe. They can also have skits where they will play into its victim as a person that tried doing what you're doing. Speaking out and using language to tell people what's happened to you is illegal and against the law, but it's the law-men who are doing it to you. The images will be something like someones face being smashed in, or someone who appears to have had their head kicked in. Again, this is to intimidate you, to get you to shut up. Don't be like DICK, because DICK is now DEAD. That type of behavior is Zersetzung tactics. Obviously with Street Theater being as discrete as it can be or as blatant as it can be, there is a lot of room for discussion there. But, for the most part, I just like to tell people like this – it’s like Hollywood, but instead of them being in a set on a film to get paid for it, you’re getting slow killed through tactics that are designed by the very best in this game of warfare that they play on ordinary citizens. And nobody looks, and nobody cares. Peoples lives are destroyed by design and nobody speaks out against these crimes.
SIGINT / Electronic Spying:
-24 hour Surveillance
-Communication Control
-Computer Spying / Hacking / Hi-jacking
-Persuasive Calls
It is routine that all targets of the intelligence services would have all of their communications, all contacts, mail, email, and – in fact, they are fully controlled. It's frequent or all the time, that your phone calls are intercepted, or listened in on, and that all of your data is being recorded. Your mail can be read, and/or intercepted before you get it, or not get it. Emails are also intercepted and/or stolen and read through. But, it goes a lot farther than that when some calls are interfered with, or stopped altogether, and your emails can be captured in imaging units with agendas of targeting you and harassment campaigns made to destroy you, hurt your reputation, or discredit you and deny you justice for crimes committed. Emails can sometimes go where they aren't sent to, or who they aren't sent to, and your letters can be captured and never delivered.
Under any investigation, any contact is seized or stopped completely, and any contact will be made impossible to parties who can help you. And, if you do get to make a call, a lot of times you'll get a busy signal, or a will be sent to a third party, or when you make the call – they will make your call go somewhere else completely – telling you, you cannot get a hold of anyone that can help you. Jails will hold people indefinitely without trial for petty crimes, and hold them for long periods of time, that is meant to break your trust. If you don't have someone outside trying to fight for you to get out, they can keep you there indefinitely because you have no one who is going to come for you, so they too will use that to their advantage and leave you there longer, so they can get more money for their jail system. Again, they'll intercept your ability to talk to anyone, so that when you do finally talk to someone, you will be frantic and no one will see the detrimental devastation as something that is created over you, rather they will see that you're freaking out and there must be something wrong with you, because they aren't inside of the thought process of criminals who are hurting your existence in a way that's succeeding and grinding your living wages and ability to thrive into the ground. And, the sad part is, all you get is silence from those around you about it, because – no one wants what's happening to you, to start to happen to them. But, if no one speaks out – I believe it will. They don't just have this kind of power for nothing, but can and will use a lot more of it to get what they want. Total control of the people!
As for cyber-bullying, there are a lot of things that leave a whole lot of room for discussion about cyber-bullying, things said about you, said to you, that can go on while on the internet, but one thing I remember is through YouTube, on a video, it was explaining everything in the events that would take place. Your IP address was going to be recorded, you are possibly going to be targeted with all these ways of targeting you. And they would explain the ways that you are going to be targeted. The ways that were explained are the ways of Zersetzung techniques. Surveillance, phone calls, and they were going to come get involved in a way to create something out of thin air if need be, to take you and get you into the system. Or you'll end up incarcerated, or in jail, (is their hope) and you'll have to undergo a psych-evaluation where they were going to place you on a hold.
No one in your family will believe you, they said, and if there is anyone that might be on your side, they will make sure to pay them a visit first with clipboards and dressed up to approach them about anything. They can do a variety of different things to make sure that they are going to get away with using their new machines against you. People with this shared experience warn of being possibly chemically poisoned, or the use of non-lethal weapons and some targets get placed in diseases or they manipulate the environments so that you are more susceptible to getting sick and even to the point of killing some people like their hearts stop suddenly or they’re driven off the road or made to look like a suicide or something of that nature. Simply everything and anything you can think of that could drive a person to suicide. This is the tactics of Zersetzung. Most people are taking prescription medications anyways and believing that they have some disease of some sort, but – most of which are just being scientifically created through the use of all the allopathic medicine we take, and the manipulation of our foods being transformed into food like products, genetically modified foods, and just things that aren't really food anymore. But, Monsanto as we know it, has basically genetically modified everything to make sure that you cannot heal with nature, or get your health back without a fight. The whole operation of American Spy Agencies are all Satanic driven, and no one sees it. Your money is a fraud. I don't care if you're a Doctor, a Lawyer or a Police officer or a Judge, their money is completely fraudulent as they have perverted the system in place to hurt peoples health for profit. The system of healthcare is not designed to help people heal. To call it healthcare at all is a shame. When the system fails to give one person justice, it fails as a whole and the whole justice system is corrupt to the core. But, the ultimate goal is always to get you to kill yourself, because that is their work being done for them, and that is to make sure that you aren't alive to speak or to be anything at all. This is why I speak out, because I believe that I've already been extracted by the framers of these agendas in a violent and fraudulent way. It’s sick, It’s COVERT. Might I add, it’s scary.
