Have You Ever Studied Zersetzung?
Zersetzung was informally used in East Germany since 1950's with General Secretary Walter Ulbrichts's use of regular law enforcement and judiciary against dissidents. In 1971, Erich Honecker's appointments as General Secretary saw reform of “operational procedures” away from overt terror of Ulbricht towards Zersetzung, formalized in 1976 after the issue of Directive No. 1/76 on the Development and Revision of Operational Procedures.
The Stasi used operational psychology and its extensive network of informal collaborators to launch personalized psychological attacks against targets to damage their mental health and lower the chances of a “hostile action” taken against the state.
The use of Zersetzung is well documented due to Stasi files published after East Germany's demise and the fall of the Berlin Wall, with several thousand or up to 10,000 individuals estimated who have become victims and 5,000 of whom sustained irreversible damages. Special pensions for restitution have been created for Zersetzung victims.
If you are a targeted individual, one day soon, You May Receive That RESTITUTION. Even though the money won't change the facts that happened, at least it could be something worth fighting for.
I am creating this writing as an overview on the use of Zersetzung “no touch” Torture Techniques used to break individuals and destroy their families. Sometimes people realize what's going on, and most times, they don't see it as anything more than normal behavior. But people are being set-up and their brains are being broken with technology that's meant to hurt people. If you ever study mind-control, you'll see that here in America we are complicit to it.
Zersetzung is a process of character assassination and threats. The purpose is to poison every aspect of a person's life, and they do it, get away with it, and people die today due to the use of their torture programs, including targeting American citizens.
There are other names that Zersetzung goes by, such as Cointelpro, No-Touch Torture, D and D or simply gang-stalking, or better known as organized crime. Zersetzung was developed by the former East German secret police – the Stasi police – to persecute dissidents.
Today some “spy agencies” in democratic countries that are signatories to the “Five Eyes” intelligence agreements are illegally using Zersetzung techniques on behalf of the power elites and corporate interests, and for reasons that have nothing to do with national security or upholding the rule of law. These people are breaking the law themselves by being employed in the secret police powers. Though they are powerful, they aren't working in accordance to the laws themselves, which makes them infiltrators and deceivers of truth. The law was designed to protect the truth, and not to stop the truth.
Spy agencies, such as Canada's CSIS and the UK's MI5 and MI6, are morphing into a secret police and persecuting innocent citizens for private interests.
Our politicians, some judges and police believe that these Spy Agencies can damage their careers and are too scared of them to provide oversight. This information provides a blueprint on Zersetzung using real life experiences as my case study and my own life experiences as well. Case being is that we are illegally being tortured through pre-planned events of strategic measures to discredit us, and to seize our abilities to thrive in this life.
The Formula for Zersetzung
-Lies, Smear Campaigns and Slanders
-Next, is Intimidation and Harassment
-and finalizes in a cover up to seal the crime, pervert justice and to ensure the public that nothing intentional took place.
You can experience calls to get no response, but callers will call all the time making your phone obsolete to YOU the user, or when someone REAL calls and you're ignoring your phone due to you thinking it's just another harassing phone call. There are multiple reasons for abusing your telephone number, but the main reason for it isn't only to distract you but to perform a psychological operation, to make YOU aware how obsolete your use of the telephone will be, and so that you know you're being monitored and recorded, rendering your phone obsolete for truest use of the phone, the way you would use it – and have privacy. Your computers can be hacked, social media pages hi-jacked and information abraod can be used to target you. And, none of the information you've held onto will be used of looked at for investigations or to report it. You can get blacklisted so that you cannot get a job or find work, shadow banned or blocked when trying to use social media as a means to get information out to the public. You can be followed or have people who are a part of these Spy Agencies, who will park their vehicles in your parking lot or near your home to use non-lethal weapons on you which can cause you to experience many symptoms causing you to be rushed to a hospital. There are other things that can be used within a radius around you, that cannot be traceable, or tracked back to the perpetrators. And, you cannot go to the police because the police are trained NOT to accept any kind of reporting of such matters. Your home-life is under surveillance and being staked out for harassment and basic tactics to make sure that you're fighting the “unknown battle,” so-to-speak. They will use covert surveillance, if they don't want you or anyone else to know about it. But, they can also use overt surveillance as well, which is making sure that you know it and gives you the notion that there's nothing you can do about it. Which in turn, renders justice and liberty out of the question, and if you are run out of your home or apartment, you're under attack, and the chances of finding people who are on the same playing field as you are slim to none.
