Another spring day of the day passes."

in zzan •  last year 

Spring is now considered the season for farmers to plant seeds in the fields. Tractors are actively tilling the soil and
breaking up clumps of dirt. The sight of tractors in the fields is now commonplace and no longer remarkable as it once was. Initially, the appearance of tractors was met with awe and curiosity, but that wonder has since faded, and it has become a regular occurrence. In fact, the sight of cows plowing fields, as they did in the past, now seems unusual.

This leads to a reflection on how things have changed. In the past, it was the cows' responsibility to work in the fields. However, with the introduction of farming machinery like tractors, cows have been replaced by machines. This has resulted in cows no longer needing to perform strenuous tasks and living a more comfortable life.

This raises the question: are cows happier now than they were in the past? While the impact of farming machines on cows is not entirely clear, humans perceive it as a positive development. Cows no longer require regular feeding or care for their sleeping areas throughout the year. Additionally, farming machinery like tractors is only used when necessary, allowing cows to roam freely.

However, this transition to machines does not always bring positive outcomes. As machines evolve, humans have begun delegating their tasks to robots. Initially seen as beneficial for safety and productivity, this trend has taken a different turn with the rise of AI. AI has started competing with robots and displacing humans from their jobs, leading to concerns about their increasing autonomy and impact on society.

This shift from human-operated machines to AI-controlled systems raises worries about the consequences of technological advancement. While farming machines and industrial tools were once seen as symbols of progress, the emergence of AI and advanced robotics has transformed them into potential threats to civilization. This concern, although perhaps exaggerated, reflects the uncertainty and apprehension about the direction of technological progress and its potential consequences for humanity.

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