The American government has been infiltrated by hidden agendas like those of Muslims and homegrown terrorists, and those of the United Nations, and using Nazi style Stasi methods of torture, breaking apart families and any structured moral compass in America. People are now living in America, while planning a total Jihad in America, and we've got a border crisis going on – because we're all going to be trapped inside a prison America, no freedoms, no rights, and no one will care, no one will notice the big picture. The walls will finally go up, and then ground war might come to America, the way the Jihad has planned. I hope that they do go after the 1% then, because I didn’t consent to war. I read, “The Face Of God,” that told prophecy of 9-11 before 9-11 happened. I thought that was nothing in my life. Let me tell you, these people want to know everything you read. Everything you see, everything you hear. They don’t want you to know it, but they can gather all the information on you that you don’t even think they have. They know every book you’ve ever checked out from the library. They have it all. If you’re a 9-11 truther, and you’re seeing evidence disappear about other 9-11 truthers being murdered and covered up by criminals, and things like that – wouldn’t you like to know that you’re protected somehow through all of this?
They can take over your whole computer, the information inside of it, and any evidence you have can be taken off your computer completely, so that you don't have a copy and can’t use it against them. They want you to know that they can control your computer, and will control any data that threatens there covert plan to continue attacking you. I've thought personally through pictures that I've taken and once seen before many times, that the quality of the picture is completely taken away from the original and made it all pixelated so you can't see the real image. You can also find items that you've saved that have been previously deleted completely from your system. You can send information or data over to another company working for this kind of information to be exposed to start to get organized and at least try to build a dialogue with people, and what you will find a lot of times is that, not only through transit, but even after something is published, that it also can be eliminated or otherwise tarnished through throttling of posts and making sure that people can’t read it. The page might still work, but the information is taken offline, or the information is switched and pictures or artwork is changed around, sideways, or upside-down. Even the idea’s you type, can become altered when trying to post on a topic like this. Like, I’ve stated before, it’s constant ability to sabotage one’s life. You don’t see the drop of chemical, but – it can treat your life like you hit a freight train!
They use constant spying and surveillance to intimidate you through constant interference as well because they, sometimes overtly, want you aware that you are a victim. They can hack your phone and make it inoperable, even to try to re-set an android back to factory settings, and it won't allow you to do so. Same goes for your operating systems, they can get inside any computer and make it unable to re-set, or otherwise make it operable to the point of not being able to bring it back to working right. They implant viruses or other trojan horses to make your computer inoperable. In it of itself, it's constant threats that is the electronic side of Zersetzung torture techniques. Sometimes your information will get to its source, sometimes the information won't get to the source. Sometimes, you'll send it the right way, and they will get it, and sometimes they won't ever get it or you’ll have to re-send multiple times. And, sometimes you'll hear that someone was trying to reach you that wasn't able to reach you even though you weren't busy, they will get a busy signal or a blank sound. This is all controlled and your systems are made inoperable in ways that is well beyond the world of hacking. Emails can completely be obliterated. Any organization of information with people can become disrupted. Data bases completely annihilated.
Telecommunications are a simple way to control people in real time, because telephone calls can not only be recorded and stored in some data base for future use, but can also be intercepted and the information gathered can be used to target you right away. You might get a call that is important to you, like a family member or someone you haven't spoken with in a while that is close to your heart, and those calls can become intercepted, dropped or otherwise jeopardized in a way that is meant to gain access to your information to further damage you, and, this type of attack happens all the time. You really don't know what these people are doing with your information, or what extent they're willing to go to, to harm you. They can take full control of the calls that you will get and the calls that you won't. But, the goal here is always to put you in harms way, in a fashion of getting you to complete the job. They want you dead, and all of these vicious tactics employed are to serve that one purpose, and that's getting you to die or shut up.