Hello views I'm going to presentation photography that are related Egg. But I discusse about food nutrition of a boiled Egg.I think every on must like egg. As a healthy human needed eat egg one year amount of 265 eggs so it’s significant for our health. Now l discuss food nutrition of egg.
1.one boiled egg amount of calories 155mg.
- Amount of Fat 11mg
3:Amount of cholesterol 373mg
4:Among of sodium 124mg
5:Amount of potassium 126mg
6:Amount of carbohydrate :1.1g
7:Amount of sugar1.1g
8:Amount of protein 13g
9:Amount of Iron (6%)
10:Amount of vitamin B-6 (5%)
11:Amount of magnesium( 2%)
12:Amount of calcium (5%)
13:Amount of vitamin D(21%)
13:Amount of cobalamin(18%)
That elements are influence to human body keep healthy