What Is Zersetzung And Why You Should Care (Part 4)

in zersetzung •  6 years ago  (edited)


Being harassed out of ones apartment or home can be psychological as well, but it's a physical attack. Having your children threatened, or having a vehicle set up to speed at one of your children, these particular events are meant, and set up to look normal... but are very real attacks created by Zersetzung type of Spy Programs to yet again deceive the victim of Zersetzung. The psychological affect of Zersetzung is not in only fooling the targeted individual, but in fooling the general public into believing that nothing is really happening out of the ordinary, so people go on with their lives while the target is being mishandled, and in some cases even abused to the point of killing themselves. And, that's where I realized that something real was taking place, that was a crime, because – I was being set-up, mind-controlled and victimized.

As I've studied the account of psychological attacks, and gang-stalking methods, I've ran into a lot of intelligent journalists, news paper writers and many others who's stories are very similar to my own, that it got me involved in wanting to learn all there is to know about these programs and learning about what these people are doing to citizens around the world. The fact is, is that you can check it all out for yourselves on the internet, and even though there's a lot of information being censored, there is still enough out there for people to really get a clearer picture as to what is taking place. It's social engineering, meant to distract the public while they perform sanctioned experimentation and other tactical planning around dissidents and other types of religious people or Christians. It's also very strategic and timely. They don't need a critical mass of people waking up to learn how their government is driving them into proxy wars and also poisoning every aspect of peoples lives who want these things to end. All I want is to feel normal again. I can't even talk to people without my nervous system in my head feeling like I'm going to cry out of nowhere. That's not depression folks, it's a neurological disorder caused by all the stress and real life trauma that I've experienced.

And, then there is the media coming out with articles titling, “Lies, Threats, and Whistle-blowers,” that are also smearing the individuals from the press. Ultimately, what they do is disrupt a persons life, and if you look into it, you won't find that I'm lying, you'll find that the world of police powers are complicit in crime, and it's these same systems that were designed to protect you who are leaving you defenseless and unprotected. If we can't check the system, we have no system. As long as one person doesn't get liberty, the whole system is a sham. And, with how many people are left without justice today, it's no question but an obvious one to me, to see that these people don't care at all. How can you say that you can care about anything at all, if you are complicit to these crimes and aren't willing to speak out against it when it's happening to you? But, again, most people are blind to it, or have willful ignorance of the monstrosity of it, because they don't want to get involved, even if most of these same people are targets of these programs. So, social engineering works because most people are too scared and too chickenshit to say anything at all, which allows psychopaths to continue their use of these programs that are highly illegal and ruinous to some trying to pursue life, liberty, property and happiness.

They come out with the use of Zersetzung by the UK intelligence, that he had come across it, “many times” in his career. Then there is Canada's global mail disclosing about the persecution of innocent civilians in Canada calling it, “D and D,” locking a case, and that was in His own words, that is Canada's way of disrupting lives. Check out what D and D means, because it's commonly used to describe the Zersetzung techniques. Then there is an intelligence called COINTELPRO, that is another name for Zersetzung, and referred to the use of tactics to disrupt and discredit any person saying or making claims, “vicious tactics have been employed against them.” But, what do intelligence services say themselves?

Recently Edward Snowden released training material for the UK's GCHQ intelligence organization which was marked as top secret. And, it's no wonder they wanted to keep secret the damaging material of the secret intelligence services is using Zersetzung material as training material for their programs. Look at some of the documentation for yourselves.

Effects: Definition
“Using online techniques to make something happen in the real of cyber world.”
“Two broad categories: including; information Ops to influence or disrupt, or technical disruption.
Known in GCHQ as Online Covert Action
“The 4 D's: Deny / Disrupt / Degrade / Deceive


You'll see for yourselves that this is not an operation of an intelligence service but, that of a secret police. To Deny people justice, Disrupt liberty, Degrade people, and finally deceive them fully. This is the inner workings of a police state, and even these corrupt cops know it.

Other slides will talk about cyber-bullying and pushing the boundaries and action against hacktivist. So anyone wanting to hack to get information out to the public is called a hacktivist. These people are under attack the most because they have skills into gaining access, and using access accordingly to destroy ones life. They will discredit a company. Leak confidential information to companies like the press through blogs etc... Post negative information on appropriate forums... These are well known as trolls. And they will stop deals and ruin business relationships. They will set up honey traps, change their photos on social media, write a blog purporting to be one of their targets. They will email or text their colleagues, neighbors, friends, etc... getting them to stop caring about the targeted individual, usually by making up lies, slandering them or making sure somehow that they are psychologically prepared for what's going to happen to the targeted victim.

Online Covert Action is referred to in a chart that is telling of the desired affects taken on by a victim.

  1. Create Cognitive Stress – disrupting you
  2. Create Physiological Stress – disrupting your health and body
  3. Create Effective Stress – this could be anything physical to take place, leaving people in ditches and whatnot, effectively stress can be popping your tires, or shooting a gun at you.
  4. Cialdini+2 – and this is where if you can get all 3 of these things done, you've officially dismantled a life entirely.

An example I can think of where this was happening and taking place in my life and many others was being a part of tsu.co where we were all censored and with all that we were doing to empower and change peoples lives, there was no stopping us unless it was initially stopped by the tech giants themselves, which is – in my eyes, exactly what took place. We had an idea far greater than facebook ever could be, because facebook is greedy and corrupt, and we could have changed peoples lives for the better. They didn't like that idea, and it has to be attacked on the inside, which is was – and it had to be attacked on the outside as well – which is was. Then, through our growing this idea, we were censored and throttled, and stomped off of the same playing field as facebook or twitter were. We were “ruined” in other words, and this happened in a way I thought was by design because we were going to change this world. And, nothing but stopping the information could stop us... So, that's what took place.

