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Hola Jeff,
Just recharged the phone of our mutual libertarian friend living in Cuba Nelson Chartrand through Bitcoin's Lightning Network (long story).

The phone number you have on your youtube video below is outdated, his new number is 5356085502

facebook got some serious competition in decentralised social media :)

He will get what he has coming! Karma is very real.

They also didnt grill zuckerberg about fake book being started by cia front company inqtel.

One should be very careful now competition is very rough and need no time to beat anybody in seconds

Gold! @dollarvigilante your right on the money with all we get out of that hearing is more zucker meme’s. My handicapped coworker, he is all over this subject, asked better questions while screaming at his Ipad in the lunch room. He is a handful but more intelligent then those political hacks!


duuuuuuude crazzzzyyyy braaaaah

Zuckerberg's all time make decision by own think and focus as so clearly


I wonder how much money was spent/wasted on that 'hearing'?

@jeffberwick @dollarvigilante

You may be interested in this steemit post I did - In regards to Taxation How Government Unlawfully do this but yet legally get away with it.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)



The public were zucked

Suck erberg

can't we destroy this guy yet

Do you have a figure on the cost to the American tax payers in regard to Zuckerberg? Testimony

It was really fun to watch specially when those in position looks like they don't know what they're talking about.

If would be a lot funnier if he dropped one of the green things into his water like Hillary Clinton did. Remember when Alex Jones was trying to convince us all she was a alien ?

I dont have a facebook but That interview helped me to like Zuck more and made me really dispise those idiot politicians.

Good vid. Seeing Zuck's grimace makes me want to slap his face :D


Each time I see him he looks more and more creepy. He a pasty one isn't he. Oh well his days at the top are numbered 💯🐒

Right, he is not a human, he is an Archon from Archons.
@dollarvigilante, check message on Facebook.