The things that can happen to you are truly endless, because it's not meant necessarily for anyone else to see it, but for you to feel it, and know something isn't right. You don't even have to know that it's being created or set-up against you, but it is. Everything they do is to make sure that you're unable to speak out, and in a way that should scare you to speak out simply because these people are being killed. And, it's also designed to hurt your motor skills and neurological systems through the use of radiation, and other chemicals and science that is being manipulated. Or they will make sure that your house is bugged with something contagious, so not only are you fighting for your health, but all the other attacks on your personal liberty as well. Just know that they will stop at nothing, to get you to give up, and to give in, and just neglect yourselves to the point where you're depressed and don't know where to turn to for answers, and going to the doctors to ask for their head pills by name. They will intimidate you, and make it hard for you to even want to go outside into the world and try to create a life that you're passionate about. They will make it so you know you have no system to trust and no people to really rely on because, it's meant to discredit you, distract you, deceive you and deny you. You don't know what you're talking about and people will naturally think that whatever you're going through – that you must have brought it on yourself or it's made to look as though you've eroded up on your own behalf and that there was no assistance in the process to break you down mentally. They will use anything they can to make sure you're down and out and off the battle field because they see you as a threat or a virus, and they need to get rid of you. They will target your finances, through not only blacklists, and lies, but smear campaigns will be made about you and real live work hours will go unpaid. You can try to get an investigation, but seeing as to the fact that you're on some list somewhere, now you cannot get any real protection from the system either. The only thing they want you to do is go away. Just die already. That is their goal.
Your REAL character is at this point assassinated – because, you cannot continue to do your life when you're being stalked and have constant surveillance and organized criminals using all of your data in a way to hopefully get you to kill yourselves, or do something to get you into trouble with the police and place you into the system. Trouble also finds itself when police are sent out to do the same things, to deny and discredit you, no report is made or given – and even if you want to make a report of a criminal matter or of a social matter that's being taken way too far, they will trump up any kind of crime they can, to arrest YOU, because the goal here is to get you incarcerated, homeless and isolated. There's no speaking you can do from behind their walls. Your life is put on hold, and more than likely are going to have to pay fines and fee’s for their ability to use these tactics on you. They built private prisons and jails to house innocent people as well as a few perpetrators of real crimes, only because they need you to believe in a well adjusted system that is fail proof. And, everyone knows it’s a joke. But, they know the innocent people they place there. And, they don't care. The goal here is to get you away from anything constructive in your life.
Your emails can be blown up, your phone blown up, and the calls you get will be too obviously gang-stalking campaigns to your phone, and it's not just a regular crank calls – rather targeted calls, to target you and to break you psychologically from even using it. Not only will they target you in these ways but they will target your emotions as well.
Let's say you're a heavier set person – you'll get calls all the time about the fact that you signed up for some extreme health event, and the thing of it is, is that you didn't sign up for anything at all. But, you tell them – take me off your calling list, and they keep calling you back knowing full well that you're annoyed and bothered by it. It's not always the case that you aren't correctly pulled from a calling list, rather that you are on a list of people to target, where these and all kinds of calls don't stop, and the whole point is to make you aware that you don’t have a regular phone. People will ignore you, or start to ignore you, because you're ignoring them, or seeming like you're ignoring them, and so they stop trying to get a hold of you. But, they don't see the other side of it, as they aren't getting harassment non-stop in a way that is targeting you and even if you mention these things, people will just say that they get scam calls too, and to just ignore them. But, people don't understand it, and will side with psychologist like thoughts and claim that you're even paranoid. But, it's not as easy as that when you're a targeted individual, because these calls aren't the same kind of scam calls that you are talking about. Targeted Individuals get those kind of calls as well. But, it's up to the individual themselves if they believe that it's more of a targeted behavior or just a world gone mad with these scam callers. I'm sure there is a fair share of both going on in some cases. Nevertheless, it’s all meant to distract you from the bigger picture, and that is – is that there are some perpetrators who are utilizing Zersetzung tactics to fully poison your life, in a way to make sure that you cannot fight it. These are campaigns meant to psychologically break you, so that you can't have a regular life with your communication devices.