Note the reference to the 4 D's, and it's relation to the D and D strategies employed in Canada, and the Disrupt and Deceive part happening by the church committee's. Though there are many that bare false witness and testify to falsehoods, there are only imitators. These are not REAL CHRISTIANS, so don't get them confused with REAL CHRISTIANS when proclaiming that CHRISTIANS did this or that... If their actions don't bare seed to bare fruit of their labor, they are NOT CHRISTIANS in my perspective. Christians take the word literally, and it's not just metaphors or stories being told, rather the truth of things as they were written. And, don't hand me a butter-knife of that of a New International Version Bible when the King James Version Bible is the sword that is under attack the most these days because People want to live contrary to Gods word.

These people who are doing to Zersetzung tactics and performing their little skits are vigorously harassing people in Canada, America and in places like the United Kingdom and Australia with the intent to poison every aspect of their lives.

At the beginning of my studies, I was terminated from a lease, and it was done illegally. I paid my part, and I was out of the place by the date, and it was clean... They charged me over $3000 dollars worth of damages, and being homeless didn't really help me fight it. I was also attacked through smear campaigns and gang-stalked to undergo depression and anxiety. I wasn't depressed however, I was being made to figure it all out. I knew something wasn't quite right about it, because it was seemingly to be that I had no rights, and I simply cannot fight it. But, nevertheless, their tactics worked. It screwed up my life in ways that are incomprehensible to other people. It messed up my brains chemistry, along with my physiology, and other psychological issues. I used to be more vibrant as a person, and didn't care what I said or did, because I felt free. I don't feel free today so it's a lot harder to speak in front of crowds. I don't think I would be the way that I am today, if it wasn't for the inner workings of that of a police state, and the creation of mind control or eugenics that still continue today. Though the government claims to have stopped using eugenics and stopped experimenting on individuals, they just re-named it, continued doing it, and just kept doing it through sanctions of their government to poison people and to continue to run experimentation on humanity. The ones they are using to target are the Christians, and the people of faith in one God among many others who are just too smart or caring. Holistic Doctors, Healers, Preachers, Teachers, Mothers, Fathers, Brothers and Sisters are under attack. The Family unit is under attack. Structure is under attack. Organization is under attack. Anything you do that shows these fools that YOUR GOD is more POWERFUL, THIS is what they HATE! They can't stand that you're still alive after everything they've put you through as they themselves would be dead.

How would Zersetzung affect YOU? Or to put it more bluntly, WHY SHOULD ANYONE CARE? It might happen to you, a loved one or close friend. Zersetzung is unusual and values the use of cruel and unusual behavior, but nevertheless, it's used more often than people think. Never would I have ever thought of anything like this happening to me, or my family, but – to me, it has. To other people, who knows? But, Zersetzung tactics are used against people who have no idea what is going on. All they think is that they have bad luck, and are at a point in life where they've developed cancer and gone for radiation and are being character assassinated, and left isolated from family and friends, who are just two inches away from suicide. And, some people, finish the job for these spooks. Another reason you should care is that you would probably want an effective intelligence service that is actually going to protect you and protect your freedoms to life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness. You actually want an intelligence that is smart enough to stop the tragic events of 9-11 and save lives before they get killed. You can get that from an effective intelligence service, but – you cannot get that from a secret police system that's running amok on peoples freedoms and rights.

An intelligence service is just about finding out information, and collecting it. A secret police system is only about hiding information, especially truthful information. They are mutually exclusive, as the intelligence community morphs more into that of a secret police system and a police state, we might just be losing a lot of our protection against things like terrorism than we anticipated by allowing government to become so big on power and high on energy by being able to extort its people and to constantly get away with stealing from us, and even to use our tax dollars to hurt us further.

A truthful secret service would be a quiet intelligence service that collects information and in it's analysis objective would be to get after the truth, and to help truth prevail. If we don't let truth prevail, we will enter times that are perilous as the Bible talks about. Sadly, I feel those times are upon us and don't care what anyone else has to say about it. I know what I've experienced in my life was anything but a fruitless fiction of what somebody else is making possible for me, as without all the harassment and stalking and attacks on my personal liberty and finances – not only would I and many others have money, but we'd have enough money to help people and be the kinds of people who truly would.

The job of the police are to serve the power leads, and not the state as a whole. They are to serve the sovereigns, which are all people blindly accepting citizenship as though they are still sovereigns. You're neither if you're a citizen, because you're a slave of the corporation of the United States. You're no longer a free man or woman of the United States as a sovereign, with rights. It's all been altered to run this slave-ship over humanity, in a way that is blinding the eyes of people, unable to see it.

The provocateurs, the liars and the people that spread it, the harassers, and the intimidators, sometimes as these people are spreading their falsehood about someone, it can become murderous. But, there objective is to hide the truth.

Lastly, I want to mention the rule of law, because it all begs for the question; “where are our power leads that are pulling the governments chain?” What is the point in voting for our power-leads in congress to pass laws, when power-leads in these secret services confront them at will? And, where else is this lack of upholding the rule of law affecting the democracy? To me, Zersetzung is more than just an attack on our civil liberties, but is an attack on the very under-pinning of democracy's rule of law. Zersetzung must be the single most dangerous thing to come about since the end of the cold war.

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