In this video I'm going to share with you what affiliate marketing is and how it works if you are a complete beginner I understand I was a complete beginner too and I get asked all the time what is affiliate marketing so I'm gonna explain it in this video my name is Rachel Ashley and this channel is all about affiliate marketing passive income making money online so if you're into that kind of stuff be sure to subscribe to the channel so basically affiliate marketing is someone buys something with your affiliate link and you make a commission the way the world makes money is through selling so yes we need to sell something the cool thing about affiliate marketing is you don't have to be that salesy you could just focus on traffic and let the funnel or the sales page or whatever the websites that you're promoting do the selling for you that's actually some of my favorite ways to make affiliate marketing is just promoting free offers but since it's still my affiliate link which is a tracking link I'll get credit for sales that are made later the key to affiliate marketing is getting traffic to your link getting people to click on your link then typically they'll get cookie that means the system knows that you sent the traffic so even if they buy later through email follow-up or if the company's sending paid advertising as long as they clicked your link last you will get credit for that affiliate marketing is great if you don't want to create your own product your own training your own software maybe you already use some software's this is like for online marketing industry or maybe you already use some certain products that you buy on Amazon or that you really love some makeup company or some clothing company or some kitchen supply company some food delivery company you can get affiliate links for it there is a difference between an affiliate program and a referral program oftentimes certain apps will have a referral program but you can also look to make sure that they have an affiliate program so instead of getting 1 3 by promoting our app you could actually get cash well not cash but PayPal deposits for promoting it so the main thing is traffic which I'm going to dive deeper in in this video you could also do some other things to get more commissions such as growing following growing subscribers on social media subscribers on an email list and then sending out your own emails your own automations you can build your own funnels you can have your own brand that's what I do that's how I increase my affiliate commissions but when it comes down to it the most important thing is traffic you don't have to build a brand you can just straight up send traffic to your affiliate link like some people would be like oh don't ever do that they're probably not watching this video though you can send traffic to a raw affiliate link there's better ways to mask your link to track it to make sure that you're tracking where the traffic came from because let's say you have an affiliate link to let's say a software like I promote click funnels so I got a one their dream car abort because I got so many affiliates they pay for my car and gave me a trophy it's kind of cool and I send traffic so many different ways so of course I track where that traffic comes from so here's the different kinds of traffic and we're gonna talk about online traffic not wrapping your car with one of those car ups and we're getting a billboard and saying go to my website this is online traffic so there is inbound and outbound inbound means they were looking for you outbound means you were looking for them and they were minding their own business there's also search traffic and social traffic search traffic would be inbound people searching they could be searching on google or on youtube or on bing and they're looking for something and you could show up organically with organic methods such as SEO search engine optimization or paid methods by running ads and then there's also social traffic people on social media which is like everybody or even people on apps I think apps are also somewhat of a social media there's different levels of traffic you can have cold traffic people they don't really know who you are what the product is or you can have warm traffic or hot traffic retargeting people who have already hit your site so this is some more advanced stuff most people I notice that want to start with affiliate marketing and making money online they want to start with the organic methods because organic methods are free methods three because they still cost your time and we're gonna get to a point as you get better and better that your time is worth more and more money so it actually makes more sense to work on paid methods or pay someone else to do these organic methods but I encourage most people to start with organic methods such as organic social media being active in facebook groups or well my favorite one is YouTube ranking videos on YouTube organically with titles and descriptions and tags and keywords and then if you're ready for paid traffic you don't only need money to invest in the paid traffic you still need to learn it's still gonna take time to learn it's still gonna take money to learn how to do these things - and by trainings something that I like to do is first try to get organic traffic if my video can rank organically maybe then I would I'll turn it into a paid ad if my Facebook post got a lot of organic engagement then maybe I'll use something similar and make that into a paid ad a lot of people don't know where to get started with affiliate marketing they're like what niche should I get into or what offer should I promote do whatever you like but I suggest online marketing I like online marketing I have to use all these tools anyways for my online business so I might as well promote them and teach you about them different software's different trainings things about funnels link tracking email automation actually have a free training in the description below it is a duplicatable system it's called affiliate business in a box and it teaches you how to start your affiliate marketing business from scratch it gives you the funnel it gives you the emails it gives you different affiliate offers to promote and it's a duplicatable system you watch the videos you implement and then it's set up so someone else can do it too and you make commissions on from them signing up for the software's that I recommend and a lot of people start this affiliate business in a box and they think this is gonna be their new life and I tell them this is not your new life like this one funnel and this is one campaign is not your new career it's a starting point it's a great way to start growing an audience growing an email list establishing yourself online getting funnels online getting a domain getting a professional email address set up getting link tracking set up and getting started a lot of people want to skip this step when they become students of mine enjoy my program daily commissions Club which has even more trainings and resources I still say hey go do the free training first so I want to suggest to you guys recommend to you try out this free training even if you don't end up attending a ton of paid traffic organic traffic to it you'll still have so many assets set up that you will want to have for your affiliate marketing business so you can find that link affiliate business in a box or in the description below also have the link for my paid program it has all my trainings all my funnels all the offers I promote all the emails just everything we have coaching calls in the group so it's not just a course it's of course with coaching the people that do make money with the program are the ones that don't quit the ones that quit don't make any money and that's just the truth about affiliate marketing some people say like affiliate marketing is dead it is not dead you could make unlimited money with it you can just keep on growing your passive income mine just keeps growing and my audience keeps growing and the more affiliate marketing the results that I get the more digital trainings that I can create and then that scales and then every time you learn something you can reach it and make more commissions that way .
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