It isn't that your life isn't just tarnished by just regular world scam calls and tele-marketers and such. It goes way beyond that, even to the point of hacking you, and calling you saying they can fix your computer for a small price. Or just constantly being in the background of your computer usage. If you give them any your information or your money, your account will be completely wiped clean. Although there are scams that do these same things, there is also government sanctioned secret police that are doing the same things as well. They create psychological attacks covertly, that are meant to break you down little by little, and get you to crack.
There is one thing that perpetrators hate, and that is your freedoms, your voices, and your hearts. So, my advice is that if you think you're dealing with torture coming from the state – just take note that it's been sanctioned by the government. Look at it as though it's your tax money they are abusing to continue to threaten you and screw up any ability you’ve had before their attacks, thrive in whatever country you’re from. Know you're worth something, and not worthless. Don't let them drive you crazy enough to do anything stupid. People are literally being driven to suicide these days, and with tactics that are used, I can’t blame some people, or even call it suicide. I don't think suicide is a way out, but – I cannot call it suicide. I see it that these people are being tortured and that they’re trying to find justice and are being denied any investigations or justice at all. It's a fancy art of war, and it begins to become a spiritual warfare, as well as tactical, because they want to corrupt your heart and mind and get you to do the things they need in order to target you further. They thrive on breaking people down in such ways as to get them to doing the same things as this world, and giving up on their dreams and themselves. They need you to break. SO, DON’T ALLOW THEM TO BREAK YOU. STAY STRONG.
So, you're being lied about, and you're unemployable, left without funds, and money owed to you, you can live in devastation created as well, because these people are satanists, or willing to get paid the big bucks to basically screw you over any way they have available. You'll be ostracized from the community, and family or anyone that would have helped you or believed in you. But, even those people will be targeted in ways to not help you. And, even being stalked or having proof of other issues that penetrate real crimes, no police work is ever designed to actually help you, because you're being targeted by these secret police powers, and they aren't going to help you. When they come, and you know what they are doing there, and know that they acknowledge that you know why they are doing this, to target you, you will literally be able to see a satanic person inside of this police officer or anyone else that is working with them. They know they are in the wrong, and you're looking at them dead in the eye, and they just get red faced, knowing full well that they are using the system powers to completely screw up your ever loving existence. Take your character and assassinate it, and make sure that you’re being treated like a virus. You might run into someone that will tell you, how easy it would be to kill you, just to intimidate you into silence and subversion. In other words, everything is rendered in way that ensures the public around you that you aren't a victim of a crime here. But, the crime is large and the players are key players because of their powerful positions in the game. But, remember – cops put on plants the same way you do, and you do have rights. What these people have done is illegal, even if no one sees it – but you, or knows about it – but you... it's still happening and doesn't make it legal because government sanctions it, even if it's being played through a system of power. The government sanctioned wars created for mere control and profit. These are self-serving fat cats that wouldn’t know how to live, if the roles were flipped. That’s exactly how the framers of this crime get them in, because once they know what would happen to them if they spoke out, they would fear for their own lives. So, not enough people come out to talk about it.
But, if you feel as though these things are happening to you, and you’ve kind of gathered information on it for a long time – you’d want to come out with it in a way where it cannot be censored before you do go. And many people have a lot to say just before they die. It’s just that a lot of information is being censored and throttled to the point where it doesn’t ever get noticed.