Setting up using Mac. Start with Ubuntu 16.04 Will be setting up as root. Will be setting up multiple MN on 1 VPS by using IP4 and IPV6.
I am making a video on how to set up the 2MN on the VPS. Can do the local wallet, because I have used all my coins to run the MN's.
Update, upgrade and install dependencies
enter following line by line. If you get ask hit "Y" and hit enter.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get install nano http git
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo apt-get install build-essential libtool autotools-dev pkg-config libssl-dev
sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
sudo apt-get install libevent-dev
sudo apt-get install libminiupnpc-dev
sudo apt-get install autoconf
sudo apt-get install automake
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libdb4.8-dev libdb4.8++-dev
Now let's create Swap.
cd /var
sudo touch swap.img
sudo chmod 600 swap.img
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swap.img bs=1024k count=2000
sudo mkswap /var/swap.img
sudo swapon /var/swap.img
sudo free
sudo echo "/var/swap.img none swap sw 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
Now let's install the wallet.
sudo tar -xzvf zsub1x-1.3.4-x86_64-linux.tar.gz
let's move zsub1x-cli, zsub1xd, zsub1x-qt to /usr/local/bin/
mv zsub1x-cli /usr/local/bin/
mv zsub1xd /usr/local/bin/
mv zsub1x-qt /usr/local/bin/
Let's delete .tar.gz .
rm -r zsub1x-1.3.4-x86_64-linux.tar.gz
Let's make .zsub1x directrory.
mkdir .zsub1x
cd into .zsub1x dir.
cd .zsub1x
Create config file here.
nano zsub1x.conf
copy & past following into the config file. Change rpcuser, rpcpassword, externalip & privekey.
Now hit control X
to exit the file, Then hit Y
to save and hit enter
to exit.
Start the server.
You can check block syncing progress by.
zsub1x-cli getinfo
Now lets setup Local wallet for 1st MN
Create a new address. I labeled it as MN-01
Send 20 zsub1x to that address.
Wait for 5 conformations.
Open debug console window.
Type masternode outputs
to get texid and index.
From the wallet menu click on tools and then click on open masternode config file.
Edit and Paste following line into masternode.conf file on your local wallet .
MN-01 IPaddress:5721 Genkey from VPS texid index
e.g: MN-01 xxxxxxgenkeyxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxtedidxxxxxxx Index
Before you save the file, close the wallet and then save it.
Reopen the wallet. Wait till its done syncing.
Click on Masternodes tab.
Click on your MN and then click start alias.
Unlock your wallet to start the MN.
You good to go.
Time to setup 2nd MN on the same VPS with IPV6 IP address.
On VPS stop the core.
zsub1x-cli stop
Crate a duplicate folder of .zsub1x and rename it to .zsub1x1 .
Copy the .zsub1x folder by doing the following
cp -r /root/.zsub1x /root/.zsub1x1
you can set the path according to your need.
Now cd into .zsub1x1 folder
cd .zsub1x1
Then nano into the config file
nano zsub1x.conf
Now edit config file
change the rpc user, pass & port
change externalip . While using IPV6, make sure to use it in [ ]
change the private key
You need to remove the line you add earlier (bind= )
masternodeprivkey=masternode genkey
Save and exit
Sart the 1st server
Start the 2nd server
zsub1xd -datadir=/root/.zsub1x1
To get info of the 2nd MN
zsub1x-cli -rpcport=1332 getinfo
To get the status of 2nd MN
zsub1x-cli -rpcport=1332 masternode status
You can use Top command to see the progress of both deamons.
Now lets setup Local wallet for 2nd MN
Create a new address. I labeled it as MN-02
Send 20 zsub1x to that address.
Wait for 5 conformations.
Open debug console window.
Type masternode outputs
to get texid and index. This time you will see 2 texid's . Use the 2nd texid for 2nd MN.
From the wallet menu click on tools and then click on open masternode config file.
Edit and Paste following line into masternode.conf file on your local wallet .
MN-01 IPV6:5721 Genkey from VPS texid index
e.g: MN-01 [IPV6]:5721 xxxxxxgenkeyxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxtedidxxxxxxx Index
Before you save the file, close the wallet and then save it.
Reopen the wallet. Wait till its done syncing.
Click on Masternodes tab.
Click on your 2nd MN and then click start alias.
Unlock your wallet to start the MN.
You good to go.
Auto start daemon on serve reboot by editing the crontab
crontab -e
Some time It will ask you to select the editor. Mostly option # 2 is nano editor. Hit 2 and Hit enter. It will allow you to edit the file.
Paste the following line at the bottom and save
@reboot zsub1xd -daemon
@reboot zsub1xd -datadir=/root/.zsub1x1
Auto clear log files.
cd to the root folder.
Now create a file call
copy & past following lines
Now hit
control X
to exit the file, Then hitY
to save and hitenter
to exit.give executable permission to
Now edit
.past the follwoing
0 0 */2 * * ~/
I think it will clear the log from debug.log every 2nd day ( if I am not mistakennn )
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